Time to Face The Parents

1883 Words
Devon's POV As I am walking out of the house it feels like I am leaving a vital organ behind. It does not help either that Demon is currently whimpering in my head, because we are leaving our mate behind. So, I pull out my phone to distract me while walking out to my car and see the pictures that Andrew took of Kat and me together today. They instantly make me feel a little better for sure. Now to decide on which one goes where since I just saved them all in a special folder in my phone. I think that the coffee one should be set as my new screensaver and the one of both of us sleeping will be set as my new wallpaper. Ohhhh...and the one when she first cuddled into me will be her new contact photo. A perfect set up if you ask me. Now that I am in a better mood I guess I better head home for a bit. After driving home and walking through the front door I hear my mom call out to me, "Hey hunny, how was your day?" I followed her voice into the kitchen to give her a kiss on the cheek and answer, "It was amazing actually and I am hoping that tonight will be even better." She looks at me all while raising her eyebrow questioning my way. I even feel the blush rising to my cheeks. Damn, she knows that I don't intend to explain any further which means that she's going to call in the big guns. Before I know it she's yelling, "Hunny, please come here!" Throughout the house. f**k! I look her way and yell, "MOM!!! Really!!!" She just shrugged her shoulders and said, "Maybe you should have just told me whatever it was that you are hiding from me. Then I wouldn't have had to get your Dad involved." I sighed and mumbled/grumbled that I found my mate today. She paused in her steps and then she turned screeching in happiness and my Dad flew around the corner asking, "What is going on here?" She doesn't give me a chance to answer my father and yells, "Who is SHE and where is SHE!!! Though I think that I already know!!!" My jaw just drops as shock takes over my mind and body from my mother's statement. All while my Dad is currently looking between the two of us with a raised eyebrow showing his confusion and the need for him to be recognized in this conversation. I looked at my Dad and was about to speak to him when. Wait what did she just say!!! I snapped my head towards my Mom and said, "What do you mean that you think that you know who she is?" Now both my Father and I are looking at her and watching her squam in place. Finally she answers, "I have had an idea of who I thought your mate was since you were a few months old actually. Both your Aunt Joyce and myself have had an idea on who your mate was." Seeing as we didn't stop her and pushed for her to keep going she sighed, "As a baby when Aunt Joyce was pregnant with Katerina you would fight to be as close as possible to her in your Aunt's belly. There was nothing anyone could do about it. You would be on one side and Andrew would be on the other and if you weren't able to be there you made sure that there was hell to pay. It's also why we figured that Aunt Joyce was having a girl actually. So were we right!?!?! Please tell me that we were right!" My Father and I just stared at her with our mouths open until she said impatiently, "Come on son. Were we right and are we going to really be family now and not just amazing friends!" After a few more seconds of blinking I could finally nod my head yes and she started yelling excitedly throughout the house. Though I busted her bubble mumbling, "She doesn't know yet though." My parents just stared at me with dumbfounded looks on their faces waiting for me to explain. Demon pipes in, "Well, this should be interesting. How will we explain without spilling the beans?" I just sigh back, "I don't know man. I don't know at all." My Dad finally realizing that I am not explaining myself on my own looks at me and says, "Explain NOW son!" All I can do is sigh. Finally defeated, I look at them and ask them if we can keep this just between us and maybe move this conversation to your office Dad?" They both nod and start walking towards his office with me following closely behind them. Demon yet again decides to pipe in, "Well this feels like the walk of death. They are looking at you like you are going to reject her and that they might kill you." This only leads to my sarcastic response of, "Thanks Demon for the information. Not like I didn't notice that at all man." He throws in one last word before disappearing to the back of my mind again, "Hey man! I'm just trying to be helpful here stating the obvious!" I can only roll my eyes at his sarcastic remark while walking into the office. Though once the door shuts all I hear is both of my parents yelling at me confirming Demon and my thoughts. Though I cut them off quickly with a, "Whoa!!! Calm down, you both have the wrong idea!!!" I watch as they visibly relax and wait to hear me out now. I take a calming breath and say, "First off this conversation is never to leave this office okay?" They both nod agreeing to my terms. So, I continue, "I first found out that she was my mate in front of Andrew." My Dad started laughing at me while saying, "Did he try to kill you by the time that you noticed him staring at you?" I all but choke out, "DAD this is NOT funny and yes he did. By the time I caught her eyes and Demon yelled, "Mate!" in my mind. He was already advancing on me. I had to calm him down before anything else. Last thing I need is my pissed off best friend and future Beta trying to kill me!" Now both of my parents are chuckling at my expense. What the f**k! "THIS is NOT funny guys!" I all but whine. My mother tells me, "Well, he has always been an extremely protective big brother that's for sure." I can't disagree with that statement. My Dad pipes in with, "At least you know she will always be protected by your Beta at all costs." True. I didn't even think about that aspect yet. But, he had to continue his thought with, "But son, I do not understand why you didn't tell her after you calmed down Andrew." I am visibly pale and my parents are now panicking and yelling at me, "Ohhhh...my god!!! What is wrong son?" As I am taking multiple calming breaths to finally explain, "She is not excited about the idea of finding her mate." While saying this I can feel my eyes start to mist up with tears that I start to blink away so that they do not fall. It just hurts to think about her not looking forward to finding me. My mother and father pale while the information sets in and she finally wraps me up in a warm hug while cooing at me, "Don't worry honey. You know Katerina has always over thought things in life and is probably seeing it as the adult side of things. Like what if her mate is from a different pack and she has to move. Or if she's responsible for taking care of an entire pack and how much responsibility it will be. She's barely 16 and it is a lot of weight to worry about. Plus you know good and well that she has never been on a date before because of how possessive all of you are of her. But now she will find her soulmate and she doesn't know how to be in a relationship with anyone. All of that pressure is a lot to handle for anyone. It's easier to avoid it for a little while than to face your fears." I nod in her embrace, taking comfort in her words. When my phone goes off with Andrews text notification sound. As I pull out my phone. I tell my parents that Andrew and I have a plan to break the ice with Kat about us being mates and my parents smile my way. I tell my Dad that we need his permission to go off territory this saturday and he looks at me with a raised eyebrow waiting for an explanation. So, here goes nothing. I tell them of our plan of taking Kat and her friend out to eat and to her favorite concert on saturday for her birthday. Then afterwards a movie marathon night with snacks and a PG13 sleepover of course with me in Andrews room. I told them how excited that she was by the idea of it all and of course my Dad caved. He always treated her like his daughter. Man she really did have it rough with possessive guys in her life when you add them up. There's Uncle James, my Father the Alpha, Andrew, Nathon, and me the future Alpha. Though I am looking forward to being able to give her every first with me. Starting with a date on saturday. I hear another text from Andrew arrive on my phone and as I start to look at my phone. Once it lights up and Mom sees my wallpaper. She screams and takes my phone from my hand cooing, "Awwww...you two look soooOOOooo...cute together!!! Do you have any more pictures from today!!!" While she is running to show Dad my screen saver and he is chuckling at her. Once she shows him even he cannot help the smile that shines on his face in awe. I tell her while laughing, "If you want to see the pictures that Andrew took of us today then you have to give me my phone back. So, I can show you them. There are 3 pictures only though." She beams at me almost running full force my way to see with my Dad following close behind her. I open the folder for them while they just beam with pride and my mother cooes, "Ohhhhh...my god...you two are perfect together!!! I can't wait to be a grandma!!!" I choked on my own spit hearing her talk about grandchildren already though. My Dad at least helped me a bit by slapping my back and laughing at me. All I could do was ask for my phone back and promise to send them the pictures. I also reminded them that none of this conversation is to ever leave this room and the three of us. They promised to keep our conversation tonight private and I went back to my text from Andrew.
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