Chapter 5 - Transport problems

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*Her* After th fiasco with the reaper Fiona was miffed but she looked at her list and went to do the next job and prayed she never ran into that insensitive guy again. She teleported to her next target but was surprised because the child wasn't asleep. He was wide awake playing PlayStation. He turned around when he seen her and got excited. "Wow the tooth fairy! She is real! Me staying up paid off." He jumped on her and tackled her. For a small kid he was surprisingly heavy. She wheezed as she spoke. "Ah... I'm not...the tooth fairy, but I am here for you, now get into bed." The kid was disappointed. "Aww man. If your not the tooth fairy, then who are you? I seen you do magic..." Elise tucked him in as she said "I'm actually a witch and I'm here to put you to sleep and send you your dream." The kid yawned. Elise took that as her cue and she opened her dream dust bag. She took out a pinch and blew it into the kids eyes. He had no time to protest and fell instantly asleep. Elise quietly squeeled and clapped. "Number two down for the count." She took out her glittery parchment along with the brown and white owl feather quill. Elise wrote "Awake, but then put to sleep. Success." She looked at her next targets address and then rolled the parchment back up and put it away before she took out her grimore again for the teleportation spell. Her next target was a business man who was staying in a hotel suite. He was on his laptop when Elise snuck in, she stubbed her toe on a plush sofa and as he turned around she ducked so he wouldn't see her. As she was down she rubbed her sore toe and silently cursed her open toed sandals. The business man went back to his laptop and Elise slowly stalked her way towards him. She opened her bag of dream dust and took out a pinch and threw it over the guys head. He immediately collapsed on top of his laptop. Elise shrugged. "Eh... he'll put it all down to exhaustion from work. Hopefully." She gulped but then quickly got teleported out of there. She took out her parchment again and wrote "Success, but target fell asleep on computer, suggest chiropractor" she giggled at the last comment. She looked at the name of the next target. And it surprised her. It was someone from her University, luckily this person lived off campus so she wouldn't get seen. She again reached for her grimore and used the teleportation spell. It took her to an apartment block. She took out her parchment again to check which floor her target was on, before putting it away and getting out her grimore. She chanted the transportation spell and stepped through, unfortunately she was too literal with the destination inside the chant that the portal opened up on the ceiling and she fell face first onto the floor. She gingerly stood back up rubbing her sore nose as her target snored. "Phew he's still asleep." She reached to her dream dust bag and clutched a sprinkle of the glittery sand and flicked it into the targets eyes. She hmff'd in triumph as she signed off his name on the parchment. She again pulled out her grimore and prayed that it would send her to safe ground. As she stepped through it however she found herself in a forest, so she turned around and collided with something hard, she cursed. "Oh my god that's the second time tonight I've hurt my nose." As she looked up to see what she collided with she was startled stepping backwards and falling on her butt. "What are you doing here?!" She screeched. He covered his ears. "geez you don't have to yell!" As he took his hands off his ears he chuckled. "You are doing things the hard way." Elise turned in a huff. "I didn't ask your opinion, and I'm doing quite well on my own, thankyou very much." She ignored him as she took out her parchment to see where her next target was going to be. Ayden, however leaned over her shoulder. "Interesting. Your task parchment is all...bright and cheerful. Mine is always musty and burnt." He snatched the parchment out of her hands. She put her hands on her hips defiantly. "Umm excuse me, that's mine!" She tried to get her parchment back but Ayden put it out of her reach. "Give it back!" She jumped and fell forwards knocking Ayden backwards as she landed in top of him. She blushed as Ayden made his comment. "My, my, who knew you were so forward." Elise took the opportunity to get her parchment back and stood up. "If you hadn't have taken my parchment, we wouldn't have fallen over." She huffed. Again she looked at her next target and took out her grimore. Behind her Ayden had stood up and was dusting himself off. "You know there's an easier way. As a sandperson, you should have a putrid pink fluffy cloud for transportation." He sarcastically said. This drew Elise's curiosity. "Oh?" Ayden cracked his fingers and picked up his fallen scythe. "In all my years as a reaper, I've only met one other sand...person, and I believe if you whistle.." Elise watched with fascination as Ayden put two of his fingers up to his lips and whistled and indeed a pink fluffy cloud appeared at Elise's feet. Ayden leaned on his scythe. "Your cloud appears. Have you ever ridden a skateboard before?" Elise shook her head. Ayden sighed. "You really are a newbie. Tch. Riding one of those..." He pointed to the cloud, "Is like riding a skateboard...or so I've been told." Elise bent down and reached her hand out and touched the cloud. It was soft like cotton. She stood up and held her breath as she pointed her toes at the cloud. She put one foot on the cloud and it moved forward, before she could fall, Ayden caught her. Ayden chuckled. "You really are accident prone, aren't you?" Elise pushed herself away from Ayden. "Yes well..." She clenched her fists and again huffed. She steeled herself with determination and went towards the cloud again holding her foot out. This time she stepped on it, wobbled and fell on her knees on it. She carefully stood up and clapped with pride. "I did it! Look I'm on the cloud." Ayden was still leaning on his scythe. "I can see that, but do you know how to use it?" Elise looked down. "It can't be that hard." She mumbled to herself. She started flapping her arms like a bird and Ayden burst out laughing. As he wiped a tear out of his eye he said. "You are sooo entertaining. Ha ha ha." Elise glared at him. "Ok smarty. How do you work this thing?" Ayden walked towards her then he went behind her. She wobbled slightly when Ayden, put his scythe against his shoulder and his hands on her hips. "It's all in your hips little lady." Elise balked at him. "Who are you calling little lady?" As he leaned in, he whispered. "Pay attention, if you slightly lean forward, the cloud will move." As he let go, the cloud shot forwards and Elise once again fell backwards, and Ayden roared laughing.
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