Chapter 001

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A bottle of scotch slides towards me. The bartender, Andy, not his real name, winks at me before leaning closer. “I heard you didn’t have a single guest last night,” he says. I look around me. The room is glowing orange-red, with disco balls that are still turned off. The lights are dim, but it’s enough to see everything around me. Behind me are empty dark-colored couches while in front of me are shelves of bottles of different alcoholic drinks. Each has its own limelight as if they are part of the decorations. I c*ock my head at him. It’s only me at the bar. I gently touch the rim of the glass and sip as dainty as I can. If I am not alone, I doubt Andy would even strike up a flirty conversation with me. Yes, indeed, I am early today. Why? Precisely what Andy said, I have no guests yesterday, and I have no more money. The club gives us allowances, but it’s only enough for dress rentals and make-up fees. A girl has to eat, right? I lean my chin on my hand and lean closer to him, just enough to tempt him. “Why? You worried for me? You can get me guests, you know.” I wet the corner of my lips and add, “Or do you have something else in mind?” I look Andy over. He’s not ugly, and he’s got a good physique, but it’s his wallet that I am worried about. “Why not come home with me again? We can have fun. I don’t have thousands of pesos, but you will have a roof over your head and I can feed you.” Food and a roof over my head—that’s all he can provide for me. It's cheap payment. If it’s just that, I can do more by working as a maid and I can just find someone to give me pleasure. No, let’s be rational and honest with ourselves. I am here to try my luck to become wealthy. “We both know that is not the only thing you want,” I purr. Andy reaches for my hand and brings it to his lips. “I still dream of you. I can make you scream in pleasure,” he pauses and holds my eyes. “… again,” he promises. Oh fine, let’s not forget that he’s very good in bed too. And that’s very tempting, oh so very tempting. Just his skills make me want to say yes, even without payment. But I am born pretty and like him, I work for my body too, to maintain my curves. To hell if I will not use my beauty to improve my standing in society. However, I’m pretty sure he can also see the desire in my eyes. He starts to smile. That hated confident smile he gives me after I scream out in the middle of my orgasm. s**t! I want to f*uck him. “Opal, Bryan is here,” I hear Ara call me from my far right. An interruption. I take a breath. Bryan is old and lazy in bed. However, self-control is a skill in this field of love. I withdraw my hand from Andy’s hold and smile, “Very tempting, but I need to work,” I say and give him a peck on his cheek. “Next time, maybe.” I let him have a noseful of my scent. Next time, he’ll crave me so much that we won’t let each other go the whole night. But first, I need to earn money. Leisure comes after that. I approach Ara who’s waiting for me, her arms crossed on her chest—which I bet is an F. Even if she is an ugly woman, her breasts alone can get guests. Ugh, I hope she breaks her back. “Why are you flirting with Andy?” she asks. “None of your business,” I answer. Yes, she got lots of guests, but she still lusts after the poverty-stricken bartender. To annoy her, I turn to look at Andy. He’s still staring at me. I smile. Too bad for you girl, Andy likes beautiful faces like mine. Not to mention, an hourglass of a body. Heck, I can even join a beauty pageant if beauty is all they require. Ara frowns. “Bryan’s in room 9,” she says. Bryan’s a connoisseur of beauty. Someone who does not judge by chest alone. Guess we’ll earn tonight after all. I just hope he brings me to a five-star hotel this time. Manila Pen would be a nice choice. Not bad to dream, eh? ************************** Bryan forces me on my knees and thrusts from behind. He’s tiny, in addition to his overweight size. I don’t get pleasure from him, but I still need to fake it. So, I think of Andy every time we do it to fool this huge old goat. “Damn, you’re so maddeningly beautiful!” he breathes. He reaches for my face and forces a sloppy kiss on my mouth. I fake a moan, and it might be working when he groans in pleasure while shooting his load inside of me. “I’m gonna marry you!” he screams. Then he slumps on me, and I fall over the bed. That’s fast, as usual, and he’s f*ucking heavy. He’s a doctor, so why is he not in top form? I slip from under him and breathe, but the old goat pulls me back to the bed and places his heavy arms around me. He gazes at me, and I can see the admiration in it. “I will annul my marriage,” he says. I smile. He’s been telling me the same words for almost a year now. The repeated promises had desensitized me already. Nevertheless, I say, “I will always be waiting.” For payment tonight, I mean. After this, I can go and enjoy Andy during my day off. Good thing he matches his day-offs with mine. He closes his eyes, and then he starts to snore. Curses! If he’s not filthy rich, I swear I covered his face with the pillow already. Instead, I get up from the bed and go to the bathroom. Unfortunately, he didn’t bring me to Manila Pen. Not even Seda or Somerset. Just the usual, run-of-the-mill three-star hotel. I turn the shower on. Is he being stingy after a year? Should I look for another generous guest? Someone who’d shower me with gifts? Frustrated, I brush my skin roughly. This crappy hotel does not even have a bathtub! What am I? A cheap, tight-wad traveler? I exhale. Let’s just hope he’ll give me a huge tip for all these disappointments.
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