Chapter 8

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The Party-Part Two Stranger POV *** I got a phone call a week ago from my father's assistant telling me that I have to be present in the upcoming company's board meeting and that my father is sending me his private get to pick me up, the message was short and clear with no room to negotiation.  Brief Of Mine And My Father's Relationship  'He always does that, he wants to control all aspects of my life. When I was a little kid he sent me to a boarding school and I wasn't allowed to visit except two times a year, when I graduated he wanted me to study architecture in order for me to take over the company. I always did what he wants and never liked it, but once I've graduated I finally found the courage to do my own thing, I refused the position that my dad gave me in the company and never really used my diploma. I enlisted myself as a photojournalist and started to travel across the world, needless to say that my father flipped at what I did and as a result he cut me out.  I was happy with my decision and my choice but my mother broke my heart with every phone call and every visit she tries to mend our relationship which never worked we were both stubborn, until one day I got a phone call from my mother telling me that my grandfather passed away and I need to return home.  That day changed my life completely, it turned out that my grandfather willed all his company's shares to me which made me a co-owner with my father and in a direct contact with him, we never agreed on anything. So two years ago I signed my responsibilities to my father leaving him with a total control over the company while I just go when they needs me to sign somethings, other than that I'm not interested.  When his assistant called me to be present in the next board meeting I thought that he just wants me to sign him few papers as usual but way was I wrong, he forced me to be manage a new project for the company.  I agreed on the terms of me creating my own team, with my designs and without the need for his approval but he didn't like the last part and added a condition which is to have one member of his choice in my team to be my partner in the project.' And that's how I got here, standing in the hotel room preparing myself for the company's masquerade party.  *** At The Party I was on the bar getting myself a drink when I saw a mesmerizing woman wearing a blue dress, it was covering her body like a glove. She has a great body, curves in the right places, long tight legs, and her chocolate invites you to comb it with your fingers.  She walked passed me like I was invisible and wondered off, I was following her with my eyes when I heard my phone rings. I pulled it out of my pocket to check the caller and it was my best friend, he was checking on me because I was supposed to return after the board meeting but my plans have changed.  I went to the backside of the garden away from the sounds to be able to talk, I was in the middle of my phone call when I felt someone starring at me. I turned my head to find that mesmerizing woman sitting on the bench behind me, I can't believe I haven't noticed her.  "I got to go" I say to my best friend when I saw her smiling and waving at me, I walked towards her with one thought in my head 'to get to know her' but she cut me off "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop at your conversation" She tells me, I was shocked with her apologies because it was me who invaded her privacy and not the other way around "You don't have to apologize you didn't do anything wrong I was too taken by the phone call that I haven't seen you sitting here" I say and sit beside her on the bench "so what are you doing here? Why aren't you enjoying the party?" I ask her interested to know the reason behind a gorgeous woman leaving such party and preferring to spend the time sitting in the dark alone "Who said I wasn't enjoying the party?" She say waving her hands to her surrounding with a smile on her face and a twinkle in her eyes "I'm hearing the music, enjoying the night's air and the pond view under the twinkling lights of the stars" She continues enchanted by the view.  "You are alone" I state as a matter of fact but she surprises me again when she say "who said that I'm alone" and she looks at my face while continuing "you are here" and that cracked a smile on my face, finally I feel better about being here tonight. "What's your name?" I couldn't stop myself from asking wanting to get to know this incredible woman in front of me "Would you like to dance?" She say avoiding my question and surprising me at once "You didn't answer my question" I tell her but again she ignores me and stand up facing me and offers me her hand waiting for me to accept her dance invitation. I couldn't stop myself from looking from her hand to her face couple of times before laughing and shaking my head and putting my hand in hers while standing up, I twirl her a few times before holding her close to my body, I want to feel her between my arms. I place my hand on the small of her back and was happy to feel her shiver under my touch, I start to guide her through the dance. Our bodies moving in sync and our eyes having a private conversation of their own.  *** We spent the night together talking, laughing and getting to know each other. When I kept asking her personal questions she suggested to play 10 questions game but with no personal question, I agreed in the hope of getting to know few clues to help me know who she is.  I was telling her about a funny situation that happened to me in the past and she was laughing and enjoying her time, I felt great that I was the reason behind her smiles and laughs. This woman making me feel something I haven't felt before, it was a mysterious feeling but it was the kind of feeling that you will want to feel forever. I noticed how her eyes were tearing from all the laughter, she was trying to wipe them away without revealing her face to me. I was lost in her eyes they were dark almost black, never seen like them in my life. My eyes fell on her plump red lips inviting me to taste them and the way she kept biting her lower lip throughout the night made me want to do the same, I found myself leaning towards her, our faces inches apart. I supported her head with my hand and put the other around her waist and pulled her closer to me, I wanted to feel her body pressed against mine and finally I crashed her lips with mine.  It was a great kiss, I couldn't believe that I'm finally kissing her. I was greedy I wanted more, I wanted to deepens the kiss I bit her bottom lip asking for entrance which I was happy to be get. I finally broke the kiss, I rest my forehead against hers and catching my breath. I was again lost in her eyes when we heard a voice coming from the speakers announcing that it's 10 minutes to midnight and everyone is required to be on the dance floor for the announcement.  *** We were on the dance floor waiting for my father to start his announcement when her phone rings, she excused herself and I saw her stepping closer to the hotel entrance. I was watching her talk on the phone when some of my father friends came to talk to me, when my father started speaking everyone turned quite to listen to his speech while I was looking for her she wasn't at the entrance anymore. I roamed my eyes through the crowd in the hope of seeing her but nothing, after the speech was over people everyone took off their masks and they were congratulating us for the new project and me joining the company when I noticed her running across the reception area. I excused myself from the people around me and walked through the crowd trying to catch her, when I finally reached the reception area there was no sight of her. I asked the receptionist if she have seen her she told me that she just walked out the front door, I run out and see her speeding out on a bike.  I slump my shoulder disappointed that I've lost her, the only woman that made me feel this way left without at least saying goodbye. I walk back to my room, stripping out of my clothes just keeping my boxers on and throwing my body on the bed. I spent the rest of the night thinking of her and trying to find out who she was before darkness consumed me and drifted off to sleep land.  *** I woke up on the sound of the phone ringing, I groan and reach for the phone "Hello" I say in a sleepy voice "Hello sir this is your wake-up call" The receptionist say "I didn't ask for a wake-up call" I replied annoyed "Sorry sir but the request was made by your father and her also left you a note saying to meet him at 10 am in the company" She say "What time is it?" I ask her rubbing my forehead "It's 7am sir" She say before I hang up after a small thank you I pull myself off the bed and make my way to the bathroom to take a shower and prepare for the day, I stepped out of the shower wrapping a towel around my waist and walk out of the bathroom to order some breakfast before wearing my clothes.  I was sitting on the couch sipping on my coffee when I noticed something twinkling on the floor near the bathroom door, I put the coffee on the table and walk towards the mystery thing. I crouch and take it off the floor to examine it, when I was shocked it was a feminine silver bracelet and not just any bracelet it was hers. 'I remember when I noticed her wearing it when we were dancing but what puzzled me is what it's doing in my room?' I say to myself before coming to the conclusion that she have been on my room, it was the only explanation. I put the bracelet in my pocket before leaving the room having a new hope inside me of finding her, with that thought in mind I was ready for anything my father would throw at me. I put my sunglasses on and find myself smiling while walking out of the main gate to the waiting car that my father sent for me to drive me to the company.  Once inside the car I reach for the bracelet in my pocket and look at it again before saying "I'm going to find you no matter what" making a promise to myself and to her...
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