Chapter 4

808 Words
A day later and Stephanie was still thinking about her encounter with Darwin, Garrett and nameless dude, particularly her outburst when Darwin tried lecturing her. Looking back at it now she found pretty much awkward as well as hilarious that they resembled a middle aged couple having an argument. She smiled at the thought but immediately slapped herself for finding pleasure in it, guys like Darwin could never find her attractive she had no glowing aura of beauty about her only a bad mean streak and bitterness. "Girl where did your aunt leave the shed key?" Steph recognized the rough and brazen voice of Fergus as he approached the tree stub in the back field of the manor where she sat. Fergus had resorted to calling her 'girl' for the week she had been here even though she kept reminding him of her name every time. It was as if Everyone in the goddamned town wanted to get on her nerves. "For the thousandth time its Stephanie and no I dont know where it is?" "Hmmmfff," Fergus huffed, " What a waste of a pup." His statement made no sense to her but she knew it was some kind of an insult, Fergus didn't wait for her reply and walked past her towards the shed leaving Steph glaring holes into his back. She surprised herself by not coming up with a witty but nasty comeback but the week had drained of that energy. She forgot all about Fergus when she saw her aunt come out of the house towards her. The change of environment had really helped as her skin was less pale and she was gaining weight as well. She smiled more especially after her mystery walks in the woods during the evening hours, she went on the strolls on almost a daily basis but always insisted on going alone. It seemed suspicious to Stephanie at first but she kicked her paranoia to the curb, if this place made her aunt happy and safe then no Layla, Darwin or Fergus was going to steer away from her primary objective, keeping her only family alive. "Enjoying the evening breeze?" Aunt Lily said as she stretched her arms wide to let the air wash over her. " Yeah of course this place has its perks." Lily eyed her niece, " So no problems at all even at home with Fergus." " Now that you mention it can you fire him I just can't stand his arrogant attitude." Aunt Lily laughed as she sat by her niece's side on the tree stub, " Well that isn't my decision to make." "How dont you own the place," " Yes but it doesn't work like that," she paused to recollect her thoughts, " Steph things might seem strange here but always know that you're safe here." Aunt Lily smiled reassuringly and Stephanie couldn't help but smile back. She knew her aunt was hiding something from her, it was clear from the first day they got here with the tattoo situation and now here tactful and dodgy statements only reaffirmed her suspicions that Lily had gotten herself into a cult as a last ditch attempt to fight her illness. It seemed far fetched and dangerous but Steph was willing to dive in to save her aunt from certain destruction. She needed to crack her. " So you heading out today," Steph asked. "Yes of course it's a great day to stretch the old bones." "Can I tag along today?" Lily didn't seemed surprised at her statement instead seeming to ponder over it with a serious undertone. Steph watched eagerly waiting for a response, this walk was a great way for her to get Lily to open up more about her upbringing at the manor. The silence dragged on for a while as Steph realized the decision was harder for Lily to make than she anticipated, she wondered what she really needed to hide about her nature walks. "Maybe let's forget it I'll just get dinner ready by the time your back." Steph said to relieve the pressure of indecision of her shoulders, "it's your alone time and I shouldn't interfere." "No you can come." The statement was rather cold and blunt, it sounded more of a command than a request but Steph was more than elated to go either way. She hugged her aunt tightly before getting up, "should we get going so we can make it back earlier for dinner." "Yes let's go but remember Stephanie you asked for this not me," Lily said before moving forward into the woods. She was taken aback by her aunt's words but still followed behind eagerly waiting to unlock the forest secrets that her aunt seemed unwilling to share. As excitement filled her up five words rang in her head. The forest is dark again.
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