Chapter 7

364 Words
Chapter 7 – The Seduction Secure in the notion that Ashleigh was locked away forever, Catherine found her way to Charles apartment to begin her seduction. Charles’ was out on bail, unbeknownst to him, paid by Catherine. “Hello? May I help you?” Charles asked Catherine, who was bringing dinner to him. “Yes. I’m Catherine Jorgensen. I’m Ashleigh’s best friend.” Catherine introduced herself to Charles. “I see you brought dinner. Please come in.” Charles said, inviting her in. “I haven’t felt like eating since Ashleigh’s disappearance.” “I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. I thought some dinner might cheer you up.” Catherine said, putting on her best sympathetic performance. “Well, it was nice of you to think of me.” Charles said. “Would you care to join me?” “I’d love to.” “I don’t care to be alone and your company is a refreshing change of pace.” Catherine and Charles sat down to dinner as they ate the dinner she made: lasagna and a tossed salad—Ashleigh’s favorite. This was going to be easy to seduce Charles. After dinner Charles poured the two of them a glass of wine as the two of them sat on the sofa. They reminisced the times they shared with Ashleigh, leading the two of them to kissing and nearly making out. But Charles stopped himself before things went too far—to Catherine’s dismay. “I’m sorry. I can’t.” “Hey, I understand.” Catherine said. “I’ll be on my way.” But as Catherine started to get her things, she tripped on Charles’ stairs on his front porch. Feeling guilty for Catherine’s accident, he invited her to stay in his spare room. He helped her back inside and to the spare bedroom. After Charles left her alone, Catherine smiled to herself, “This was going to be so easy.” Then she rubbed her uninjured ankle.
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