Chapter 5

1330 Words
Keep up you can get lost in here," Steph was a few feet behind her aunt, they had left the trail after walking some distance into the woods leaving her baffled as to why they had to cut through the dense vegetation growing around the trees. Despite her protests Lily wasn't deterred and kept on moving forward. Steph was used to the concrete jungle but here she resembled a fish out of water as she tangled with vines and small shrubs to try and keep up with her aunt who effortlessly paced through the forest with ease. " You haven't told me where we are going yet?" Steph said impatiently after walking about ten minutes through the woods with no clear destination. "We're almost there be patient." Stephanie huffed in anguish as she followed her behind, she came to have some of her questions answered but so far her aunt remained eerily silent and deliberately walked ahead of her to avoid small talk. She began second guessing pushing her aunt to open up about her past when she wasn't ready yet, she thought it was a wrong move on her part but her mind was kept at ease when she saw the trees thin out into a clearing in the distance and realized this must be where they were headed. "Finally we're here," Lily said as she looked back at her niece, "keep an open mind." The message was cryptic and short, a skill Steph noticed most people she interacted with had perfected. Her aunt's tone was serious and somewhat fearful which made Steph rethink her decision to come here. She wondered whether she was a sacrifice for some messed up cult ritual and her gut instinct screamed at her to get out of there but a part of wanted to stay so badly for reasons she couldn't quite yet fathom. The clearing was about roughly about an acre in size, the grass engulfing it was about knee high in length and at the centre of the clearing was the largest tree Steph had seen in her life. It was twice as tall as any tree in forest and thrice as thick, it was majestic and Steph couldn't help but feel a powerful aura being emitted from the tree. "This is The Night Oak Tree it's a very important part of the history of the people that live here." "Its beautiful," Steph said in awe. Lily chuckled as she moved towards the tree, "it's more than just that come on let's take a closer look." Steph eagerly followed her aunt as they made their way to the tree. "So what's the story behind the tree?" Steph asked. Lily was silent for a while before speaking, "It is believed to possess magical power, it was grown here by a goddess as a gift to her people it can heal diseases and injuries,grant strength and offer protection to those that need it." Steph was interested more after hearing her aunt, she knew it was nothing but a fancy myths but she liked fantasy stories and this one irked her even more, "If it's very important how comes no one's here to guard it or even look at it." "Just because you dont see anyone doesn't mean they aren't there," Lily said as they finally reached the foot of the tree. The tree was much larger up close as Steph studied the strange markings covering the entire lower stem of the tree, they were mysterious and looked foreign and alien to her yet she felt like the markings were trying to speak to her. "Go ahead touch the tree," Lily said as she pushed Steph closer to the tree.Steph looked back at her aunt for reassurance but was met with a face of doubt, "are you sure about this?" Lily looked lost for words, Steph knew there was obviously something big she wasn't telling her so she decided to push her to talk. "Since we got here you've been acting strange and everyone else seems to have a stick up there ass I know about your identical tattoos, so tell me we've got each others back right?" Lily finally made eye contact with Steph, she saw a deep anguish pained her but she knew she wouldn't say it her mood showed her that much. Lily finally decided to talk," I can't tell you before you see for yourself." She grabbed Steph's hand and forcibly pressed it against the tree in rapid motion before she could react. Steph wanted to protest but was overcome by a cold tingling sensation that flowed through her arm to the rest of her body, it was exhilarating as she felt powerful and strong. The voice she had been hearing ringing in her head was more clear as it drowned out all her thoughts and fears and became the only thing that made sense in the moment. Stephanie! Stephanie! The tree in front of her disappeared as Lily vanished too, the entire land was left treeless as the empty grassland stretched out for miles ahead of her. Stephanie was terrified as she screamed out for her aunt but no reply came except the rustling of the tall grass in the wind.Out of desperation she screamed out for Darwin, Fergus and Garrett but no reply came,she felt alone but the same voice in her head spoke out again. You aren't alone I'm always with you Stephanie looked up in front of her and to her surprise a few feet from her a large wolf stood gazing at her. At first she was startled but she soon realized that the wolf was the one talking to her. Its fur was hazelnut brown same as her hair with black patches across its body. It had golden yellow eyes and was well built. She approached the wolf which didn't move from its position or open its mouth to bare its teeth at her. It felt right getting closer to the ferocious beast, she felt warmth from it as all the fear and emotional regret washed away in that single moment. She stretched her hand and touched the wolf's head gently stroking it slowly. Your time is now A bright white light shone from the sky engulfing both of them, it grew in brightness until she could only see the white light in front of her and when it vanished and everything came back to normal, the strange telepathic wolf was gone and Lily's concerned face was looking down at her. "Are you alright Steph?" Stephanie had many questions to ask but didn't know to start where, what she saw was too overwhelming for her. She got up from the ground near the tree where she lay and saw two figures approaching them quickly. She immediately recognized one of the two men, it was Darwin. The other man was older,in his forties but still well built and had a familiar resemblance to Darwin. The man spoke first once the reached them,"What are you doing Davis you know these are sacred grounds." "She has just as much claim to The Night Oak as you do and she proved it she's been to the other side," Lily said leaving both men shocked by her statement, especially Darwin. The older man eyed Steph with an intensity that made her shiver on the inside, "Then you know what follows next bring her to Blood Claw Creek so we can prepare her." Lily nodded her head in agreement and the older man turned around and walked back into the forest. Darwin changed around a while longer before seemingly recollecting his thoughts and leaving too with uttering a word. "Auntie what was that about and....." "I know you have questions and I will tell you everything but now time is of the essence night time is coming." Steph looked up at the now darkening sky and the moon which shone brighter than before celebrating the birth of a new wolf.
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