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Emma's POV I could not focus on class, not after the threat I just received from Hailey. But I didn't do anything to her; she was the one who kept pushing my chair, which led to her detention. I kept fidgeting in my seat, knowing Hailey was going to deal with me today. The hairs at the back of my neck stood up in fear. I felt someone bore holes in my back. I turned around to see the triplets glaring at me as Julian made a sign with his hand like a knife and ran it along his throat. "You are dead," he muttered. I felt beads of sweat appear on my forehead. Sir," I mumbled weakly, trying to get the attention of our teacher. "Sir," I called out again, louder this time, finally getting his attention. "What is it, Emma?" he asks. "Hailey was not the one disturbed; I was." I lied so the teacher could call Hailey back, and I would be free from her wrath. "I'm not blind; I saw Hailey disturbing my class countless times. Now settle down or join her in detention," he warned. I shut my mouth quickly. Joining Hailey in detention would be the worst thing that could happen to me today. Whether I join her or not, either way, I'm screwed. The school closed for the day, and much to my disappointment, I put my books in my bag, slowly trying to delay my inevitable punishment. John and I left the classroom together. "Did Hailey say something to you after she was sent out of class?" he asks, curious. I was so spaced out, still thinking of Hailey, that I didn't pay attention to what John was saying. "Emma? Emma!" he called out loudly. I jumped when you called my name loudly. "What? You startled me," I said. "What were you so engrossed in thoughts about?" he asks. "What else other than my worst nightmares? I sighed exasperatedly. "I was right then; Hailey said something when she was sent out of class," he said. "How did you know? She was facing me," I said. "I figured it out with the way you've been acting since she left class," he muttered. "You are right; she said I was dead meat; she blames me for being sent to detention," I utter sadly. "Is she demented? How is that your fault?" he asked. I was just about to respond when I heard Hailey's voice. "Sounds like someone is complaining about me," she said, her voice filled with spite. My blood ran cold as I felt the urge not to turn around and look at her face, but I knew better than to turn my back on her when she was speaking. I turned around slowly to see Hailey's angry face, and, of course, the three Musketeers were behind her. "You look like you've seen a ghost; are you surprised to see me?" she asked, smirking evilly. What is she doing here? Is she not supposed to be in detention? "Thought I was in detention? That fool of a teacher dared to punish me? Hailey? He messed with the wrong girl," she said angrily. I felt a sense of dread. What had they done to our teacher? "Curious now, pig? Julian asked. Well, let me satisfy your curiosity; he dared to disrespect our queen, so let's just say he lost his job, and you won't be seeing him around for a while, and even if you do, you won't be able to recognize him," Julian said laughing. No, no, no. I really liked that teacher; he's the only one in this school who doesn't follow the whims of the triplets, knows his duties, and is not biased. Alexander walked towards John, towering over him dangerously. "Why are you still here? Get lost!" he commanded. John gave me a sorry look and quickly ran out of the door. "Now that the teacher got what he deserved, you are next," Hailey said. Philip and Julian dragged me like a rag doll out of the school premises, no one daring to stop them. We finally arrived at a secluded place, and they both flung me away. I landed on my stomach, making me wince in pain. Hailey walked towards me and held my cheeks with her hands, her nails digging into my skin. "Since you are the cause of all this, you deserve your punishment, don't you think? She said it evilly. "But I didn't do anything wrong," I dared to counter. "What did you say, b***h?" She slapped me so hard that my head flung to one side. "You dirty, smelly, fat, stupid b***h dared to talk back at me!" She yelled as she kicked me repeatedly. "Guys, tie her up," she commands. The boys brought a rope and tied my hands and legs firmly with it. Next, they hung me up on the tree behind us. Philip brought out a bucket and emptied the contents on my head. I was expecting dirty water as usual, but to my horror, the buckets were filled with ants and cockroaches. They had removed the hoodie John gave me before hanging me up, and since I was wearing a short gown that stopped at my knees, the ants and cockroaches entered my clothes and bit my flesh. I screamed like there was no tomorrow; the ants bit me so hard that it was so painful that I threw up everything in my stomach. "Eewww!, Hailey exclaimed, scrunching up her nose in disgust. I wiggled and screamed like a deranged person for a long time, but they only stood there laughing their asses off and filming me. "Please let me go, plea...aaaaah." I cried and screamed as the ants made their way to my face. "That's right, b***h, scream, scream louder," Julian hooted, first bumping Philip. I turned around, looking for someone to save me. My gaze met Alexander's, but he just smirked coldly at me. I screamed for a long time until I lost my voice and my head ached from shouting. Then they cut the ropes, and I fell to the floor on my face. I started brushing off the ants with a horrified look on my face. "Want water?" I heard Alexander ask. They all looked at him, curious to see what he would do. I nodded my head vigorously with tears in my eyes. I'm sure my face will be so red from those many ant bites. I thought he would at least pity me. He walked towards me with a bucket of water and emptied the contents in front of me. "There you have it, water; go on, use it before it dries up," he said, smirking. They all burst into laughter. "Nice one, Alex," Hailey said. I ignored them and quickly scooped some of the water, which had turned muddy due to the sand, into my hands, but I didn't care; I rubbed the muddy water continuously on my body. It made me all dirty, but it instantly cooled the ant bites, making the pain more bearable. "Let's go, guys; she's pathetic," Julian said. They all left me on the floor, tending to my wounds. I got up after some time and weakly walked home. A huge pile of clothes and dirty dishes greeted me when I arrived. I walked past it to my room, immediately took off my clothes, and ran to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and sighed in relief as the cool water hit my skin. After taking my bath, I swallowed some pain reliever. I just hope I don't become addicted. I applied ointment to my wounds and headed out to do my work for the night. I washed the dishes, and, as usual, the laundry room was locked, so I had to handwash the clothes. I was scrubbing the floor when I heard noises coming from Alexander's room. I curiously tiptoed to his room, and as I got closer, the sounds got louder. Is that Hailey's voice? The door was slightly open, so I peered inside. What I saw made me widen my eyes in surprise. Hailey was completely naked on Alexander's bed. Her legs and hair splayed widely, and Julian was positioned between her thighs. His finger penetrated her v****a, pumping in and out vigorously. She was moaning loudly; he ripped a condom with his teeth, fixed it, and teased her with his tip. She groaned in frustration as she raised her hips off the bed, trying to reach him, but he moved away smiling. "What do you want?" he asks. "I...I, mmmmhh," she moaned when his thumb robbed her c******s and his finger thrust harder. She groaned again when his finger slowed down again, denying her the reprieve she so desired. "Stop playing games, Julian," she said. Julian entered her with one firm thrust, making her scream loudly. He began to move very fast, and he picked her up and f****d her against the window. I wonder where Alexander is, since this is his room. My body pressed against the door, making it open wider. I saw Alexander sitting with his head thrown back and eyes closed as Hailey gave him a blowjob, with Julian still f*****g her from behind. I felt the spot between my legs tingle. Our gazes met, and he smirked. I gasped and ran from the room. "Harder, Philip, harder," I heard Hailey moan from my room. I tossed and turned but could not get any sleep. Oh boy! This will be a very long night.
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