Chapter 6 - Fun and games

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*Him* He couldn't help himself. This women was making his side's hurt from laughing, so he decided to put her out of her misery. He walked towards her, his scythe tapping on the ground with each step. He c****d his head to one side before he stood steadily behind her, she wobbled slightly so Ayden in an automated response put his scythe on his shoulder and reached out and put his hands on her hips to steady her. As he realised what he did he coughed to cover up his awkwardness and made a comment. "It's all in the hips little lady." She huffed at his pet name of her. "Who are you calling little lady?" Ayden wanted to tease her more so he leant in towards her ear and whispered. "Pay attention, if you slightly lean forward the cloud will move." As he moved away slightly he could see that her ears had turned red from blushing. He quickly let go while she was distracted and the cloud whishes forwards and Elise fell backwards landing hard on her bottom for the second time that night. Ayden couldn't help himself he tried to keep his laugh in but he failed and he roared out laughing. As he was clearing tears from his eyes, Elise stood up and brushed herself off. Before she could say anything, Ayden readied himself to fly off. "Well, it's been fun. See you little lady." He sarcastically saluted to her before he put his scythe out to the side and pushed himself into the sky. As his cloak flapped around him, he still chuckled at her antics. He knew he wouldn't see her again so he enjoyed the little distraction that she posed. Ayden went to his usual place on his cloud to mediate for some hours before his new list would appear. The crow, Menahem, perched beside him. Ayden had his eyes closed. He cracked one open as Menahem croaked. Ayden first met Menahem during his training. He was a mortal who brokered a deal with death. Menahem asked for his wife's life to be spared in return for giving death his soul prematurely. Death obliged and the deal was struck. Menahem became a crow and watched as his wife lived her life. Ayden remembers the conversation they had. He asked Menahem if he ever regretted it, and the reply was bitter and short. "Every day. I watched my wife suddenly full of life only to then obscond with my brother." That was the end of that. Menahem, because he was still human in some aspects, the crow was just a vessel fro his soul, he was to speak. Ayden looked at Menahem through his cracked eye. "What do you want Menahem?" The Old crow cracked again. "Squark. You shouldn't mingle with the humans. Squark." Ayden sighed before he closed the cracked eye and then opened both eyes to stare. "Don't get you feathers in a twist. I merely bumped into her while securing my target. That's all." Menahem looked at Ayden sideways. "Squark. Yes, but you sort her out afterwards. Squark. It dangerous. Death won't like it." Ayden rolled his eyes. " is he going to know? It was a once off thing." Menahem made one last warning. "Squark. Just don't get sidetracked is all I'm going to say. Squark." With that Menahem flew off. Ayden again scoffed. "Tch...why does death care of we talk to humans? Meh...whatever. I only have two more centuries of servitude left anyway..." He closed his eyes again and he let the air around him wash over him as the hours passed. The sun shining on his eyes made him squint. "Damn sun, I've gotta find a better cloud. Every morning this happened to me." He put his scythe on his lap and took out the rag he carries to polish it. As he wiped the cloth over his blade, it glinted in the sun. Ayden smiled with pride. He had to admit he still enjoyed the thrill of extracting souls from their still bodies. It was fun learning how each soul lived and died. All written on the parchments he receives every day. Like clockwork, a crow came and sat next to him with his new parchment in its mouth. Ayden grabbed the parchment but this crow wanted to play. It held on tighter to the parchment testing Aydens patience. "Let go you stupid bird." The crow released it's jaw and it flew away cackling. Ayden stuck up his rude finger at the bird yelling at it as it flew off. "yeah you fly away. I'll make a stew out of you if you do that again." Ayden flopped back down on the cloud and sat cross legged. He rubbed his hands together. "Now let's see what death has given me today." He eagerly unfurled his parchment. Today's list had twenty new on it. It was going to be a busy day. The first target was in prison. He was to receive leathal injection. Ayden shivered. "Yerk...Ah well, I guess someone's gotta do it." He picked up his scythe and checked the address for his target before putting away the parchment. He flew off again in the direction of the prison. He clocked himself as he hovered over the prison. He watched the inmates interact before he clicked his tongue. "Tch, what a s**t hole." He landed out the front of the prison and left his scythe out the front cloaking it as well. A guard was fishing in his pockets for his swipe card. Ayden walked in behind him. Ayden then walked passed all the other guards on his way to the lethal injection chamber. There were people sitting in the audience. Ayden stood at the back as the show started. The curtains parted. Ayden had seen things like this done before so he yawned. The whole process started and people began to mumble and as the prisoner took his last breath, there were gasps from the audience. Ayden stepped forward and waved his hands to create a portal to enable him to walk through the wall. As the guards untapped the now dead prisoner from the chair and unfurled a body bag, Ayden plunged his hand into the prisoners chest and pulled out his soul. "Come with me buddy. Time for you to go on your merry way to an eternity of hell." Ayden pulled the soul with him out the portal through the wall, passed the guards and back outside again. He picked up his sycthe and let the prisoners soul go. As he turned around to open a portal to hell, the prisoner took a run for it. Ayden sighed. He closed the portal because he knew what was coming next. He squinted as a hell hound appeared from the shadows and tackled the way ward soul. Ayden sighed. "And that's another one down. " 
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