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Emma's POV I was a bit surprised that he took me to the park where we always sat staring at the skies and pouring out our feelings to the world, knowing that the world couldn't hear us, but it was worth taking it off the chest. "How would you celebrate your eighteenth birthday?" John's question was quite funny; I couldn't help but fill my face with a smile. "I don't have intentions for that," I stated. "What do you mean? It's the day of your liberation. You have to tear the whole place down before leaving," John uttered. If I had only one ounce of courage to stand up to their threats, I wouldn't even think of throwing a stone at them. It would be wild, and I would like to go back in peace and not in pieces. "I don't have those kinds of thoughts, and besides, that day you speak of is taking its time before getting to me, and as I said earlier, I'm running out of patience." I sighed in regret as I threw away the cup of ice cream in my hands. I guess I was annoyed at myself for not being about to stand up to Hailey and those triplet bullies. I'm no match against them; standing up against them would mean getting myself into more trouble. I've had enough trouble on my plate; adding to it might get me killed. "At first I thought you were joking, but it seems you're serious with your words." John was doubting my words, so emphatic. He couldn't decipher my reactions. He had all the reasons to doubt me, because I guess I was the first person who wasn't moved by my birthday, which was supposed to mean the world to me. "Of course," I felt, I was different from the world; a lady like me could care less about what the world thinks about me. "I can't wait to help you take your bags out of that cage they had you shoved into." He was being fair at this point; I was placed in the darkest place anyone could ever imagine. The words, the punishment, and the dejection were the order of the day. "If only you knew what I've been going through. You would know that I'm going through a lot," I uttered, wishing I could spend the night out here, with the chills and cold of the night, enjoying the melodies of the crickets "Don't mention.” John has the same thoughts as mine; I was thinking about people that would be happy if I got killed. "What's so peculiar about tonight?" I asked him, breaking the sudden silence that arose between us. "I don't know if you'll tell me." John wasn't as skeptical as I was. I felt different about staying in this park. " Maybe it's because of this," I uttered as we both saw a wishing star in the skies. "What would be my wish?" I asked myself "I wish to be in a family of peace, where I would be treated with respect and protected too." "I wish my grandmother would live until I've graduated," John sighed. I knew his grandmother was gradually reducing her human strength, making her weak to everything around her. "She would be fine," I assured him, patting his shoulders as he opted to give me his cup of ice cream. "I've had enough for one day." I divulged. "So I guess you won't be coming to school tomorrow. "It's three days off school. I just want the tension to ease off," I uttered, knowing that I stayed up at night even for more than three days. I hated the fact that I was going to miss lectures because of Hailey and the triplet. Well, I would help you with the notes. I would come by the house once I'm done with studies." I knew that John was going to help me out. "Thank you," I uttered as he stretched out his right arm and had me engulfed in his long arms in a hug. "Let's get up there," John suggested as we both stared at the tree. "Sometime ago, this tree was said to have moved from there and got here because it saved a baby from getting crushed by a moving truck." John divulged as he helped me up to the tree by carrying me on his back. I realized that John's workout really paid off for him, staring at his thick veins and stuffed abs. "You work out?" I asked Yeah, four times a day," he answered. He had a lot of time for his workout and still had time to read his books. After taking a good look at him, I knew he found the balance between everything. My friend found a balance between his workouts and his studies. Mine is just awkward because Hailey could make me work all day on useless jobs. My mind was filled with so many thoughts that I didn't even realize what John was saying to me. "Did you even listen to a word I just said?" he inquired as he patted my shoulders, startling me at some point. "Not really; I'm so rry I wasn't paying attention to your words," I said in a mild tone. "You don't have to overthink yourself. Sometimes they let everything happen the way they want it to." John advised in a mild tone. "I've been allowing everything to happen all my life, and it has caused me so much pain that I think it's time to stop anything from happening to me," I muttered to myself. "I guess it would be five hours before midnight," I asked, wondering what the time would be "That's not true; it's three hours before midnight." John disagreed with my words as he looked at his watch "I've got to get home; Hailey's going to punish me for staying out late." I uttered as I jumped down the tree. I was surprised that I could do this. "The party's not yet over, so we still have like an hour left," John uttered. I knew that Hailey could risk attending the party just to get home before me. John walked me down to the junction of my house. I wished John could accompany me to my house. I felt safe around him. " I will be heading home now. I might be coming to see you when I'm going to school." Ok, have a good night's rest. "You too." I knew that my night would be filled with disasters. I walked into the house, staring at Julian's car. I needed no soothsayer to tell me that I was doomed beyond what anyone could imagine. I walked into the house, surprised to see that the lights were turned off. I felt relieved, hoping that they were tired from the party and had decided to rest. "Where do you think you're off to?" My heart raced rapidly as the lights were turned on, and I closed my eyelids due to the illumination of the lights. "You pig, where have you been?" Hailey asked as I slowly walked down the stairs, staring at Haley and the triplet who sat behind her. "She must have been with John, that little scumbag." Julian mentioned John's name in the wrong way and needed to be corrected for it. "Hey, don't you?" I tried to stand up for my friend, just as he always had my back whenever I was humiliated. "Don't you ever raise your voice against your leaders." Hailey shoved her metallic bag on my face, and I winced in pain, holding my head, which felt like a raging storm. "She's lost her manners," Alex hissed as he got closer to me. "On your knees, you dirty thing." I simply obeyed his commands. "The next time you ever think of going against my words, I would have to scrub the dungeons," Alex uttered as he pushed me back to the ground and walked past me, walking up to his room. "You stink. You're just too dirty to behold. I feel like throwing up." Phillip's words pierced through my heart. "Just give her work to do. She has to learn to obey the protocols of this house. We're Lord over you; the earlier you concede to it, the better for you." Alex had his own words to say. "There are a lot of dishes in the kitchen when you're done with that. Take care of the clothes. The laundry room has been locked, so I guess you would be using your hands for the clothes. When you're done with that, scrub the floor. If you're finished with all these chores, you'd have a good night's rest." How would I have a good night's rest when I'll be done with the chores by morning? I sighed in regret, watching Hailey's retreating figure as she mocked me with smiles on her face.
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