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Emma's POV I looked around frantically for my clothes but found nothing. Who could have taken my clothes? I started to panic, feeling petrified. Without my clothes, I would be really trapped; I wouldn't be able to leave the bathroom or go anywhere. I'm sure the person who did this will be back to drag me out and humiliate me more. What am I going to do now? I suddenly heard the door open and someone coming in. Is that the person who took my clothes? Are they here to finish what they started? I feel real dread beginning to seep in; my stomach clenches painfully at the thought of being dragged out of here naked. "Emma," I hear a voice whisper. "J. John, is that you? I said. "Of course it's me; here, take these clothes and get dressed quickly," he said, tossing some clothes over the bathroom stall to me. I picked up the clothes and wore them quickly; they fit perfectly for clothes brought from lost and found. I went outside the bathroom to find John waiting for me, concern evident on his face. "Are you okay? Why didn't you wait for me?" he asks. "A teacher sent all of us in the hallway to class; I could not escape. I went to class, and the math teacher told me to go clean up before attending her class. How did you know I was here?" I asked curiously. "I'll tell you outside; have you forgotten I'm in the girl's bathroom? Let's go before we get caught," he said as he left hurriedly, and I followed. We skipped math class and ended up on the stairs that led to the roof. "So, how did you know I was in the bathroom? I started. "After getting your clothes from Lost and Found, I met some girls who were talking about disposing of clothes that Hailey sent them to. I immediately knew they were talking about you, so I rushed to the one place you could take your clothes off, the bathroom," he explains. "Hailey again, why am I not surprised? This was all part of her big surprise. I can't wait to turn eighteen, leave this place, and finally get this life past me." I sigh, sitting on one of the steps next to John. "I'm so sorry about what you are going through. Why is Hailey so into you? Wanting to hurt you every day? To worsen it, the Alpha's sons follow her every whim," he asks. Even though I don't understand why they hate me so much, I shudder to think what would happen to me if she got mated to one of the boys and became Luna," I said. "That would be one hell of a combination," he mutters. "That's why I want to leave this place quickly before that happens," I said. The bell rang, signaling a lunch break. We also missed the second period; time flew so fast. "Let's go get something to eat," he suggested. "I really don't want to eat in the cafeteria; what if I run into Hailey or the boys? I said, feeling scared. "How about we go get some food and eat it right here? he said. "That sounds better; let's go. I agreed, and we walked to the cafeteria together, not knowing I was walking right into a trap. Everyone stopped talking when we walked in. I knew this was not going to end well, so I quickly grabbed some food and turned around to leave. "Well, well, well, look who the wild pig dragged in—its sister. Hey pig, you're leaving so soon! Who else would it be, apart from Hailey? Everybody laughed at the joke. She walked to where I was standing in her high heels. "You still reek even after taking a bath; you can take a pig from the gutter, but you can never wash away the smell of dirt completely from the pig," she said with disdain. "She stinks," Philip said, spraying some deodorant in the air. "I agree," Julian said. Alexander just stood in the center, his hands in his pocket, and his face devoid of any emotion. Julian stood on the right, Philip on the left, Alexander in the middle, and their queen Hailey in front of them. Just perfect! "I want to do an experiment, and who better than you to be my specimen?" She said it with an evil glint in her eyes. Why don't you just leave me alone? If you wish to do an experiment, go to the f*****g laboratory. I wanted to scream in frustration. "W...what experiment?" I asked, awaiting her response and holding my breath. "Are you questioning her with your filthy mouth, pig?" Julian asks. "She just never learns her lesson," Alexander finally said coldly as he kicked my food from my hands. The contents landed and flew around the cafeteria, some landing on my hair and neck as the plates crumbled down with a crash. "Guys, take position," Hailey ordered loudly. I saw the students beginning to form a circle around me, and I was perplexed. What is Hailey planning now? They had already pushed John away from me. “Attack!” Hailey said. Everybody started to throw water balloons at me; some landed on my face, which will no doubt leave a bruise, and some landed on my head; one even ended up on my nose, and I could feel something warm trickling down my nose. I felt the liquid with my fingers and saw blood. I tried to shield my face as much as I could. Then came the flour; they all threw flour at me, which stuck to my clothes because of the water. I started coughing vehemently. The clothes I managed to get are now ruined. Just when I thought it was over, I felt something hard hit my head. It made a cracking noise and trickled down my hair, sticking to it. I gasped when I saw the number of eggs being thrown at me. Hailey laughed gleefully, saying, "What a wonderful sight! I made such an amazing recipe. Don't you know what you are yet?" she asks. I just stared at them, still in shock; my mouth wouldn't open. "Anybody have any idea what we are making? Hailey asks excitedly. "We are making a pancake," Julian and Philip both said. "That's right, well-done guys," Hailey says, giving both the boys high-fives. I tried to hold back my tears, but I just could not; my whole body ached, my nose throbbed badly, and people were taking videos of me. The cooks serving food in the cafeteria didn't dare intervene, seeing that both Alpha and Beta's children were present. I cried silently, knowing nobody would be able to save me today. Awwn, is poor Emily crying?" Hailey asks, making the boys chuckle. They continued throwing eggs and flour at me, calling me all sorts of names. "Garbage can" "Trash" "Fat pig" "Malnourished b***h" Why can't they just pick one and decide already between the fat pig and the malnourished b***h? "Guys, since we are making pancakes, don't you think something is missing?" Julian asks curiously. No, please, let it not be what I'm thinking. "Let's fry her! Philip screams excitedly. Everyone started shouting, "Fry her, fry her, fry her." No! I looked around frantically, trying to find somewhere I could run, but everywhere was filled with angry students. I looked around helplessly. Hailey, Philip, and Julian were already coming toward me; Alexander stood behind me. There was no escape route now. Ring! Ring! The bell rang. Lunch break was over, and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "You lucky b***h," Hailey said. "Narrow escape, but this doesn't mean we are done here." Alexander left, and they all followed; the crowd dispersed as everyone left for class. My legs gave in, and I fell to the cold, hard floor. "Emma, are you okay? I'm so sorry I could not do anything," John said helplessly. "It's fine; help me up," I say. He helped me up, and we went towards the bathroom. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I look like s**t; eggshells are sticking to my hair; my clothes are completely covered with the floor; and my nose is big, red, and swollen. I try not to cry. I cleaned up as well as I could and left the bathroom. "Here, take my hoodie and spray this," John said as he removed his hoodie, gave it to me, and handed me his deodorant. "Thank you," I say, grateful. "Are we still going to class? Or should we get out of here?" he asks. "I can't leave; Hailey asked me to come to school; she will punish me if I leave," I say sadly. He looked at me with pity and said, Okay, then let's go." We got to class and met Hailey sitting on Julian's thighs. "Behave Hailey and settle down," our physics teacher warned. She just rolled her eyes and took her seat behind me. She kept pushing my chair with her legs. The chair made a squeaking noise. This went on for like ten minutes until our teacher felt like he had had enough. "That's it, Hailey, detention now," he says angrily. She glared at me angrily before leaving, saying, "You are a dead meat b***h. But what did I do?
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