Chapter 8

396 Words
Chapter 8: The Escape Just as Catherine was making headway in her plot to seduce Charles, Ashleigh plotted her escape from Catherine’s basement dungeon and get back to Charles before Catherine could marry him and become his wife. Ashleigh saw her chance when she spotted the key to the dungeon cell door lying on the door. Catherine must have dropped them and not realized it. Ashleigh attempted to find something that would let her reach the key and let herself out. After an hour of trying to reach the key, Ashleigh was happy to be free of Catherine’s dungeon that she was trapped in. Now Ashleigh had to get back home and back to Charles. But it would be a rough three days of hitch hiking 1000 miles to get back home. Meanwhile, Catherine was making dinner for Charles when he arrived home exhausted from working at the office. “Wow! You must have slaved all day to make this meal?” Charles said, as he took a bite of Catherine’s Tilapia Tacos. “What can I say? I knew you’d be hungry and I thought I’d earn my keep by making dinner.” Catherine lied to make Charles indebted to her, knowing she had laced the tacos with drugs that would render Charles conscious enough to get him to do her will. But just as Charles and Catherine were sitting down to enjoy dinner, Catherine got a call from her guard at her family’s home… “I’m sorry, Charles, but I need to take this in the other room. Feel free to start without me.” “Don’t mind if I do.” Charles said as he dug into the Tilapia Tacos and placed three on his plate along with some salsa to go along with the tacos. “What do you mean she’s escaped?!” Catherine whispered angrily so Charles wouldn’t hear her rage. “Ma’am, Miss Crimson’s escaped her dungeon cell.” The guard told her. “Well, thanks for letting me know.” Catherine told the guard. Catherine had to rush her plans to marry Charles because now that Ashleigh had managed to escape, she knew it would be a matter of time before Ashleigh came back.
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