T₩€£V€. Lucas Moore the librarian. ☆

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I was almost to the last strap when he placed his hand on mine. I didn't even see him get up, he was like lightning. " No, my mistake, I see it is meant to stay on with your uh, see through shift underneath, please the whole library will be in an uproar, especially with the old ladies around here." Then I realized, nope, not gay. He saw my see through shift. I could tell he was an eccentric type. I liked him even more now. " Please, tell me Miss?" " I'm Kennedy." I smiled at him. I could see he was interested in...my books. He was almost salivating at the yellow parchment paper. " Kennedy come with me." He took me back to a private room with a large oak table. " Show me." He commanded. I placed all the items, except my key on the table. " I see, very facinating." He smiled seeing everything. I didn't know it now, but Lucas had actually seen these papers years ago when my grandmother had inherited them. " How is Adele doing?" He asked me without looking up. " She's dead." I told him. He looked, well....sad at that news. " I enjoyed Adele's company very much." He said, then scanned me anew. " Not a daughter, she only had a son. Granddaughter then?" He asked me. " Yes. I am a Starling. Her heir." " I see Miss Starling. Now I wonder, why did you bother to leave your last name out of our introduction?" " The truth? Well, I tend to garner attention by using my last name, like stop traffic stuff. I mean, I was at a bakery early this morning and when I handed the man my card to pay, he threw it at me like I had the plague." I hoped Lucas wasn't afraid of my name. " I will help you child, but I have a s**t ton of cataloging to do tonight." He was stalling. " I see, well Lucas, if I help you with your work, then will you help me?" I wondered how a man that seemed to look even younger than me would call me child? Lucas agreed. He took me to the library and showed me 7 carts full of books. I shrugged and started replacing the books on the shelf. My parents were educators! I got this. I finished everything by noon, even the carts in the back that Mrs. Charlotte was working on. I went back to his office. He was eating lunch. It seemed to be a thermos full of tomato juice, since it was on his upper lip that he licked quite quickly. And maybe a liver worst sandwich? A strange combo. But I like peanut butter and pickles, so who am I to judge. Lucas wiped his mouth with a lacy handkerchief that was monogrammed with his initials. I was jealous. I loved old linens like that. ********* Lucas I never expected her to finish all of that work by noon, I thought it would take her several days to complete it. I was stalling. I had been in a relationship with Adele Starling so many short years ago when she was only 20. It was a friendship that turned to love. She was indeed one of the great loves of my short 300 year life. We talked about me turning her so she could live forever, but she wanted a child that as vampire, I could not give to her. I vowed never to make a baby suffer the way I had growing up, learning to hunt. Feeling the frenzy of the kill. Now I lived a solitary life on blood bank donations, as well as my friends sister, she is very good at giving me what I need. Of course she thinks that I am a pretend vampire that likes the taste of blood, we joked about it one day, she volunteered to give me a pint or two every month or so. I get by. I have given up the hunt. I do go hungry sometimes, but I think it has made me stronger, more disciplined. A few times I killed rabbit, dear, dogs, cats. It just wasn't fulfilling to me. I need human blood to remain in a state of well being. To keep my body from aging too fast. So I keep a quiet life here at my beloved library. Adele would go to my private chambers at night. We made love there. It took me 50 years to get over her. Now here her little clone comes prancing in like I didn't recognize her right away. She was wearing Adele's vest. But I did enjoy seeing her take it off before my old eyes. She is even curvier than her grandmother was. I wonder...... She might not want children, this one. Adele obviously sent her to me as a replacement for her leaving me to go back to America. She knew how much this child looks like her. Ah Adele I miss you honey. I opened the book she brought to me. " Sit Kennedy." I jestured to a leather chair. Adele's favorite. " I know why you are here. Do you have it with you?" I asked holding out my hand. She took the key off her neck and handed it to me. " It is a very important key. Let me tell you a story. It's just a folk lore story really." She leaned in closer. " Where to begin...OK, years ago, centuries really. There was a coven of witches. They were in a clash with some werewolves that wanted to run freely on their land as they had done for centuries. The witches put a curse on any werewolves that crossed over their property lines, uninvited that is. The witches then broke into the packs cave one night, killed a good portion of the wolf pack's children, women, and elders. They poisoned them while the men were all on a big hunt. The witches took the packs insignias, family crest, jewels and items that they cherished very much. They hid them all away. They are still hidden to this very day. The keeper of the key has always been the chosen dependent of that witch's coven. Now that person is you specifically, though you may not posses any witching qualities because you are not in the knowledge to do so, nor are you practicing of their old ways. Much like devil worshipping, sacrificing babies, killing men for their sperm. Things like this. You keep this key on you, never let the wolf clan get it, or it could mean the breaking of the very delicate balance achieved by your ancestors. An era of peace." I placed it firmly in her warm hand, I closed my fingers around it. She had nice plump veins. I was getting excited by her. I took a deep breath. "Your grandmother kept it safe, now you must do so too. Be warned Kennedy, many will come for this key if they learn about it. The wolf blood lust runs strong, they are almost powerless when is comes to revenge." I could see she was intently looking at that key. She wouldn't believe any of it, but at least she had been properly warned. Adele, I did what you asked of me in that yellow parchment. It was a letter just for me. Lucas my beloved. I will send my grandbaby to you when the time comes for me to leave this world. As I hold her in my arms, she is a sweet baby. I hope she loves you as much as I did. All my love, yours truly Adele Starling. PS turn her quickly so she cannot yearn for a child like I did. I would have been happy with you, I know that now. But it is what it is. I love you my beloved. I looked at Kennedy and decided I would not do it. If she was meant to be mine forever, I wanted her to come to me. Not be forced. I did see her appeal though.
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