Chapter 9

199 Words
Chapter 9: The Wedding “Charles.” Catherine said when she came back to the dining room to find that Charles had passed out from eating the tacos that were laced with drugs. “Well, ain’t this my lucky day?!” Catherine smiled as she put the next plot into play. Fifteen minutes later, the doorbell rang…it was the minister she had called to perform the wedding for Catherine and Charles. A heavily-sedated Charles and Catherine were married before the minister in a wedding with just the three of them. It didn’t matter since Catherine intended the wedding to be a very private affair any way. She needed to be Charles’ bride before Ashleigh managed to get back now that she had escaped the dungeon cell she has Ashleigh stashed away in. Meanwhile, about 500 miles away, Ashleigh tired, but intent on continuing her hitch hike to get home before Catherine did what she knew she do…marry her fiancé. But Ashleigh was too late to get back to town as Catherine had managed to marry Charles in his heavily-sedated state, despite the fact that he was lucid enough to consent.
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