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Emma's POV I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, feeling like I was running away from school for the rest of my life. I felt like dying and waking up in a brand new world; it was quite hard to imagine myself ever exchanging a word with Philip, Julian, or even Alexander. Hailey must have planned this whole thing, and I was getting to love these triplets. They planned the biggest humiliation of my life, wondering what I did to Hailey to ever deserve this kind of hate and dejection. Hey, I've been screaming your name for over ten minutes." I shuddered as I turned to stare at John. I quickly fell into his arms as tears rolled down my face. "I warned you not to trust them, but you never listened. They were acting too good to be true; I knew this from the beginning." John sighed as he held me in his arms. "I should have listened to you," I sobbed. I had soiled his shirt with my tears, and I felt sorry about it. "I'm sorry for making this on your shirt," I apologized, pointing to the wet patch made by my shirt. "This shouldn't have happened in the first place hadn't you heardkened to my words," John emphasized on the fact that I paid no heed to his words. "I've learned my lesson." I sighed as I turned to look at the lady, who was a bit far from our position, but I knew that she was furious that John had followed me here. "You should be in there with her; the party's not yet over," I uttered, pointing to John's prom mate standing outside the hall. "I'm not interested in parties, and as for her, she made me look like a fool that's seeking her attention." John chuckled softly as he waved goodbye to her, and she stormed back into the hall "So what are you saying?" I asked him as he turned to look at me. "We should go out and have some fun and possibly get a bite... Or "What would you like?" John uttered it hastily. "Whatever you suggest, but I don't have money; I spent all of it on buying this cloth and still got humiliated wearing it." I sighed in regret as John's phone beeped. "What's that?" I asked, and he had a look at it and tried to hide it from me when I opted to have a look. "You shouldn't see this," he divulged as he raised the phone high in the air because he knew that I wouldn't be able to get it from there. "You would have to show me," I growled, wondering if I should weaken him by hitting him hard on his crotch, but the consequences would be so high that it might cost me friendship, which I wouldn't want to risk, knowing that he's the only person I could converse with. "This isn't for you to see." He placed the phone in his pockets and held my hands firmly, trying to make me forget about the phone. "Show me, or I'll feel bad and know that you're hiding secrets from me. You made a promise to remember my secrets." I cared less about the words he said. "No side talks and no intimacy," he completed the words. "Here you go." He gave me the phone, staring at our school group. It had my video on it, trending with over a million streams. "The pig can't even kiss a handsome rich guy." The caption was quite appealing; it was posted by Hailey. She was live-recording the whole drama, scrolling down to the comments section. "She's not supposed to be here. A zoo would be fitting for a lady pig like her," a student commented. Emma, you need rehabilitation." Emma, you should see a counselor," John's prom lady even commented. I guess this was her side of revenge for taking her man Emma, please stop schooling." A lecturer commented, I had a smile on my face, knowing that my video went viral, but the outcome was bad "I'm definitely going to skip school for the next few days," I muttered to myself as I stared at John. "You can have it, because I'm the reason that you've lost four of your phones; I don't want you to lose this one." John couldn't even let me finish my words; he grabbed his phone and shoved it into his pockets. I broke four of his phones because of this type of online scandal, but I wasn't annoyed about this one, and it was appealing to me. What are your plans for the evening?" I asked him, knowing that I was in need of a drink and a nice meal to wade through these memories. "Let's get a bite down the road," John suggested , referring to the restaurant where we usually have lunch. The last time we were there, John paid half of our expenses. "Going there might bring up another scandal; I've had enough scandals for one day," I thought to myself as I just reminded him of it. "You owed that cook money the last time we visited." "I've paid him; I owe him because I didn't have enough money. I forgot my wallet, so I paid him with the notes in my pocket." John divulged, and his words elated my heart as I opted for a handshake, which he accepted with a cunning smile on his face. "You're sure?" I wanted to be sure that I wasn't being led into another trap. "I've paid him; you're the reason for my debts, but I'm not complaining because I know that if we switched places, you would do more than I ever did." John knew the best words to make me smile, and I couldn't help but stare at him. "Is that a compliment?" I uttered, wearing a smile on my face, happy to have found a friend that would stop at nothing to put a smile on my face. "Take it the way you like it," he stuttered as we both laughed at his words. Walking into the restaurant, with its beauty as exciting as seating to have a nice meal, a neatly trimmed lawn, beautiful flowers, a good combo of yellow and red paintings, and the beautiful artworks of delicious meals hung on the walls, "I am always mesmerized by the beauty of this building." Yeah, but with time I would get used to it," I lied, because I would always love to be thrilled walking into this building and engulf myself in the beauty of this place. "Here's the menu," the waiter said, knowing that John was a regular customer. "We won't be needing that; just the normal hamburger and ice cream, chocolate for me and strawberry for her," John uttered. I wanted to have a decent meal, a meal worth my time, but I guess John was being romantic with his choice of meal. "That's nice." I felt so happy that I was getting to eat a meal without getting watched by someone I hate.. "Are you okay with my choice of what we will be having?" John inquired; he was asking for my opinion. "I'm okay with whatever you would give me. Thank you so much. My evening wouldn't be as bad as I thought it would be." I sighed in relief as he dropped the plates and cups of ice cream. "I love this flavor so much that I feel like it's going to be part of me someday," I uttered, wondering what the outcome of my imagination would be. "What do you mean?" It wouldn't be so romantic to have a scent just like this; my mate would have to trace it to me." I divulged "Well, you would be free once you're eighteen. John always reminded me of this, and although my eighteenth birthday is in a few weeks, it felt like years to me. "It's close by, but it's taking ages to come, and I'm running out of patience," I hissed. "It's only a matter of time; you'll see," John assured me with a smile on his face. "Leaving those bullies would be the best day of my life. I would get to leave Hailey and her hate-infested moves on me; I would be freed from every hurt, and it would be thrilling," I uttered with my mouth filled with the tasty hamburger "You don't have to choke yourself; no one's pursuing you," John uttered. I felt like eating more and more of this tasty hamburger. "If you need another one, I could get another plate for you," he added. Waiter, get one more set of these," he ordered. I wanted more but wouldn't want to say it, but I guess John read that through the looks on my face, and I wouldn't blame him because being with him has made him acquainted with me; he knows when I'm lying, when I'm angry, when I'm faking, and when I'm in various moods. He's the kind of friend anyone would want to have, and I would never regret getting to make him my best friend. "It's so tasty, but I can't eat more of it because my stomach is filled," I confessed as I watched John finish three hamburgers and two cups of ice cream and hold the last one in his hands. "We should get going". He paid for the meal and even tipped the waiter. "Where exactly?" I inquired. "You'll see; come with me."
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