Chapter 3

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Apart from her disaster start to a new school in the morning the rest of her day was calm and peaceful. She went through all her classes without speaking to anyone and she spent the lunch hour alone in the library to avoid more eyes in the cafeteria. As Steph walked out of her last class of the day and into the hallway she noticed that the other students were keeping a safe distance away from her even as they walked through the halls. Stephanie even realized they were intentionally not looking at her as they pretended to not notice her presence by keeping busy on their phones or sticking their heads in the lockers. She really didn't realise until now how much of an effect the popular kids in the school had on the body, she probably had been ousted by Layna as a cold war strategy against her since Darwin forbid her from using physical violence. "I hear she lives at Eclipse hill," Steph heard a girl she past softly tell her friend, she slowed down to her more. "Woow so she's like one of them?" That statement spiked an interest in the girls conversation. "She's not one of them from what I've heard she hasn't even awoken yet." "Yeah but still...." The girls suddenly stopped talking and Steph knew she blew her cover by hanging around too long without stealth. She looked at the two girls who were amusedly looking back at her smiled at them and walked off in a hurry. Steph had learned more from the girls' conversation than she could have hoped to get, the girls mentioned the same name she saw on the sign post at the manor. She guessed people never stopped calling the house that name but what intrigued her more was the talk about her being 'one of them' and how she hadn't 'awoken' yet. Something sinister was going around and Stephanie was smart enough to know that this was no quiet small town, things out of the ordinary were taking place here and she could feel deep inside her. "So the brave one finishes her first day of school unscathed," a guy's voice said behind her as she past through the school entrance. She turned around to see who spoke to her only for her mood to drop when she realized it was Darwin's blonde lacky. He still wore the same smile he had in the morning as he approached her like they were the best of buddies. "You really can handle your own in the battle of the words not so much in a real one." He circled her waiting for her response baiting her into a provocative treaction but Steph saw his intent from a mile away as she composed herself ready to take the situation the sensible way, " Sorry but I don't even know you." " Well I know you Stephanie Davis." " Hmm whatever stalker." " Theres the feisty wolf I've been waiting to see by the way you were legendary this morning taking down Layna like that takes more than guts," Steph opened her mouth to bite back but realized the guy was basically praising, it was weird as he continued staring at her with his same psychotic albeit cute smile. "So I'm just guessing but you do have a name right." " What do you want my name to be?" He said in a rather seductive manner. " Ooh we are so not playing this game so I'm going," Steph said as she broke away from him and continued her walk towards the parking lot. He followed her behind which irritated her but she still enjoyed the human association after missing it the entire day. " Okay you're really hard to please, my name's Garrett you're happy now." " You're name's got nothing to do with my happiness so crawl away I gotta go." "Ouch I knew you were mean but this is next level," Garrett but with the same playful tone in his voice and dubious smile plastered on his face. Steph rolled her eyes at his response as she reached her aunt's banged up Corolla which she had given her for commuting to school. " Well I gotta get home Garrett see you tomorrow." " Garrett what the hell you know we're needed and you're busy goofing around with...." the deep voice she recognized so well boomed from behind as they turned around to see the approaching duo of Darwin and the other bulky guy following in suit. He managed to look even hotter than he did in the morning but Steph knew it was her hyperactive teenage hormones filling her with crazy thoughts. "Let's go man I don't want to be late," Darwin told Garrett without even sparing her a single glance. This was the third time he openly refused to converse with her even though they were inches away from each other, it pissed her off immensely and she wasn't going to let him off easy this time. Talk to me. "A simple hey would suffice broody boy," she said as she made a waving gesture to Darwin. He wasn't amused at all by her statement as he looked at her with a deep intensity that left her more nervous than she ever was since she got to this town. His eyes were dark as they stared right through her, she really didn't want to have a starring contest with him so she looked away as Darwin finally spoke to her, "Look you should keep a low profile here you're not exactly welcome I can't keep saving you all the...." "Hold on what! Okay I don't need your saving I've been fine alone for eighteen years," she said abruptly,the other guy's interest was suddenly perked as he watched Steph with a more annoyed but bored look on his face while Garrett looked happier than ever as he fought to hold back a chuckle. Darwin was livid but concealed well under an expressionless face, he huffed looked at her one last time before turning around and heading towards the direction of the woods across from the school, "Dont be late Garrett." Stephanie couldn't believe what just happened,never had her sassy tone won her so many victories in school, maybe this place wasn't so bad after all. She was however still shocked by Darwin's calmness after her somewhat rude remark, maybe he too was not allowed to harm her or better he was her secret protector. Steph hoped it was the second option before Garrett brought her back into reality. "Earth to Stephanie can you hear me," "Loud and clear," "Well I'm leaving so I guess tomorrow will be full of surprises especially with you," "Dont get your Hope's up I'm rather dull," "Whatever you say," he followed his two friends who had crossed the road and were following the trail into the woods. "Dont you guys have cars like other normal teenagers," Steph said in one final taunt. Garrett turned around to answer her. "Who needs a car when you can f*****g run."
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