Katerina's Big Surprise

1568 Words
Katerina's POV As I am being pulled away by my group of friends. Laura hooks her arm through mine pulling me excitedly away from Andrew and Devon. All while I can barely glance over my shoulder at them smiling. I swear that I see something in Devon's eyes change as I catch his eyes for the first time today, but before I can figure out what this is, my attention is taken away by Laura. She's asking me, "Who do you hope is your mate Kat?" I start laughing and tell her, "Noone for a while." She lowers her voice so that only I can hear her and tells me that she doesn't believe me and knows that Devon would be my dream man. I can't deny her but I still don't want to find my mate for a few years though. As we head to our lockers for our books for the first class of the day which is history with Mr. Brown. I still can't decide if I want the day to speed by or if I want it to last forever though at this point. It wasn't until after my second period english with Mrs. Nelson that I finally saw my brother Andrew and Devon again. There is still something different about him today. Though I can't place what it is. It looks like they have presents for me. Yay!!! This could not get any better I thought to myself. Until, I see Devon shaking an iced coffee in my line of sight and I almost jump him for it. I am currently hanging off his side like a koala trying to scale him for the delicious coffee that he is currently dangling out of my reach. His laughter is the most intoxicating sound that I've ever heard in my life for some reason. It is so distracting that I almost forgot my mission at hand. Then we heard a snap of a camera and both our heads snapped towards the direction of the noise to my brother. He snapped a picture of my obsession with coffee. I know that I will never hear the end of it from now on. Now that he has proof. Devon distracts me though by saying with his million dollar smile, "A hug for the coffee Katerina. It's even your favorite and it's even made just how you like it." I swear at the sight of him smiling at me my breath hitches and my cheeks are definitely a light shade of pink by now. What is wrong with me today? I smile and nod my head quickly giving him the biggest bear hug ever for the coffee. I have yet to claim as mine. He lowers his hand with the coffee and as soon as the straw is in reach of my mouth. All while I'm currently still stuck in the bear hug with his other arm. My mouth is already latched onto the straw and I'm drinking it like a person dying of thirst. I quickly untangle myself and swipe the coffee from him without ever relinquishing the straw. Of course this has both Devon and Andrew dying of laughter for at least a minute. Though, I am completely content standing here and enjoying my coffee while they calm the f**k down. Until, I start to pout realizing that it is all gone. This has my brother laughing again at my expense. But Devon surprises me by chuckling and cooing my way, "Kitten, no worries. We have another one with your birthday lunch and more presents outside." I am struck a little at first by the pet name he just used. But my heart melted and sped up at the sound of it. What is really going on with me today? Then I process that there's lunch, more presents and more coffee outside. I look at them and say, "Really!!! More coffee and more presents!!! Ohhhh...and what's for lunch boys???" All while hooking my arms around their waists walking towards the coffee and food. They answer together, "Cheeseburgers, tots and cheesecake!" I am all about starting to try forcing them out of the school as fast as I can move their big asses now. Though their laughing is causing this process to take even longer than planned. We finally make it outside and grab the food, presents and coffee to walk towards a picnic table outside to eat lunch. Ohhhh...and even more to my surprise it's from my favorite diner. Could this day get any better? Apparently it can since they are both seriously grinning at me. I finally had to know why they have such a big grin on their faces because I am too curious for my own good. "Guys this is amazing. Thank you so much for lunch! But I have to know. Why are you two grinning from ear to ear?" Devon grabs a few bags from in-between them and leans over next to me while giving me a small hug and placing the three bags in my hands saying, "Happy birthday Katerina." I swear it causes me to blush and I am hoping that I don't look like a tomato at least. I glance up towards his eyes as he's moving back to his seat and I swear that they are darker than normal. My brother pipes up, "Well come on. Open them up!!! We are waiting!!!" I started to laugh while excitedly opening my gifts. The first bag has the newest five finger death punch band shirt that's sleeveless the way I prefer and a pair of pants that I've wanted for a while. I swear my eyes must be seriously shining at the moment because I am completely giddy seeing this gift and it's just the first one. They don't even need me to tell them anything because they can clearly see how happy it has made me. Devon says, "Go to the next one and wait until the end for anything else Katerina." God when he says my name I just want to fall into his arms. I hurry up and open the second gift. It's a new freaking band hoodie!!! The next thing I know I am jumping up and switching my hoodies out. This brings a bigger grin to their faces. How am I going to out do them on their next birthday with all of this special treatment I feel soooOOOooo...loved. The last present has some weight to it and once I get it open I'm speechless. Oh my freaking GOD!!! Is all I can think. They gave me the combat boots I have been staring at forever. They are a beautiful mat black leather with silver buckles on the sides. I don't think that I could be any happier than I am at this moment. They both stood up and I tackled them to the ground in a big hug thanking them for making my day. We are all laughing. Then Andrew pipes up, "Man Devon. If she's this happy already, maybe she doesn't need her last gift huh?" I pull back while raising my eyebrow at them and say, "Wait what!?!?!" Of course Devon answers Andrew acting like I never talked. "I don't know Andrew. Maybe you are right. I don't think that she could get any happier." I am fed up with them ignoring me and I get a wicked grin. Which Andrew almost missed though before he could yell out at me. I had both of their sides and was tickling them to death. Of course until they turned it around and caught me in-between the both of them turning the tables. Finally I am screaming, "Mercy!!! Mercy!!! Please!!! Mercy!!! I just want to know what you guys are hiding from me!!! Mercy!!!" We are all still in a fit of laughter and me trying to catch my breath in-between them since they finally took pity on me and let me go. Though it looked as if Devon was very reluctant to let me go though. What is going on today? Then the next thing I see makes me scream out in joy and forget my current thoughts. Andrew placed a ticket for this saturday's five finger death punch concert in front of my face! I am now sitting up and squealing while doing my happy dance. Though I swear out of the corner of my eye I saw Devon looking at me in pure awe and with love in his eyes. But before I could really pay attention. It was gone and he was saying, "We are going with you of course and we also got a ticket so that Laura can join us for the day as well. We will go eat before the concert and all crash at your place that night. Maybe even have a movie night afterwards with all the junk food that you can handle." I swear that I did not know that I could ever be this happy before in my life. I just tackled them again in the biggest bear hug I could muster and whimpered out a "Thank you!" I couldn't wait for saturday to come. Though, we were already late for our next class so the boys suggested that we head back to the house for the rest of the day and watch a few movies. This is the best day ever!!!
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