Thirt€€n. Orcas faces Kennedy to give her a nudge to attend the gala.

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Orcas I sent her the invite so that I could take that key from her and regain our sacred hunting lands. If she gave it up willingly, I believed that no evil spells would be cast upon me in the process. I would probably still need to dispatch of her after this to break any curses that the key could still posses after all these years. My clan was a superstitious one. The key hadn't made an appearance in hundreds of years. It was a boon to find it now, at a time when human lifestyles were infiltrating our people so badly, corrupting them from their own heritage. We are the hunters, we rule the night. I won't admit it to myself that seeing Kennedy be torn apart by our clan would make me feel horrible, no one cares about humans anyway. I recognized the lie that I just told myself, she was special. Rena thought maybe she had witching properties to her, but I only sense her innocence. I turned to leave my city apartment when I saw her little car at the library. Shit, she was probably being warned by that vamp pansy Lucas Moore right now. I hate that guy. He's such a Liberal. He is the one Vampire I actually don't care about. He keeps to himself, doesn't cause trouble. But now, if he is inserting himself where he should not be, he might need to be talked to a little. I will send Rena, she's a real scary b***h. I sat in my car waiting to see Kennedy. I sat there for a whole hour. I was just about ready to go inside the library, when she came out. What the hell is she even wearing. I felt an instant reaction just in seeing her outfit. I got out of my pricey sports car and jogged over to her. " Oh, hey Doug how's it going?" I asked that nerd Douglas spineless we call him. Kennedy put her head down. " Drive Doug, just go." She said. I could see she wanted to avoid me very much. What did I do to her. " Miss Starling, can we talk privately?" I needed her to agree to come to the gala. She got out of the car. That outfit, it made me feel some things I couldn't be feeling about her. Her family were the enemy. " Mr. Howle, how are you today?" She was playing the polite pirate today? I played along. " Orcas, I don't think it's a good idea for us to keep up this little game we play. I'm not having casual s*x, you aren't having commitment s*x. So as much as I find you the hottest man in Oaksprings. My eyes deceive me. So no...I can't go to the Howle gala, thanks but no thanks." I was not happy with her statement except the hottest man in oaksprings part. " I'm not going to take no for an answer our local charities need your support, being a rich heiress, it is your moral obligation to come." ******* Kennedy I watched him as he tried to manipulate me, I wondered why. I decided to ask him based on what I just learned about the folklore of this city. " Howle, you are after this key." I held it up to his face. I saw the truth then in his eyes. It was actually true. I tucked it back into my cleavage. " What are you a werewolf or vamire?" I peered at him with my eyes half closed. " Well, I will tell you what I am not, I am not a witch. Are you?" " I often wonder about my special powers. But, no I am sure I could never be a witch. I can't cast spells or change people's minds with a special potion, but what I am, I am a daughter, a sister, a friend. These are my special powers. Oh, also I can tame the wild beast, I think, well that was just a wonderful dream I had. So strike that, never mind. Why do I seem to have word salad around you? I must be getting used to you though, I haven't stuttered once this whole talk." " You are a very lovely creature, I believe you are taming the wild beast, mainly me. Please come. I will watch over you, you will be my special guest." " I have a feeling that I am going to be served up as dessert for your socialite friends. I am just a weirdo, castle girl. I've always been a weirdo. I like to be with my own kind and I can see that I am no fancy girl for high brow events. Sorry Orcas, no." I know how his sister Rena treated me on that plane ride over here to Oaksprings, like I was less than, like I was invisible, like I was nobody. I turned to go. I saw his hand on my arm. " I promise you will enjoy yourself, I will pick you up at 7pm Friday night. Be ready, wear something nice." " My family is arriving tomorrow, so I will be indisposed. My father, sister Bug, and her three friends are arriving." I wrung my hands nervously. I was feeling very anxious about this. " What about your three friends? Are any of your friends coming?" I thought about this. "No...n n n no friends, huh I guess I l I lied. I'm a d d d daughter, a sister, and a w w weirdo. f**k!" I yelled. I lost it. I hated this damn stutter. Then I turned away, very embarrased by my words, or lack there of. " Wait, one second." Orcas turned me towards him. He leaned down and kissed me goodbye. " Now say something." He smiled. " f**k, s**t, damn, huh, no stutter. I'll be darned. Thanks, I guess when I'm kissed by you, I can just relax, be me. Thanks, that's kind of sweet." I waved goodbye because I wanted so much more, but I believe that he is playing me somehow. I have never been wrong about these feelings in the past with men who wanted to get into my pants. It's best to stay clear. Definitely no gala. ********** Lucas Moore I watched the exchange between Kennedy and Orcas. This was bad, very bad. Orcas just wanted that key. She actually showed it to him. That must have made him irrate. She didn't believe in anything that I told her. I then watched Orcas kiss her. I believe she will be easily destroyed by this dangerous Lycan. I'm going to beg him to release her to me once he gets the key. It would be a shame for a beauty like her to become pack food. I ran after Orcas once I saw Kennedy's car leave. " Orcas, wait up!" I yelled raising my normally quiet voice. He turned seeing me coming towards him. I saw him bare his teeth. " What is it librarian?" He seethed. " When you take what you want, I want to be there to get her away from the pack. Give her to me, no need to destroy such a delicate one as her. I quite like her, invite me to the gala this year." I had to try. I would be there in some form whether he agrees or not. " Why would you think she is in any danger?" Orcas was playing games with me. " Please, I will turn her, make her my mate. She won't bother anyone, I will keep her very busy." I almost said please again. " Once I get what I want, I will signal you to get her away, you are invited." I was in shock. Well, he too saw something in her that was extraordinary then. I went home to prepare for this dangerous gala. It might end up a disaster for one such as me, but my mother was half human. I prefer my human qualities. When I was a hunter and a destroyer of humans, I felt empty. I only learned to love from Adele. If these monsters turned against me at the gala, so be it. I lived how a man would live, not a monster.
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