Chapter 9

1094 Words
The Party-Part Three Defne POV *** I was finally having fun at the party, I have seen Meryem dancing on the dance-floor but there is still no sign of Iz. I've left her her mask with the receptionist and notified the organizer of her arriving late, I was enjoying my drink while watching the dance-floor when I saw a man approaching me. He was tall, well built giving the impression of working out regularly, olive skin, dark hair, firm jaw and wearing a sexy smile. When he asked to dance, he offered me his hand and I felt a shiver pass through me when I put my hand in his. He lead me to the dance floor and put his hand on the small of my back pushing me towards him, when I lifted my head up I found pair of grey eyes staring right through my brown orbs. Right than and there I found my knees buckle from underneath me, if it weren't for him holding me this close I would've ended falling on my butt and embarrassing myself.  During the two songs that we danced on all we knew about each other was our names, after that we went back to the bar to get us something to drinks before heading for a bench and getting to know each other.  That was when I have finally seen Iz mingling and having fun with a man I've never seen before. He was a tall, well built and blonde. I saw them laughing their heart out which drew a smile on my face, I was happy for her, it was the first time I see her letting go and just have some fun.  *** After midnight the masks were off and the speech was over, 'Onur' took me to the backside of the party where I found a pond. We sat on the bench talking and getting to know each other, when I felt my phone vibrate in my purse. I reached for it to find a message from Iz telling me that she had to leave suddenly, she got an emergency phone call and that she won't be around for few days and that she will call us to check in when she get there. 'Only she didn't say where is there'.  We went back to the party looking for Meryem when I found her at the bar checking her phone, "Hey Meryem I would like you to meet Onur, Onur this is Meryem my friendoommate" I said "Nice to meet you" They both say "I have to go now, see you tomorrow?" He asked me "See you" I said with a smile on my face and watch him leave before I turn to Meryem "ready?" I ask her and she nods and we head towards the car when she say "btw Iz sent me a message..." but I cut her off "Yeah she sent me a message too" I tell her while we climb in the car and head home.  *** Monday I was sitting on my desk, finishing my coffee and preparing the files for my boss. When my head wondered to yesterday's event, it went by like a blur.  'Waking up late, having Meryem's pancakes special, spending all day in pjs and watching movies. Our girls night was missing Iz but we finally got a message from her telling us that she made it, she's okay and that she will return in a week. She also asked us to check up on her building, because according to her timeline the carpenters will finish everything on Wednesday and she won't be back by than.  At night I went out with Onur for a coffee, we had fun but we didn't stay up late because I have work the next morning.' I stand up from behind my desk taking the files and my notepad with me and heading for my boss's office, I knock and when I hear a faint come in I turn the knob and get in. He was sitting behind his desk looking intensely at his computer, he was round his late fifties, his head full of grey hair, average height, fit body even for his age, wrinkles surrounding his face and glaces covering his blue eyes. When I arrived to his side, I put the files open in front of him and stepped back in front of his desk preparing my notepad "Would you need anything else sir?" I ask my boss "Yes, I want you to inform everyone that we are having a meeting after lunch break and you have to be there as well" He tells me "Okay sir, anything else?" I ask him "Yeah, I want you to check the office at the 25th floor. I asked them to prepare it just check it for me, see if there is anything missing or needs to be changed" He tells me "I will do sir, will that be all?" I ask him and he nods dismissing me.  I get out of his office and into mine to inform everyone about the meeting before heading for the 25th floor and than go out for lunch, I take my purse and head to the elevator, after waiting for ten minutes I decided to take the stairs it's only three floors up anyway. I checked for everything and made few notes for the missing things to order them when I come back from lunch and before heading to the meeting room, and with that I head out.  *** Meeting-Room All the managers are sitting when my boss and I enter, he sit at the head of the table before addressing the room "As you all know we landed a new project, this project will be the start of a new partnership in the future and we need to make sure to do our best. As you all know that I'm not the Sol owner of (Demir Holding) my son owns fifty percent of it and according to the deal we made when we signed the project my son 'Burak' will spearhead the entire project by himself, we prepared the three floors on top of ours for his team. He will arrive tomorrow and might pick few of you to join his team as well, if any of you got picked just know that you are no longer under my administration but under his. I can't interfere with any decision he take nor approve anything, thank you that would be all" He finishes and walk out of the room leaving us all stunned.  'Oh God help us' I pray in my head before exiting the meeting room after everyone and head for my office to finish my work for the day.
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