Chapter 6

1022 Words
Blood Claw creek looked nothing like its name sounded, when the mystery man spoke about it Steph expected to find a dark mysterious cave or an old spooky house in the middle of the forest but she was surprised to find an old majestic manor similar to the one they lived in. It was definitely larger in size even from the far distance she saw it she could realize that. Smaller houses were scattered around the large manor. A stream separated the homes from the other side of the forest with a single bridge the only way across. The place was teeming with life from small kids to teenagers and adults were all walking around making the place more busier than town a couple of miles back. Aunt Lily was once again silent throughout the walk to this place saying only a few meaningless words to her. It frustrated her that after everything that happened at The Night oak she still was giving her the silent treatment not telling what the other side was or why the guy wanted to prepare her for whatever it was to follow. The wolf she saw still clouded her mind and the voice that was ringing in her head was all but silent also not explaining anything to her. The energy she felt when she touched the wolf was pure ecstasy and it was the desire to feel that energy again that convinced to keep on following her aunt. When they made it to the populated area almost all eyes wearily watched them, Steph realized everyone here must know each other and their faces were unknowns but Lily was unfazed by their stares and kept walking towards the manor. "So the feisty wolf finally comes to the creek," Steph cringed but was somewhat happy to hear Garrett's familiar voice call her from behind. She turned to see the smirking blonde approach her, he was shirtless revealing his well sculpted body and defined torso as well as the flaming orb tattoo on his upper left arm. She couldn't help but blush which was a mistake as she realized he had noticed her embarrassment. "Aah dont worry you can touch whenever you want," he said as he displayed his body to her seductively. "Yeah how many times should I put you down before you get the hint," "Winners dont quit one day you'll fall head over heels for me." Steph couldn't help but laugh at his quirkiness. "Come on Steph we gotta hurry up," Lily said as she waited for her near the entrance to the manor. Before she could leave Garrett spoke up,"Dont worry Mrs Davis I'll have her by the cellar before the moon shines full." Lily eyed Garrett and Steph before walking into the manor without speaking. "Well she's definitely not a fan of Sterrett." "That makes two of us and why am I going to the cellar does this have to do with my awakening or something else." Garrett looked surprised at her response,"You mean you dont know anything I thought you've been to the other side Darwin was wailing about it first thing he got here." Steph shifted uneasily at the mention of Darwin. " Yeah I have." "And." "I really dont know I saw a wolf I heard some mysterious cryptic messages in my head and that's it all of a sudden everyone around is making a fuss about," Steph let out her frustration in that statement. "Okay look I don't want to spook you more than I have to but follow me and I'll show you what you need to know." Steph nodded in acceptance eager to have a questions answered. Garrett took a path away from the busy centre and into the forest a distance away. They arrived at the entrance of heavy rusted door that opened into the underground cellar that Garrettt was talking about. "Okay now I'm scared," Steph said as she peered into the dark cellar. Garrett laughed at her response," Dont worry it's the safest place around these parts." Garrett switched on a flashlight he happened to be carrying and walked in followed closely behind by Steph. The cellar was basically an underground prison as it was a narrow and long corridor with cells on either side guarded by grilled doors. The cells were large rooms with multiple chains nailed to the walls. Steph didn't feel safe at all in here. "Are you sure this is the cellar or should I start running," Garrett chuckled at her response as he opened the door to one cell and entered, Steph was going to follow him in but he closed the door behind him leaving her outside, "I'm pretty sure its supposed to be the other way round." Steph said as she was baffled by his actions. "Trust me you dont want to be in here with me." Garrett moved towards the wall and began chaining himself which baffled Steph even more,"what the hell are you doing this is what you wanted to show me." "Wow I thought you would put the pieces together by now or you're just in denial maybe you need visual confirmation for it to click in properly," he said as he finished chaining all his four limbs to the wall and moved towards the door, "the moon goddess has taken you to the other side and brought you back and with it a gift has been bestowed upon you wake up Steph I know you know what I'm talking about." Steph collected her memories together, the first day she got here, her days at school and the encounter at the Night oak. She could see the large brown wolf standing tall in the wind calling to her and she finally realized what he meant but it was totally impossible for this kind of thing to exist she couldn't believe it. She looked up at Garrett by the door for an answer and he too realized her disbelief, he closed his blue eyes took in a deep breath and when he opened them the once blue orbs were replaced by dark golden yellow eyes.
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