Enemies Even Closer IIIIII

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Chapter 14. Seclusion   Landen finds himself looking out his bay window, and before he realizes it’s been four hours.  He finds himself overly preoccupied with so many thoughts it's beginning to take a toll on him.  He's wondering was that Laya at the lounge with Houston, and if it was why would she come to my house?  He wants to know why Houston was at her house, and answering her door.  Why was she arguing, and fighting with Paris, and if it were over Houston or about what he told her.  Did the truth about them two creeping on her finally come out?  If so why had he not intervened?  Who was that man on her voicemail?  Question after questions fill his head he simply wanted some answer about what's going on?  Wondering was he making a huge mistake opening up to her like he did so soon.  She had not called or so much as texted him since yesterday.  After contemplating throughout the night, and for most of the day he makes up his mind to get away.  He drags himself from the couch and he starts packing.  He packs his things deliberately slower than routine.  Landen silently and privately craves a sign of any sort from his one and only true love Malaya.  He thinks to himself he was due some type of explanation.  He made every effort to bury the hatchet, but was inappropriately and abruptly thrown out.  For the life of him he couldn't figure out why Malaya had not reached out.  Even under the current circumstances he was ready to forgive and forget.  But if she didn't care to call why should he care so much?  Constantly battling with himself to make some sense of things.  Knowing full well in his heart all he wanted was to be in Malaya's presence, get some answers, and ease all her pains.  But, after another three hours with no communication from Malaya he regrettably turns on the timers, and places his bags at the door.  Landen calls his house sitter due to him not knowing exactly how long he will be gone.  He picks up his cell phone to see if maybe he missed a call while he was in the shower.  His last strand of hope disappears when he sees many calls, emails and messages but nothing from Malaya.  As he exits his home, locks up and heads to the lobby to await his driver he hears his house phone ring.  Landen drops his bags and races back in to pick up the phone.  He’s saddened when he hears the voice of his driver Bolivar.  Bolivar is calling to let him know he was on the way up to gather his luggage, and remind him of his flight time.  Landen says thanks I'm already headed down.  I'll be down shortly I was locking up when you called.  It was well after midnight his mind not heart tells him he must get away.  Since his heart had recently failed him he had to follows his mind to protect his heart.  He gets in the car and doesn't say a word to Bolivar.  That was more than unusual for Landen.  He always had a s********e tickets, some type of autographed material, or pictures of some sort for Bolivar.  Bolivar can see he is struggling with something and decides against asking about those concert tickets Landen recently promised his daughters.  Instead they travel in complete silence until they arrive at his private jet in just under fifteen minutes.  Bolivar goes ahead of him and places all of his belongings’ on the jet.  He finally musters up enough courage to ask Landen if everything’s okay.  Landen completely ignores him.  Not on purpose, but Landen is lost in deep thought in conjunction with dealing with the beginnings of a broken heart.  He didn't want to seem weak by talking about his feelings something that he never talks about.  Even though he knows Bolivar would be a great candidate for the conversation.  Bolivar's wife and love of his life since high school had recently left him and their two daughters for a NBA ball player.  Landen bits the bullet, and grins and bares the pain.  Bolivar returns to the car to open the door for Landen, and says are you okay?  Landen says yeah I’ll be just fine I’m sorry man did you say something to me earlier?  Bolivar says yeah I asked you were you okay?  Landen says o yeah I’m good I just have a few things on my mind.  Bolivar says well even though you are my boss and a great boss I must say.  I just want you to know you have blessed my life in so many ways. If there is ever anything you need that I can help you with just say the word.  Landen says I appreciate that, but I think this is something I have to figure out for myself.  You just make sure you take good care of those girls and show them a good role model.  Believe it or not it makes a huge impact on their lives down the line regarding the choices they make in life.  With that being said let me get out of here.  O yeah before I forget the pictures and tickets I promised you are on the seat in that blue folder.  You and your little ladies have a good time in the skybox.  Since I will be out of town you can drive the Range its due for a tune up anyway.  After you take care of that it's all yours, and I’ll call you when I’m headed back home.  Bolivar says I told you that you are a great boss.  Thank you so much Mr. Watts my girls will love it.  Landen says its only things that I have in excess you and your beautiful girls are family I wouldn’t have it any other way.  By the way let me take a look at that business plan when you are finished.  We are going to make a lot of money together.  Let me get on this jet.  Landen then turns and leisurely walks up the steps of the plane.  As he reaches the top step he stops and turns to look around.  Not quite sure what he was looking for, but he stood there looking anyway.  Secretly wishing Malaya would be frantically trying to interrupt his departure to state her claim.  As the vision of his fantasy dissipates he turns away, boards his jet, takes a seat, and lights a cigar.  He opens his lap top to look over his ignored emails from work, but can't focus.  He puts the lap top aside and pours himself a drink and starts to mentally prepare for his trip to The Hamptons. Chapter 15. The Wake Up  Malaya awakens from a forced upon her deep, dreary, and draining sleep.  She comes to the conclusion she had been laying in her hallway for at least two days straight.  She felt overwhelmed with so many questions and not one answer.  She was overtaken by feelings of powerlessness.  Malaya had been literally forced to face reality.  She accepts the truth and knows she’s at her wits ends.  She looks to the one and only that never leaves her side.  GOD The Divine.  Throughout all of her recent hurtful and pleasant lessons GOD remained a constant.  Malaya pulls herself up on the side of her bed and rest on her knees to pray.  She asks God for forgiveness, wisdom and clarity.  After remaining on her knees for about an hour she gets the power to bring herself to her feet.  Downloads begin to pour in and she starts to understand trust is not something one should ever give away freely.  It must be earned.  Let their actions or lack there of speak louder than their words ever could.  We must come to grips with what we put out there because it is exactly what we get back.  There's no if's ands or but's about it.  Malaya stops feeling sorry for herself knowing there is someone out there worse off than she is and she needs to be grateful for what she does have.  She no longer feels as bad about the not so bright decisions she has made in her life up to this point.  Realizing the lesson she learned.  Her personally inflicted worthlessness pushed her into the real world and not the fantasy land she had lived in for so long.  Essentially making her forgive herself and others resulting in a new inner strength simultaneously.  She counts her blessings for the clarity and thanks her savior for his agape love given without judgment.  Malaya walks to her closet and pulls out an outfit screaming comfort and freedom.  She happens upon her favorite chocolate short shorts that fit her just right.  Some open toed embellished wedge flip flops and her favorite chocolate tank top with a hand painted red rose across the front.  She walks past her mirror on the way to the shower and almost loses her will all over again.  She looks a hot damn mess.  Instead of giving in and losing her power again she turns a negative into a positive.  She uses her current look as fuel to improve herself immediately.  While in the shower Malaya hears her cell and house phone ringing back to back.  Intentionally she ignores them both.  She refuses to allow anyone or anything to interrupt or ruin her day.  She tells herself today is about Malaya, and those who are less fortunate.  Chanting me myself and I, and those that are in need meaning each and every word.  Now refreshed Malaya has a one track mind of happiness, self appreciation, and humanitarianism no matter the cost.  Malaya throws her hair in a simple ponytail to the side, grabs her favorite custom made Gold shades, a blanket, a book titled " Secrets" she has been writing for years and a jacket just in case it's a little nippy out.  She then grabs the three bags of clothes, shoes, and books she hadn’t gotten around to donating.  She goes to the kitchen to pack a small picnic for one.  In her homemade mahogany stained wicker basket lined with cream colored linen (a hobbies of hers she no longer indulged in due to time restraints).  She packs a bottle of champagne , one wine flute glass, a fruit medley, cheese, crackers, a small Caesar salad , and her purse) and heads out the door.  As she's loading the bags for the Salvation Army in her trunk she hears her phone ringing again.  She does remember someone’s frantic attempt to reach her only a short time ago.  She deliberately ignores it again refusing to allow anyone or anything to put a damper on her frequency.  Malaya gets in her car heading directly to the Salvation Army on Virginia Beach Blvd to make her donation first before drifting where ever the wind takes her.  After completing that task she hops on the interstate in the opposite direction of her usual path still with no destination in sight or in mind.  She was simply going with the flow and it felt so freeing.  Pleasingly she ends up in Buckroe Beach in Hampton, Va. The scenery alone would make a person call their Realtor immediately.  The homes were elegantly unique, and strategically placed for each occupant’s individual privacy.  The views provided a small reveal of the most peaceful and forgiving beach every few blocks quietly welcoming all interested.  The calmness engulfs her and she doesn’t fight it.  Instead she gets lost in the utopia like feeling.  Enjoying the newness of these feelings and the subtle calming nature it gave her.  Standing at the rear of the row of houses Malaya takes in the magnificent view.  Spotting a small secluded area away from everyone and everything.  Malaya makes her way to the unoccupied location, and lays out her blanket along with her spread of goodies.  Once she's situated she lays back to enjoy the sound of the waves gracefully enriching the shore.  Enjoying the faint sound of happy children playing.  Drifting deeply into her own memories she begins to think of the countless beach experiences she’s had throughout her lifetime.  From her childhood, her countless family reunions, to strolling the boardwalk as a curious yet shy teen, to the times alone for peace, reassurance, and gratitude.  She even goes all the way back to her good times with Houston.  Their very first date took place on a beach in much of the same setting.  They were young and it was sheer delight effortlessly discharged from both parties.  That teenage puppy love a memory she refused to let go.  Knowing he refused to fully reach his divine potential and what a shame it was for him.  Finally picking through the numerous beach parties Paris and herself attended.  More than not Paris's idea, but Malaya had to admit she did enjoy herself majority of the time, to the almost paralyzing view Landen more than willingly bestowed upon her.  Ending with her last most memorable out of left field gratifying visual rendezvous with Mr. Wade Waverly at the diner.  Before she knew what was happening he had taken her to a place she wished she never had to leave.  Malaya gets caught up in those moments while cracking open her champagne to toast herself a new start.  Three (Houston, Landen, and Wade) fine ass men impacting my life in both positive and negative ways all in the last week.  That's a first for me she says loud enough for only her to hear as she chuckles a bit.  She delicately sips her champagne, while eating her strawberries, and cheese as she is visibly disturbed by the sound of her phone.  Lazily searching for her cell she thought was far away or at the very least in the car.  She opens the basket pulls out her purse and gets her cell.  Looks at the phone, but doesn’t recognize the number.  Thinking it's probably a client she says what a beautiful day Ms. Montgomery how can I help you?  Refusing to let this one and only call put a damper on her marvelous day thus far.  The voice says I was feeling guilty about watching you glow like an angel without your knowledge.  I'm taken aback by how the sun kisses your sweet spots just right.  You are on display for all around to embellish in, and I needed to let you know I see you doing your thang for a change beautiful.  You’ve finally realized it's you that needs to be first in your o so busy life.  Malaya then looks at the display again to only see the phone number she still doesn’t recognize.  Putting the phone back to her ear she apprehensively asks who is this?  Why are you watching me?  Malaya surveys her surroundings for anyone that stands out.  The voice says you’re warm.  I see you looking. I’ll give you a hint.  I'm someone from your past, present and if others due unto me as I have done unto them your possible future.  The brief tryst we shared continuously plays in my mind as a beautifully written chapter of a novel that I must finish.  I am by no means saying I love you or anything like that.  I'm just letting you know what it is with me.  You have started to visit my thoughts at the most inopportune times.  I was attempting to recreate the view we shared this morning together to a client as a selling point.  With those very words being spoken Malaya knew it was Wade.  She was happy he had not forgotten about her, but never imagined he had any honest intentions towards her.  I was trying to use our experience as a selling point but I couldn't find the words to explain what we experienced.  My client made a comment of my kool aid smile and such descriptive details.  Right then and there I told her I needed a moment.  I decided to come outside for a moment to gather my thoughts.  Now as I’m standing on the balcony admiring the serene way the sky has calmly settled from its reds, and purples.  I look around and guess who I spot of all people you Ms Malaya Montgomery.  What a coincidence huh?  The mystery woman that has not left my thoughts since the night we met.  Malaya says Wade you’re a mess.  Wade says o you remember me now?  I'm now standing directly above you at a distance on a terrace overlooking the beach.  He's slightly bent forward slightly raising his black Kangol style cap.  He removes his shades as Malaya looks up in his direction.  He stands up straight putting the phone back to his ear and says you found me.  Then he says Malaya may I join you after my showing?  Malaya says sure briefly be my guest, but you see today is all about me so please respect that.  Wade laughs, looking back at her as he walks in the revolving glass doors.  He finally says of course ill respect your wishes let me finish up so I don’t keep you waiting long Ms. Montgomery. Chapter 16. All about Laya  As Malaya gets herself together for whatever may be happening her phone rings again. Upset with herself for neglecting to turn it off.  She looks at the phone and anger instantly sets in.  It's Paris!  She remembers she had not gotten her keys and credit card back from her in all of the agitation of the previous day’s events.  She picks up the phone and says yes Paris.  What could you possibly want?  Paris clearly crying manages to squeals out "I want to explain, and I’m so sorry".  She starts out by saying "Houston lied to me too".   He had some very influential information that made me say yes.  She apologizes for sleeping with Houston for the last year and wishes she had been the one to have told Malaya first.  Paris was the first to admit anything.  Paris not realizing Houston had not even attempted to explain anything to Malaya.  Malaya remains quiet as a mouse since Paris is freely telling on herself.  Malaya waits to see if she mentions anything about Landen or Wade.  Malaya knows at that moment the person she has held so close, trusted, and would have done any and everything for was fake as a three dollar bill.  Paris then says something Malaya had trouble believing  “I have been jealous and envious of you for years, and I know it's not your fault Laya.  You helped me out when no one else would.  I wish I could take it all back.  I didn't mean to hurt and use you.  You’re just so kind and giving to everybody.  But you see I’m used to getting any man I want.  That was the one thing I had and you didn't for years.  It may sound selfish to you, but that's all I had.  I started to see the unattainable, and most attractive men gravitate to you, show interest in you, and be blown away by you.  I couldn't put my finger on it.  It took over me, and I just couldn't handle it.  I felt like you were doing it on purpose.  I know it all sounds like a bunch of lies, but it's true Laya, you've got to believe me”.  Malaya said I hear you.  I don't know if I believe you, but I do hear you.  That being said is there anything else you want me to know or say?  Paris says like what?  Malaya says never mind.  Disappointed knowing she still hasn't told her everything.  It was clear that she was still hiding things and still looking out for her own well being or a free ride.  Malaya says well I hope you find what you’re looking for.  Whatever that may be?   I will say one day I’ll be able to forgive you, but will no longer be that cushion or friend to you.  I thought you were my best friend!  Not this opportunistic, narcissistic, money hungry, backstabbing slut you turned out to be!  Guess that old saying keep your friends close and ENEMIES EVEN CLOSER  may have some validity to it after all.  I’m healing and releasing toxicity that includes you.  Don’t ever call me again and by the way the locks have been changed, the code to my home alarm is updated, and the cards canceled so this should be the last I hear from you.  I wish you luck and a new found self respect Paris cause karma is a b***h.  Malaya hangs up.  Making sure she turns her phone off this time. She feels as if ten million tons had been lifted from her chest.  Letting out a sigh and a tear simultaneously she puts her shades on and remains in the moment.  Wade stands there for a moment and then says I'm proud of you Sunset.  Malaya jumps a little startled by Wade's voice.  She says can you stop popping up like that.  He says did you realize that you never lost your cool or raised your voice?  How do you do that?  You will have to teach me how that's done one day.  Malaya hadn’t paid any attention to the fact that she had not raised her voice and remained calm.  That was new for her she had lost her cool for years with anyone that had crossed her.  She thinks silently that was the Divine I guess it's starting and I fully welcome the changes.  I asked for a better self understanding and internal peace well here it comes a brand new me, and I am so ready for it.  Wade realized his statement pushed her to or interrupted her deep thought.  He understands exactly why she is not responding.  As a reaction he picks up some sea shells from the sand and tosses them into the water in silence.  After about two minutes Malaya says I guess I could teach you how to keep your cool for a small fee, and for real stop sneaking up on me.  She looks up at Wade for a reaction and they both laugh.  Wade says may I (gesturing to have a seat) and Malaya nods in agreeance.  He joins her on the evidently too small for two blanket.  They both drift off into the sky again together.  No Words are necessary.  Over the next few days Malaya and Wade spent quite a bit of time together at his home in Hampton.  Which just so happen to be conveniently six houses down from the one he just sold?  Wade had a chef come over twice a day to prepare breakfast and dinner.  They always went out for lunch. Wade refused to let Malaya lift a finger.  Malaya and Wade went to the movies, walked in the park, and even slept in the same bed once.  They never came close to crossing the lines of a friendship.  Wade was an absolute gentleman.  They enjoyed their drama free uninterrupted time alone, full of smiles, laughter, and peace.  On their fourth day together Wade tells Malaya that he has to fly out on business on the red eye that night.  And that he would be gone for about three days.  He asks her to join him if her schedule permitted.  Malaya tells him to give her a few hours to get back to him.  She said she needed to check in at the office to see if she's needed for anything.  Truly Malaya needed time to breathe and think without Wades mere presence.  Him in an eyes view created heavy persuasion that pushed her to make her decision in his favor against her own better judgment lately.  Malaya reminisces about how similar Wade and Landen are.  Yet they were so very different at the same time.  They are both successful, good looking, and compassionate men.  Wade was a business man, always had a joke, and loved to do silly things.  Where as Landen was more of a romantic, compassionate, and straight to the point about most things.  Malaya comparing them made her feel a little guilty.  As she remembers she had not made any attempt to reach out to Landen to explain.  She had not planned on meeting up with Wade, or remaining with him for four days.  Knowing she had some unfinished business to attend to Malaya gathers her items up to leave.  She thanks Wade for a wonderful time, and tells him she has to be going.  She says she will call him to let him know if she decides to accompany him out of town on such short notice.  Wade tells her she's so welcome and to come back anytime.  He say  I truly enjoyed your company.  Wade says umh umh umh as he lingers behind her as she walks out so he can enjoy the scenery one last time.  I wish I could put this trip off Malaya.  He tells her she made him feel ways he hasn't felt before without s*x, and it felt damn good.  Wade walks ahead of her to get the car door as he carries her basket and miscellaneous items to the car for her while continuously complimenting her mind, appeal and conversation.  (Another reminder of Landen, and why she needed to be going).  He opens the rear car door for her and put her basket, and bags in the back seat and then leans it to say I really enjoyed you come back soon.  He then kisses her hand and stepped back (as to say he's given her permission to leave) placing one hand in his pocket, using the other to block the sun from his view.  He couldn't risk Malaya missing him wink at her as she pulls away.  Malaya thinks what a magnificent home and resident I must say.  After taking in the view one last time she says thanks again for everything.  I'll call you.  Have a safe trip.  I'll tell you now just in case I'm not with you.  Malaya waves as she drives down the winding driveway saying bye Wade, I had a great time.  To Be Continued  

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