Chapter 002

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“Surprise!” Bryan exclaims the next time I meet up with him. I fake my shock. “What is this?!” I exclaim. I’m lost. Like what should really be so surprising about this? Aren’t we just in another room to f*uck? Ugh! Noticing my irritation, I exhale and inhale softly. Calming myself down so he won’t notice the frustration building up from inside of me. Two days! Just two days and he’s back at the club already! Usually, he comes twice a week, but this week alone is the fourth time I’ve seen him. Thankfully, it’s Sunday. I’m earning and that’s well and good, but repeated s*x with him can parch a woman dry. Damn, I miss a day off. “This is for you, my gem,” he says, calling me by his pet name for me. I frown. What in particular is he giving me? A piece of furniture? A whole room? The whole hotel? I smile. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. He’s rich, but not so rich that he can give a whole hotel to his mistress. “This whole unit. I will let you use it. So, there’s no need for us to meet at a hotel. We can have our own world right here,” he says and entwines his arm around my waist. “Really? Thank you!” “Anything for you, darling. You don’t need to work in a nightclub either.” I instinctively frown. Thankfully, he’s behind me while giving small kisses on my neck and shoulders. “How am I gonna eat then?” I tentatively ask. “I will provide for all your needs. Groceries. Appliances. Hobbies. Or maybe you’d like to go back to school?” This old busybody! Did he just suggest cutting off my earnings? He’s not my only guest and, besides, I earn more from him without this. And Andy, how are we going to go with our trysts? Can I invite him here? I sob. Come on, tears, come out! “You know, I can’t…” I start. “Why are you crying, my gem?” “I love you,” I say. “and I love this place. Even the idea of living with you is bliss.” “Awww, you’re just too adorable,” he says and caresses my cheek. “But I am not married to you! And I can’t just depend on you for all my expenses. I—I’m not as shameless as that.” Heck, of course, I am! I am in this business because I am shameless like that! “Then, how about this? You stop working at the nightclub and I will double your allowance,” he asks. Bingo! “Why? Are you jealous when I am with other men?” “No man who loves a woman will not be jealous.” I kiss him and then kneel in front of him. I unzip his pants. “How about triple?” I ask and blow air on him to tease him. He takes a deep breath. My lips hover on him. So close, but not really touching his skin. “So? Your answer?” “Triple it is!” he answers, as if in agony, and I put him inside my mouth. ******************* It is late at night when I hear the doorbell ring. Bryan is sleeping soundly beside me. I get up from bed and take a bathrobe from the cabinet. At least, Bryan prepared some essentials. Softly, I leave the room and walk barefoot to the front door. “What is it?!” I start, but then I hold my breath when I see the Adonis in front of me. Six feet tall, black, healthy hair, aquiline nose, and a mouth set in a grim line but oh-so-ready to be kissed. He’s got a physique like those models who grace the Cosmo stage, a stunning build that not even his polo shirt can hide. He’s an amazing specimen of a man that I find myself wetting my lips. “Where’s my father?!” he growls. Oh! Perfect set of white teeth too. And that clean face with a thin spread of mustache. That would be wild. I’m sure he’s hiding dimples on his cheeks too. “Are you deaf?!” he snarls. When I don't respond again, he pushes me aside and goes inside. That’s when I became aware. “Hey! What are you doing? Get out!” He pauses for a while in the living room and then goes straight to the bedroom. I follow him inside. “Why are you doing this?! Why didn’t you return home?!” he thunders. “Son?” Bryan says, disoriented from being woken up from his slumber. “What--” “I give you this unit for you and mom, not for your mistress!” Bryan looks at me. I start, “Excuse me, I--” “Shut up! Get out of this room!” Bryan’s son yells and cuts me off. My breathing stops. The hatred in his voice is disconcerting. Why would he hate me so? I take a step back and leave the room. However, I did not lock it. I need to hear what they are talking about. “You can’t shout at Opal like that, she’s a nice girl.” “A nice girl who would pay attention to an old man like you? She’s tricking you!” “She’s young. She can still change.” “And who would change her? You?! You’re dying! So you just return home! Leave her! She’s not worth it!” Dying? Did he say dying? Is he referring to the old fart? F*uck him! He’s dying, and he tells me to leave the nightclub?! Does he want me to die in poverty?! Triple the allowance, my ass! If he’s dead, he won’t be able to keep that promise! That lying-- “I’m hoping you’ll take her in.” I perk my ears up. The adonis to take me in? Now, that’s enticing. If it’s him, then I can go for just double the allowance. No! If he’s also gifted down there. The same allowance is more than enough! “I am not accepting charity!” “Please, this is your old man’s last wish.” I hear steps from inside and I hurry to the living room. I need to make it look like I heard nothing. But for real? That old man is giving his wealthy, attractive son to me? Did I just win the lottery? Feels like it. The son exits the bedroom and glares at me. Even from this distance, I can see him clenching his jaws. He’s angry at me, but angry men are not something that scares me. I can loosen that up for certain. One chance, one night is all I need. “You!” he calls. I stand up in attention, making sure that he can see my cleavage. It’s not as big as Ara’s, but I am cup C, enough to stir men’s fantasy. The son clicks his tongue and orders, “Persuade my father to return home.” “But I--” He closes the distance between us in a few seconds, and when he’s standing so close in front of me, I find myself unable to breathe. s**t! This man is more good-looking than I thought. I glance at his mouth. I wonder how it feels like to be ravaged by those. Then, the same delicious-looking mouth forms a smirk. “Just as I thought, you’re not as innocent as what my father wants me to believe. Tired of an old man, are you?” I raise my head to meet his eyes. I cross my arms across my chest and say, “So what?! Are you going to kick me out of this unit?” I just arrived! And then he wants me to leave already?! I haven’t even transferred my things! He takes a step back. “You’re used to selling your body to old men, squeezing them dry.” “And your point? That’s my way of living!” “Then, let me use that and sell my body to you.” I blink. What the f*uck did he just say? Does he know I don’t have money? I’m a prostitute for f*uck’s sake! Well, a high-end prostitute, but still a prostitute! “You’re not gonna pay me money. I will need your service.” “Hmmm,” I mutter. Do I need to serve him in bed? “What do you mean?” I ask, hoping that my delightful assumptions are correct. “Persuade my father to return home and I will be yours for a night.” My mouth hangs open. Then I swallow. s**t! “A month. I’ll have you for a month.” What the hell am I saying? Why agree to this?! “Three days. You are clean, right?” “What do you mean by 'clean'?” He pauses, and then I realize what he means. “I take the test every month. I won’t get pregnant, either.” Somehow, this question bothers me. How could he ask that?! Does he think I'm so dirty that I need to be cleaned up? “Are you even clean?” I retort. He nods. “A week, but you need to pay me allowance too,” I say. “You drive a hard bargain, don’t you?” “Take it or leave it. You’re not a loss.” I turn around to end the conversation, but then he pulls me closer, and when our faces are only inches apart, I forget to breathe. He touches my chin and forces me to look into his eyes—black, beautiful eyes. “You say all that bravado, but it’s obvious you want me bad, like a little slut you are.” “You say all that bravado, but it’s obvious you want me bad too, like a little man-slut you are,” I answer. He lets me go and I use the back of the couch to support myself and not fall over. The effect of him! How much more if he’s in bed with me? So enticing... “A week it is then, but I want my father returned home no later than this coming week,” he says. “Yeah, I can assure you of that,” I answer, but I’m not yet sure how to go about that.
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