Chapter 7

1123 Words
Her world was spiralling out of control. Garrett was on the floor writhing in pain,his painted noises slowly turned into growls, dark blonde hair rapidly covered his skin as his face changed shape protruding forwards forming a snout as large canines replaced his teeth. Steph took a few steps back in fear as she watched on as Garrett transformed into a wolf. The transformation was slow and agonising to watch but the end result was mind bending. The wolf before her was larger than the one in her vision and more muscular, it had dark blonde fur with two stripes brown fur around its scalp flowing down to its rear end. The wolf ferociously hit the walls and hinged door repeatedly as it tried to escape its bondage even biting on to the chains. Steph knew that if she didn't leave now she would definitely be dinner and decided to get out of there as fast as she could but the mysterious voice in her head spoke up once again,slowing her thought process. Stay see change "No I'm not turning into that," she said as she tried hard to fight the urge to stay but the voice which she now realized had some sort of control over her kept her rooted in place directly in view of Garrett's animalistic rage. The wolf was rolling on the ground fighting some kind of invisible force but its energy soon died down and it lay on the ground in moving. Steph didn't know what to think of what she was witnessing as the wolf once again got up from the ground calmly and turned around to face her but its eyes were no longer golden yellow but Garrett's blue eyes. The wolf slowly approached the door and looked on at the clearly terrified Steph with a sympathetic look that she couldn't miss. It whined and scrapped at the door as if nudging her towards it but steph felt safer from a further distance away from it. Go friend The voice once again spoke. Steph felt a wave of calmness and relief wash over her terror as the voice soothed her tension. She once again looked over at the wolf which was patiently waiting for her at the door, its blue eyes were identically the same as Garrett's with a bright glow and mischievous glint in them. Everything in her head finally clicked in that moment, her new home and its mystery photos, the tattoos the strange suggestive hints, her aunt's sudden strange behaviour, her vision in the field and the entire strange community of the creek. Werewolfs were real and she was one of them. With a renewed feeling of vindication and wonder she closed the distance between her and Garrett and slowly moved her right arm beyond the grills towards his head. Garrett immediately jumped on to her fingers licking them leaving huge amounts of saliva dripping from her hand. "Eew even in wolf form you're still disgusting," Garrett jumped up and down in response to her statement before going back to licking her hand with more determination. She quickly removed her hand before it became soaked. "Woow this is totally unreal is this real or am I dreaming," she said as she sat down at the foot of the door opposite to Garrett's cell still processing the entire situation. "Werewolfs are real are there like vampires and witches too? ooh maybe mermaids and fairies too." Garrett's expression contorted into confusion as he lay down by the cell door. " I'm going too far ain't I, can you talk your more annoying when you're quiet." Garrett shook his head. "Okay then you have some form of telepathic communication right?" Garrett nodded in agreement. Steph lite up at the possibility of being telepathic," so can we speak to each other now." Garrett shook his head. Steph sighed, "well I'm changing too so I guess we can be cell buddies then I can finally stop the crazy lady talking to an animal act." Garrett howled and once again began scrapping on the door as Steph heard the entrance door unlock and a voice she all too well recognized speak up. "Garrett you i***t what did I tell you about keeping things on the low until the time was right," Darwin came into view after descending into the underground cells, he paid no attention to her sitting by the door as he set sights on Garrett. "What the hell man you ripped my denims that s**t wasn't cheap you're definitely paying for that." Steph looked on at the torn clothes around Garrett's feet and giggled at the thought of the stuck up Darwin losing his wardrobe to constant changing of forms. Darwin didn't even look at her yet her laughter was audible. An action which somehow pissed her off immensely, she immediately got up from the ground and edged closer to the boy who didn't realise her presence or just didn't care. Garrett saw the change of mood in her and stepped back further into the cell. "Hey you know I'm the only person that can speak here yet you talk to the dog! sorry Garrett." Garrett howled in acceptance and once again sat down joyfully relishing in the verbal warfare that was about to go down. Darwin turned around to face her his face emotionless, "yeah right if it wasn't for me you would be Laynas dog food by now." "I have faced worse than a five foot bimbo I think I can handle myself." "Let's see you face her when she has fangs and claws for weapons." "I'm pretty sure I have them too." Darwin took her by surprise when he laughed at her response but in a more ridiculing way that made her push down her perverted erotic thoughts surrounding it, "Yeah right you haven't even changed form yet you know you could die right during your first time or did good ol garrett forget to tell you that." Steph was thrown back by his statement as she looked at Garrett for support who even in wolf form became uneasy after Darwin mentioned that fact all but confirming the truth behind the statement. That was the killing shot as she lacked a comeback response and looked away. Darwin huffed in triumph, "Well then the moon is about to hit its peak we better get you ready stay here dont leave I figure you and Garrett have a lot to talk about." He exited the cells leaving a startled Steph still deep in her own thoughts, she wondered whether she was willing to take the risk of death for the supernatural ability beyond her own imagination. Steph slumped back down on the ground once again scared.
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