Chapter 003

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And a hard bargain it is. The old f*uck allows himself to return home. I can still use the unit and I still get paid in both cash and this adonis beside me. I can’t believe that I will earn this much just by persuading an old man to return home to his wife. After all the drama and tears shed by the old man’s wife, including his other children, I get back to this unit to see this man waiting for me. Now, I know his name, Lucero De Guzman, a business owner. He didn’t become a doctor like his father. Maybe because he lacks the idiocy that Bryan has. A good thing really, which means he thinks, rather than he feels. I trail my hands on his bare chest. I am beautiful myself, intentionally crafted, but this man is nature’s work, and that’s how amazing that is. One night. We’re together for just one night and I never had as much fun with another’s body as I do with him. We still have six more days, and I’m sure as hell that I will enjoy every bit of it. So my hands continued to travel, soft and gentle touches, down his stomach, and down his— He stops my hands. I look up to see the dark eyes under those long eyelashes and thick eyebrows. “That’s too early,” he says. “Shouldn’t we eat and take a bath first?” I smile and pull myself between his knees. He’s also gifted down here. I really think I won the lotto. As for his performance in bed, he alternates between gentle and rough s*x. Damn, how can a perfect man like him exist? Yes, I’ve been giving him too much pleasure, giving him all the skills I gathered from experimenting with men’s bodies, but he’s different. Every time I hear him groan in pleasure, I feel my own pleasure rising too. And I want to continue enjoying him, his reactions, his moans. With Bryan, I need to act as if I am an ignorant woman. Suddenly, the door opens and men come into the bedroom without a warning. What the—I take a blanket and cover myself with it. Lucero, on the other hand, is nonchalant as he takes his pants on the side of the bed. “That was an interesting night, Opal. I never met a woman who can give as much pleasure as you do. No wonder my father went crazy over you.” I’m confused. What is happening? I look at my clothes in different parts of the room. I need to retrieve them. I observe the men. There are five of them wearing blue jeans and a white shirt. Most are as tall as Lucero, but all of them look like they’ve been spending too much time at the gym. They look like soldiers or bodyguards, but why would they be here? I start to move, but I hear Lucero clicks his tongue. “Don’t move, babe. These men you see here are trained. One word from me and they can kill you.” “Kill me?” I ask, confused. We still have the remaining six days of pleasure! Lucero looks at me and smirks. “Look at you, so very lovely on the outside, but a rotting garbage inside!” “Garbage? You enjoyed this garbage!” I yell. His next action makes me reel. He slaps my cheeks, and I hit the bed. I can taste blood. During our lovemaking, I can sense his violence but didn’t know that after one night, he would do this already. I feel his hand enclosing around my neck and then he forces me to sit up. I choke and I claw on his fingers to loosen it. “I hate you,” he starts. “For what you did to my family. And for what? For money?” He lets go of my neck and I catch my breath. Then laughter erupts from my womb, which he filled with too much of his seed, up to my stomach, chest, and out of my mouth. It’s laughter with grief, irony, and everything that is bad in this society. “Just for money? Just for f*ucking money!? You shitty king! You f*ucking have too much of it! That’s why you don’t know how much people like me are willing to do just to get it! Even your mute soldiers do it for your f*ucking money!” Another slap on my right cheek. This time, it is harder that I tumble out of the bed, with the blanket only covering my lower half. I grab my stomach. It’s trembling with too much laughter. Such a contradiction. My situation is nothing to laugh at. I can feel it. I’m doomed. Did I dream too high? Wanted too much? Should I have accepted Andy’s offer instead? “Say whatever you want, but your life is done,” Lucero says. “You hypocrite who looks down on other people…” I lean on the foot of the bed and stand up. I am sore and my cheeks hurt. I am not on my top form, but this jerk won’t get away from this. The blanket falls from my body and it crumples on my feet. And there I stand, fully naked, I face the five soldiers. They blink. From my naked beauty or my lack of shame, I didn’t want to find out. I prepare myself and then I move—but instead of rushing towards the youngest soldier who almost looks away from me, I hit my face on the hard floor. What just happened? I can’t move my body. I can feel the pain, but I have no control over it. I roll my eyes around, to see whatever I can. There is a shadow over the curtains. The window is closed but there is a tiny hole in it, which I am certain is not there when I woke up. A sniper? But I don’t feel like dying. Someone kneels before me. From the looks of it, it’s Lucero. “Did you just attempt to run away? Even with the five soldiers here?” I hear him laughing. “You can’t escape, babe. I have people outside as well.” To hell with you and your money! My mind screams, but instead, all the sound that comes out of me is a grunt. He touches my hair and puts it on one side. “I suggest you cut your long, pretty hair, because babe, you are going to join the Game. Ain’t that great? You can join a survival game and if you win, you’ll get to live on a new planet. Not this dying earth we have. Or you can get riches more than you can earn by slaving yourself to old men.” He straight s**t doesn’t need to explain! I know what the Game is all about. Hates it to my very core. It’s a f*ucking game organized yearly by the WIC, World Integrated Corp, a space exploration company. They select people from all walks of life to join it and whoever survives after a month in an enclosed area will be given a ticket to ride the spaceship that leaves the planet every five years. Because earth is dying, it’s another way to throw away the rejects of society. They say all walks of life, but really, they just get criminals, political enemies, and poverty-stricken people like me. They need to cull the population because the earth’s ability to support life is decreasing day by day, but since the spaceship can only carry enough, they create this brutal game, where ordinary people can watch how the poor sector, criminals, and rejects kill each other, for the prize of money or a new life. They say it’s for a good cause, but if it is, then why don’t these filthy rich people join it? In all the countries it’s held, not one powerful person joined it. One man approaches and carries me while another man wraps me in a blanket to hide my nakedness. Because this is a condominium for the rich, celebrities, and politicians, not a single resident in the building bothered on the way I am carried into a black van.
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