Enemies Even Closer IIII

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Chapter 8. Led by the Blind Paris bombarded the conversation with empty comments and turn by turn directions.  After saying she wasn’t sure where they were going.  Yet they end up at an inconspicuously placed private member’s only club in downtown Norfolk on Granby Street.  Malaya was definitely out of her element.  Paris jumps out of the car and rushes over to Malaya’s side and grabs her out of car.  Saying girl come on it’s really time to party.  Malaya pulls away and says calm down I have to put my hills on.  I thought you didn’t have idea where we were going.  You have been full of surprises lately.  Paris says girl its time to party not talk or think.  Not tonight Laya.  They approach the doors to this secluded club in this unfamiliar environment to Malaya.  Paris nudges Malaya and says remember those guys I was telling you about earlier that wanted to double date?  Well SURPRISE They're here.  They gave me this pass to get in.  Malaya looks at Paris in utter shock and says didn't I tell you I didn't want to do the blind date thing!  What the hell has been wrong with you lately!  I feel like I don't know you anymore.  Paris you know me better than that.  Paris looks Laya directly in her eyes and says loosen up girl.  I wanted to make sure that Houston was the last thing on your mind tonight and forever.  We both need a new setting.  What can it hurt?  She shows no expression no smile or even a hint of a joke.  She turns and interlocks her arm with Malaya and literally drags her to the door.  She gives the guys at the door some type of code word and a card.  The guys shines a light on the card then he steps to the side and open the doors.  Paris and Malaya anxiously enter what looks like a scene from the God father.  The only distinct difference was a room overflowing with several shades of browns, pecan tans, butter scotches, chocolates, and caramels.  They are lead to a reserved table currently occupied by two men unknown to Malaya.  Malaya sits down and introduces herself.  She tries to be positive hoping her girl only had her best interest at heart.  She can clearly tell neither of the guys were there for her.  They are both very handsome, but never guys Malaya would date or attempt to keep up with.  Paris drops her purse goes straight to the bar to get a drink and then dashes to the dance floor.  Paris hits the floor leaving the cuter of the two men at the table with Malaya.  The cutie pie at the table says you look a little uncomfortable as he extends his hand out and introduces himself as Wade Waverly.  He says is everything okay?  Malaya says she is fine as she excuses herself  from the table for a moment.  As she's walking away from the table she gives her new found environment a quick overview.  To her amazement she spots Houston in the far corner of the club slightly bent forward talking to, and hugging up on some woman.  She can't make out the face of the woman and makes up in her mind that she will have a ridiculously stimulating night to remember.  She goes back to the table and orders herself a few cosmos to get the liquid courage to make her move.  Her waitress does an about face almost instantly saying this was sent to you by that man over... over... Well he was just right there.  Anyway here's your drink.  Drink up.  Wade comments you haven't been back to the table five minutes and you’re already getting drinks from strangers.  Go head with your bad self.  As they both laugh he touches her hand.  Malaya rather tipsy at this point doesn't even notice he's touching her.  Her mind is on having a good time.  Out of nowhere Houston takes a seat at their table and says so this is your juicy surprise huh?  She asks him to leave the table and leave her alone.  Houston says I’m not going anywhere I just paid for that Lychee Martini you just sucked down looking directly at Wade.  Wade says look man if the lady wants you to leave I suggest you honor her request.  Houston said look Wade I've been dealing with this nut case for years and she doesn't know what she wants.  Only I know what she wants!  So mind your damn business!  Wade looks at Laya and says do you want him gone or what?  Malaya says Houston  just leave.  Why don't you go back to that girl you were just all over, and stop wasting my time!  I don't want you anymore.  Houston lights a cigar, relaxes in his seat, and sips his drink as if he were a welcomed guest ignoring both of their request.  Wade gets out of his seat as Paris sash shays her way back to the table just in time with a drink in each hand.  Not saying a word.  She comes to the table and goes directly to Houston.  She stands between Houston's legs bends over causing all around to lock in on her backside and whispers in his ear.  The men at the table say nothing they just watch Paris move while Malaya almost falls out of her chair.  She watches Houston and Paris get up and walk in the opposite direction hand in hand.  Not once saying a word to her.  Wade says that’s how they always are and Paris is a firecracker don’t pay them any mind.  Malaya says what are you talking about that’s my ex boyfriend and best friend of almost 20 years.  Wade said oh so you must be Malaya?  Malaya said yes why?  Wade says I’m going to stay out of this.  I don’t want to start any rumors.  All I would say is have a conversation with both of them.  Malaya says this whole day has been so strange.  She is supposed to be my friend.  Now it’s all making sense.  Wade says damn if that's your definition of a friend I would much rather be your enemy.  Malaya disregards Wade’s response due to her being lost in "No they didn't land".  Malaya gets up to search for Houston and Paris.  Unfortunately due to the unfamiliar surroundings, lighting, and the overwhelming crowd she could not find them.  Malaya comes back to the table to see if they had returned.  They had not.  They were gone for what seemed like hours.  They were gone long enough for each of Paris's dates to make their way to and from the dance floor.  Malaya gets fed up with tonight’s goings on and decides to leave.  She leans over and asks Wade if he can give Paris a ride home as she gets up to leave.  Wade says sure, but I’m pretty sure she won’t need one.  Wade then says do you want to go somewhere else?  Malaya says you seem like a nice enough guy but, I don’t know you.  Wade says I respect that.  At least let me walk you out to your car.  Malaya agrees and while Wade is walking her out Paris comes up behind her and says BOO.  Where are you going Ms. Montgomery?  The night is still young.  Malaya quickly makes an excuse to avoid losing her composure.  She says I had too much to drink and need to leave right Now and stop touching me.  Paris asks is it still okay if my friends and I stay at Landens beach house tonight?  Malaya says Are You Krazy?  b***h NO and we definitely need to talk when you sober up.  Good bye Paris!  With her last strand of self control Malaya slips away from Wade and disappears in the crowd.  As soon as she see the entrance she bolts out of the club and carelessly wonders the streets of Waterside. Chapter 9. Shock, Anger, & Regret   Malaya wants to call Landen but didn’t want her inebriated state cause her to say things she couldn’t completely explain.  She could never find the words to explain the jealousy and pain arising inside her due to Paris and Houston’s disrespectful behavior.  She feels Landen would not understand because she is supposed to be getting over Houston, and closing that chapter in her life.  Had it been anyone else she would be relieved that he found another playground.  With the reality of it being her so called best friend of the last 20 plus years shock, anger and regret takes over.  Reality began to over power her false sense of self causing her heart and mind to be in a constant battle.  Instantly she began to jump to conclusions.  Her heart is pounding so hard she clutches at her chest.  She chooses denial and makes excuses for her best friend and ex boyfriends behavior.  Malaya reminds herself that Paris has always been overly flirtatious and even worse when she drinks, but never with Houston.  At least never in her presence.  Paris more times than not was a lot of drama but never at Malaya’s expense.  Malaya finds that she's getting angrier and angrier by the second so she counts backwards from 20 letting the lesser of both evils rest.  Switching her thoughts to Houston and why and how at one time not long ago this no good boy had so much control over her.  A light bulb comes on she hears her Godmothers' voice  “a man will treat you only how you allow him to”.  Laya had allowed him control of her mind, body, and soul from the day they met unbeknownst to her throughout their entire entanglement.  She thought she was giving and receiving unconditional love instead she was being used, molded, and betrayed by what she thought was her one true love.  Everything starts to hit her all at once.  She had to be away from all things to release her deeply embedded anger and hurt.  She just wanted to go somewhere and scream, and break things until she felt better, but she knew the pain would still remain.  After wandering away as far as she could she ended up at the boat dock at Waterside.  The water gave her a sense of peace.  She sits on the very edge of the dock visualizing herself jumping in and swimming away forever.  She’s shaken from her temporary sense of peace by the annoyance of her cell phone vibration.  The last things she wanted to do was talk to anyone.  She dare not answer her phone again without checking the caller id display after today’s events.  An unfamiliar phone number pops up on her display screen.  Due to her line of work she assumes it must be a client.  They would call her anytime of the day or night.  And most times it was an urgent circumstance.  She clears her throat and manages to say Ms. Montgomery speaking.  Landen says still working on your night out.  I knew it.  All work and no play that’s my baby.  How’s your night coming along?  Malaya does not say a word.  Landen say’s Laya are you still there?  In response she bursts out in a newborn baby cry and squeals out I call you back.  I am so sorry.  Landen says Laya Laya… as his connection is broken.  Landen darts to his midnight black and platinum Range Rover in hot pursuit of his lost and damaged sweetheart.  He turns on his hands free so he can focus on the road and calls Laya at least six more times.  He never reaches her, but he does reach Norfolk in twelve minutes flat.  Stopping at every club he sees in search of either Laya or Paris’s car.  In this situation he had to use drastic measures.  He felt so wrong calling Paris, but felt what else could he do?  He knew if he called Houston it would only get worse, but he needed answers.  The last time he saw Laya she was all smiles now she crying like a baby and not picking up her phone.  So he grits his teeth and calls Paris.  Paris is still partying hard but she notices the number and runs to the restroom for privacy.  Hastily she answers the phone slurring her words saying I knew you wanted me too.  I knew it would be just a matter of time before you gave up on chasing Malaya, and realize where you should be.  Landen abruptly interrupts her saying where’s Laya?  She said she was going out with you tonight.  I called her and she’s crying, and now is not answering her phone!  What the Hell is going on Paris!  Paris chuckles and says oh she was crying.  She sneakily says the last thing I remember is her, Houston, and my date at the table having drinks.  I have not seen her since about midnight.  Landen says you were all together having drinks?  Paris takes this opportunity to make yet another move on Landen.  Paris says you know how they do one day they are together the next day the aren’t, but why don’t we pick up where we left off.  As she continues to attempt to bait him in she sees the light on her screen go off indicating she had been hung up on.  Paris says I am going to party hard tonight but Mr. Watts you have not heard the last of me.  She exits the restroom finds Houston and drags him to the dance floor.  With Landen being baffled, and angry he decides to go have a drink.  He needed to calm down.  His journey takes him to The Time Lounge on Granby Street.  He parks directly in front of the doorway.  He gets out, walks in taking a seat upstairs.  He tries to drink his thoughts of confusion away.  An hour later and five shots too many he starts to feel the alcohol taking its toll.  He knows it’s best that he make his exit and goes to the bar to pay his tab.  While he is waiting for his change he sees Houston stumble into the bar hovering over a women that resembles Malaya.  Landen can not believe his eyes.  He knows he is too drunk to even think about doing a thing so he leaves.  Landen gets in his truck but can’t seem to leave.  He thinks to himself what if that is laya and she is in danger?  What if he drugged her?  Then he thinks maybe it was too soon to get involved so quickly after their break up.  She did say she was sorry, and did not return any of my call.  With pain in his heart and confusion clouding his mind he decides to head home.  He takes the short cuts to his place on the ocean front assuming Laya would more than likely not show.  Landen debates with himself the entire ride about calling Laya again or not.  As he reaches his driveway he calls again, and still there was no answer.  Landen goes inside heads directly upstairs talking under his breath trying to make sense of the many unanswered questions.  Once he gets to his bedroom he takes off his shirt and tosses it in the hamper.  He walks straight to his bar out on his terrace, and makes another drink that he knows he does not need, kicks his feet up, and drifts off. Chapter 10. The Realities of Betrayal Malaya feels somewhat relieved after getting some much needed fresh air and space.  She decides to call it a night hoping after a good nights rest things will work themselves out.  Malaya walks back down Granby Street in search of her car still very tipsy.  She finally finds it eight blocks away by clicking the alarm button repeatedly.  She flops in the car and starts the engine and sees the gas light come on.  Remembering she had planned on stopping to get gas but it had completely slipped her mind.  Malaya backed out of the parking lot and goes directly to the gas station.  She pulls into the first gas station she sees and fumbles around in her clutch for her credit card.  Instead of retrieving her card she pulls out a wad of money.  Landen had to have given her because Malaya rarely carries cash.  She starts to smile, and then pulls out the key to the beach house, and says he such a beautiful person.  She uses her card at the pump and just ponders over her next moves.  Saying what the hell I might as well go to the beach house it’s not that far away.  I really deserve a pick me up.  Although Malaya appreciated his most gentlemanly gesture and couldn’t remember the last time she had been treated so lovingly she knew she had to take her time.  During her short drive to the beach house she starts to daydream of what a life with Landen could be like.  As she closes in on her destination she yearns to know how it would feel to come home to this beautiful home and such an incredible man everyday.  Her daydreams of happiness were interrupted by the neighbor’s dog.  She reaches in her glove box for an envelope.  She stuffs as best she can the money Landen gifted her in the envelope, seals it, and gets out of the car.  She stands in the driveway and takes in the calmness of her surroundings.  She slowly advances up the steps and leans against his immaculately designed columns.  She then jams the oversized barely closed envelope in her purse, and takes off her shoes.  She then opens the elegantly designed French doors to yet another small piece of heaven and loses herself in the beautiful ocean view.  Malaya begins to lose balance she is still feeling her alcohol and has developed a slight headache.  She looks over to the right and knows she couldn’t begin to fathom making it up what looked like never ending marble stairs.  She cautiously advances forward and finds refuge at the first available location.  She misses the step down and stumbles forward landing safely on the couch as if it were placed there to catch her.  The oversized, plushy, and inviting couch was tantalizing.  She  lays her head back to stop the spinning as she look out into the water eventually drifting out.  Landen meanwhile is still out on his terrace drinking himself to destruction.  He decides to call Laya one last time before he calls it a night.  He comes in and sits on the bed and calls.  After the third ring he thinks he hears her phone ringing.  He says out loud I must really be drunk.  He hangs up and calls again.  This time he hears it again and walks towards the sound.  He is fuming mad thinking her and her company better not be in his house.  As he reaches the top step he does not see or hear a thing.  So he calls again.  The closer he gets to the couch the louder the phone rings.  From a distance he can see her things scattered across the table, but no Laya.  He walks towards the observation deck to enjoy the night sky and ocean.  As he approaches the couch he hears a slight soft moan.  Malaya was re adjusting in her sleep on the couch that looked as if it had devoured her up.  Landen smiles when he sees his demons were just trying to get the best of him.  He gently picks her up and exits the observation room towards the elevator in the rear of his kitchen.  Landen hits the button for the third floor with his foot.  He walks down the never ending hallway through the double doors that led to his bedroom.  He lays her in the middle as if she was an infant, and covers her up.  He then sits in his leather recliner and watches her toss and turn in her sleep until she gets comfortable.  Landen looks over at the clock and sees that it is 5:30 am, and decides to slip away to clean up, take a shower, and cook them breakfast.  About 8 am Malaya wakes up thinking last night had to be a dream, and simply needed to relish in the moment.  She sits up turns on the radio, opens the terrace door, and lies across the bed.  She rubs her eyes and starts to look around for her things.  That’s when she notices she is not laying where she thought she fell asleep.  She thinks to herself I must have been rather wasted last night I guess I did make it up the steps.  She starts to laugh at herself for such out of the ordinary behavior on her part.  She then chooses to sulk up as much peace and quite as she can.  Compared to her most recent ordeals it was the exact opposite.  She was given a piece of heaven all because of Landen and his gracious heart.  In mind thought the bedroom door creeps open.  Malaya barriers herself under the covers as Landen backs into the room with a tray in hand.  Landen has on an apron that says “kiss the cook”, a black tank top, and some gym shorts.  They just happen to be Malaya’s favorite because they leave nothing to the imagination.  From what she could see which was only a glance she was pleasantly pleased.  Landen since the day they met always greeted Laya with a full, warm, romantic smile.  However, today his smile seemed forced or rather apprehensive.  He sets the tray over Malaya’s lap, and kisses her on the forehead as he says good morning Laya.  He prepared grits, oatmeal, toast, and a wide array of fruit, orange juice, and coffee.  He says bon appétit my lady.  Laya says thank you Landen for everything.  The breakfast, your key to this piece of heaven and your kind heart.  You really mean a lot to me.  I apologize for asking ahead of time, but what are you doing here?  I know this is your place but I thought you said you were staying in Hampton last night.  Landen’s half smile completely disappears, as he says you don’t remember?  Laya says as she stuffs her face remember what?  Landen says I called you last night about 1:30 or 2am, and you were crying like a baby.  I could not get a hold of you so I chose to come look for you and make sure you were okay.  Needless to say I was unsuccessful.  I searched for you for about two hours, and decided to call Paris as a last resort.  I know it was bad judgement, and I will never call that girl again, but I could not reach you.  Check your phone messages.  She was no help with your whereabouts.  She did share with me that you and Houston were having drinks with her and her date last night.  Malaya pushes her tray of partially eaten food to the side, and says what are you talking about?  Correction just for the record Houston assumed I was with Paris’s company, and rudely invited himself to a seat at my table, and eventually left hand in hand with Paris.  That dirty b***h!  I should have known it I felt it.  I should not have ignored my gut.  By the way Mr. Watts how did you get Paris’s number?  I did hear you say you called her right?  I never gave it to you.  No wait don’t tell me.  I think I am going to be sick.  Landen says baby before I tell you this please know I did not and am not hiding anything from you.  I never thought in a million years that you would be friends let alone best friends with a person like that at all.  Malaya says Landen I don’t think I want to hear this.  I can not handle all of this backstabbing bullshit.  Landen says baby now that I have an opportunity to make you mine and happy for life I would never mess it up.  Please hear me out it is not as bad as you think at all.  I promise.  Landen turns away from Malaya and says I met Paris years ago.  I met her before you introduced us at the Cheesecake Factory.  She looked familiar but I could not place her that day, and it really didn’t matter to me either way.  I invited you out to lunch that day remember?  I had no idea you were friends until she sat down at the table.  You two are like night and day, total opposites.  Anyway remember the last big function I sponsored the Single Parent Scholarship Awards.  We changed so many peoples lives.  You know I believe all parents but specifically single parents should get a salary because it is definitely a full time job.  Well one of the top contributors was thanking us.  After I finished my portion of my speech she (Paris) was on my trail from the second I exited the stage.  Of course I lost her quickly.  She had made her way backstage somehow and started asking everyone who I was.  All the guys were mesmerized by her body, and seductive game.  They fed her whatever she wanted.  When I rounded the corner Ash almost knocked me down.  He said man there’s this juicy ass broad looking for you.  She’s itching to get stuck.  If you don’t get with that I will.  I brushed it off all types of women throw themselves at guys like me all the time.  I rather a woman let me come to her.  Malaya is caught on his every word. She couldn’t speak.  I got to the green room and she was stretched across the couch with her legs wide open.  I stepped back out and asked her to cover herself.  She was very upset, but she complied.  She continued to try to entice me but I let her know I was not interested and ended up giving her some passes to a few shows, and passes to the after party to get rid of her.  I was not impressed one bit, and we both knew it.  She gave me her business card and seemed pleased with her passes.  I had not seen her again until the day you and I met for lunch at the Cheesecake Factory.  Malaya was dressing as Landen was talking.  Malaya now knew for sure that Paris was a snake and Landen must have gotten her number from the card.  She gets up gives him a look that could kill, and walked out.  Landen in no more than his apron, and gym shorts raced after her, but refused to go in public so scantily dressed.  He puts on some more suitable shorts, looses the apron, and slips on his sneakers.  By the time he makes it back to the door he can only see the tail lights off in the distance of Malaya’s pewter and black Audi R8 coupe.  Landen thinks it is best that he give her the space she needed, and walked back in the house.  He takes a seat on the couch and notices an overly stuffed envelope on the table, Malaya’s cell, and purse.  He picks up the envelope and sees his name so he opens it and money spills out everywhere.  He shakes his head at how precious, independent, and kind Malaya truly is.  He then says God thank you for bringing an angel into my life.  Whatever I did to be aligned in her path I promise to do it for life if you bring her back to me.   
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