Chapter 7

1166 Words
The Party-Part One *** I stepped to the garden where the party is going in a full swing, the garden was lighted with camping torches and few twinkle lights coating the atmosphere with a nice romantic aura, a few cocktail tables distributed all over the garden, a dance floor in the center, the music pumping from the speakers in different corners of the garden, a food table to the back and a small bar. The party was nice, there was a lot of people invited but due to the open space it doesn't give the feeling of a crowded space. I walk towards the bar to get a drink, I started walking around enjoying the night and also looking for the girls. I noticed an empty path to the left and due to my curiosity I walked through it to see where it would lead me, I found myself near a pond, there where few road lamps that are lighting the area, I can see a wooden bench facing the pond. I sit on the bench looking at the stars twinkling in the sky while enjoying the distant voice of the music coming from the party.  "I can't believe him what was he thinking when he suggested that" I hear a voice of a man that brought me out of my head, I turned my head from the sky to see who was the owner of that voice. I saw a figure of a man standing near the pond with a phone in his hand, his back was facing me but as if he felt me looking at him he turned his body towards me. When his eyes met mine I felt awkward eavesdropping to his conversation well actually he was the one invading my silence but that didn't stop me from feeling like a small kid got caught stealing cookies, I put a smile on my face and waved my hand as a recognition that I know he caught me. He closed his phone and put it back in his pocket while approaching me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop at your conversation" I tell him "You don't have to apologize you didn't do anything wrong I was too taken by the phone call that I haven't seen you sitting here" he said after he took a seat beside me "so what are you doing here? Why aren't you enjoying the party?" He asked me "Who said I wasn't enjoying the party" I said waving my hands to my surrounding "I'm hearing the music, enjoying the night's air and the pond view under the twinkling lights of the stars" I continue "You are alone" he state as a matter of fact "Who said that I'm alone" I say looking at his face " you are here" I say and that made him crack a smile on his face "What's your name?" He asked me  "Would you like to dance?" I ask him avoiding his question "You didn't answer my question" he said but I ignored him once again, I stand up and offer him my hand waiting for him to accept my dance invitation. He looked at my hand and than at my face before laughing and shaking his head before putting his hand in mine and standing up, he twirled me a few times before holding me close to his body, his hand on the small of my back to guide me through the dance. Our bodies moving in sync and our eyes having a private conversation of their own, I can feel my cheeks heat up and I was thankful for the mask that was covering how this man was affecting me. *** We spent the night talking and laughing, he was really funny. I never felt this comfortable around a mysterious guy but again it might be a courage that was coming from the fact of hiding behind the mask, we danced throughout the night, taking occasional breaks to drink something and have something to eat, we even played a 10 questions game but we agreed to nothing too personal. This mysterious guy was making me feel alive, makes me feel new things that I haven't felt before. We were sitting on another bench and he was telling me about a funny situation that happened to him in the past, he made me laugh until I felt my eyes tear up. I was wiping my tears carefully using my fingertips when I caught him staring at me, the look in his eyes made me freeze, they were blue orbs reminding me of the beach and oh God how I wanted to be drowned in these eyes. Before I could understand what's happening I felt myself really close to him, our faces inches apart, I could feel his breath fanning my face, his hand was behind my face and the other one clutched to my waist and dragging me closer to him if that's even possible, I felt my mouth go dry and my breath was caught when he crashed his lips onto mine. The kiss was magical, passionate and demanding. It didn't take him time to deepens the kiss and invade my mouth with his tongue exploring it. I didn't know how long lasted the kiss but when we finally pulled apart we were both breathing heavily and trying to catch our breathes and calming our heart, he rested his forehead against mine neither of us want to break our contact until we head a voice coming through the speaker announcing that it's 10 minutes to midnight and everyone will be gathered at the dance floor for the announcement. *** We were on the dance floor waiting for the announcement when I felt my phone vibrates in my purse, I excused myself and stepped closer to the exit door so I could listen to the caller. "I'm coming for you just wait and don't do anything stupid" I yell through the phone before I hang up, I look at the mysterious guy he was having conversation with few guys, I couldn't wait any longer. I dashed inside the hotel and went straight to the room, with no time to waste in changing I just took off my heels fast and putting on my boots. I threw my heals and purse inside of my backpack before wearing the leather jacket above my dress, throwing the backpack over my shoulder and grabbing the gloves and the helmet and walking out of the room. I walk out of the elevator and walking straight to the main door running to my bike, once on my bike I reach for the keys, out them in the ignition and starting the bike. I put the helmet on and typed a quick message for my roommates before returning the phone inside my backpack and putting on the gloves, once I was ready I took a last glance at the door and caught a glimpse of my mystery man running towards the main gate 'I hope to see you again' was the last thought in my head before driving off.
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