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Emma's POV I sigh as I pull my hair out of frustration. I wanted to scream and vent all my sadness, anger, and pain, but I know better than to do that, I wouldn't want Hailey and the boys to add to my punishment for disturbing them. I drag my feet to the kitchen to meet a huge pile of dirty dishes waiting for me. Who used all these dishes? I'm sure Hailey intentionally soiled all this just to make me work extra time. I walked to my room and changed out of my dress. I got to work and started washing the dishes, they were so oily and dirty that it took me hours before I could finally finish them. After that, I gather the heap of clothes Hailey has left for me. She was right, the laundry room has been locked. Tears filled my eyes as I sat down and began to handwash the clothes. I scrunch my nose in disgust when I find Hailey's underwears. She doesn't even have the decency to wash them herself. I don't have a choice, so I wash them anyway. The clothes are soiled with tough stains that I wash until my hands turned sore. My fingers look red and swollen, but I ignore them and continue. I didn't waste any time as I immediately got to scrub the floor, my back, and arms were throbbing in pain, but I continued. Only when I finish I will be able to get some sleep. “Finally a moment of peace,” I sigh in relief. I'm finally done with all the chores, even if it's already 5am in the morning. I won't be going to school anyway, I just hope Hailey and the boys allow me to sleep in. With that thought, I stretched my aching limbs and drifted off to sleep. I gasped and jumped out of bed as I felt something cold splash on my face. I open my eyes only to meet the gaze of the boys. “Get up, you filthy pig,” Julian said, kicking my side with his leg. “Told you dirty cold water would do the trick, after all, pigs love to roll in the dirt,” Philip said, towering over me as they all laughed. “Bring the b***h out, I can't bare to come into her pigsty. It reeks of filth,” I hear Hailey's voice say impatiently from outside. “You heard her, get the f**k-up,” Julian screamed at me. I quickly scrambled up, ignoring the pain all over my body, and ran outside only to meet with the cold, handsome face of Alexander. “Why aren't you ready for school,” he said coldly. Since when do they care about whether I go to school or not? After the prank they pulled yesterday, I wouldn't dare to show my face in school so soon. "S..school?” I stutter, his cold gaze almost numbing my tongue, not allowing me to speak. Hailey's well dolled up face came into my view, “Is the pig deaf now, did too much dirt get into your ear?” She asked, her eyes glaring at me. “I…I'm not going to school today,” I mumble. “Come again,” Hailey said, getting dangerously close to me. “I said, I don't want to go to school tod...,” I barely finished when she slapped me hard across the face. My face stung, and my ears made a ringing noise. I barely recovered from that when she grabbed my hair and yanked my head back. “Do you think you get to decide whether you come to school or not, our house, our rules, and if we say you are going to school today, then you are,” Hailey says. I started to panic, I really can't go to school not with what happened yesterday, the students will make my life hell. Not that it didn't feel like hell already, but they will worsen it. Her long manicured nails dug into my scalp, making me wince in pain. “Julian seems like this pig needs a bath,” Hailey says, smirking evilly as she stepped back. “With all pleasure,” Julian said as he walked towards me and emptied the remaining content of the bucket on me. It smells like fish and another smell I couldn't quite decipher. It smelled so horrible, I almost puked. They all laughed loudly at me, while Alexander looked at me with an amused smile. “Before you come to school, make sure you clean this mess, do I make myself clear?” She asks. I quickly nodded my head in response. “Answer me when I'm speaking to you,” she says, stepping on me with her high-heeled shoes. “Yes, I understand," I answered. “You better, this house stinks, boys let's go I feel queasy," she said as she turned around and left swaying her hips in her extremely short skirt, the boys following behind her. “ Today will be so much fun guys, I need a tissue, my hands stink,” I heard Hailey's voice outside. “Apply some deodorant before getting in the car, guys, don't get filth on it,” I heard Alexander's voice say. My heart bled, it felt like I was stabbed with a dagger right in the chest. I'm sure that Hailey has some evil plan, that's why she insisted I come to school. I stood up quickly and cleaned the floor, If I'm going to school, I should not arrive late, else that would be another problem. When I got into the bathroom, I tried to get the disgusting smell off me, I scrubbed my body till it burnt bright red, yet I still smelled horrible. I didn't have the luxury to afford another deodorant, the cheap one I had finished a long time ago, and If I dared to use Hailey's she would know immediately and skin me alive. I quickly wore my clothes and left the house. Only the moon goddess knows what Hailey is planning and what those students will do to me today. I stood at the entrance of our school still smelling horrible, I did my best to wash off the smell, but it would not come off. “Oh moon goddess, save me,” I muttered under my breath and walked into the hallway. I saw some students in the hallway staring into their phones. They were watching and laughing at something, which, I assume, was a video of me getting embarrassed yesterday. I walked carefully, trying not to get caught. “Hey everyone, the biggest joke of the century is here,” one of the students in the hallway screamed, signaling everyone. Oh! great! So much for being careful, I am in deep s**t. Two students suddenly came in front of me and started acting out the worst humiliation of my life. Well, most of it. “Hi, I'm Emma, I'm a fat pig in a green dress that wants to kiss you. Please do me the honors and kiss me, you look so handsome. be my first kiss please I beg of you,” the student said, imitating me. “Hi, I'm Philip and I will do you the honors,” just when the student imitating me moved closer to kiss the guy who acted as Philip, he stepped away, making her fall flat on the floor. “Why would I kiss you pig, you look ugly as f**k and your mouth stinks like a sewer, what made you think I would kiss your smelly, pathetic self," he said. “Oh no, am I that disgusting, nobody wants to kiss me, I'm nothing but a smelly thing,” the girl said, bursting into laughter as everyone else in the hall followed. Tears stung my ears. “Nice play guys,” everyone in the hall praised them. “Why did she come to school anyway?” “Has she no shame” “Disgusting” “Filthy rag” “Fat pig” “Evil witch” “Sad lonely b***h” “Why don't you just die already” They all kept insulting me until I felt someone hold my hand and drag me to my locker. “Emma, what the hell! I thought you said you weren't going to come today,” I heard John's angry voice. “I didn't want to come but Hailey and the boys made me, they all forced me to come, they knew this would happen,” I said sniffling. “Are you okay, and why do you smell so awful? He asks, covering his nose. “Thanks for stating the obvious,” I said sarcastically. “The boys threw dirty water on me, I don't know what it contains,” I said. “Whatever it is, it smells horrible. Wait, here I'll go and get you something else to wear from lost and found, I will also bring some deodorant,” he said as he turned around and left. The school bell rang signaling the start of the first period, a teacher came and drove all of us away into our classes. I had no choice but to attend class the way I am. When I walked into class, everyone started complaining. “Did you play with your pig friends in the sewer,” a student said, making everyone laugh. "Emma, you can't attend class smelling like that, go clean up or better still take a shower," the maths teacher said. I walked out of the class to the bathroom feeling embarrassed. I took off my clothes and started taking another shower. When I finished, I looked up to where I hung my clothes but they weren't there. "Where are my clothes?" I mumble starting to panic.
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