8ighty 1 Lucas and Douglas arrive at my castle.

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Kennedy I had a hard time getting loose from the ties that my husband put on my wrists and ankles. But, I had lost a bit of weight and my wrists were smaller. I had no clothes. I think he hid them. I wrapped my sheet around my body and made my way to the street. I went into the first bar I came to, Let it ride bar and grill. To my joy, he was there with my family. Of course I tripped on the sheet as I descended the stairs, but Douglas helped me. Bless him. My husband looked upset. He was staring at me after I had introduced him to my family. When I noticed that Bug was crying, I set all my feelings aside. I had to go to her. " What is it honey?" I hugged her. " He can't let go of our past, I hurt him Ken, very badly." She said. I kissed her forehead. " At least your husband acknowledges you, mine is in denial. Stupid jerk." I said. Lucas frowned at me. " I can hear you, you know. How did you get yourself free?" He dranked from his glass, draining it. " I am done playing games husband. It's time for you to stop treating me like your play thing." I said, storm clouds brewing in my eyes. " Says the girl in a bed sheet dress." He laughed. Douglas just realized I was in a sheet and laughed with his new drinking buddy. I took June's hand and we stood up to leave. " Where are you two going?" yelled Douglas. "Because this isn't the time to run away June." He warned her. She was pissed. I squeezed her hand. " Well, Douglas...I have a problem only a sister can help with right now." I told him as I pulled June away from the table. Lucas stood up, knocking his chair over. "Better stop right there. What the hell kind of problem, if it's a vampire husband kind of problem, I will let you know when you are excused from the table Starling!" He yelled. Douglas threw his head back and laughed then. " Well, for your information, and anyone in this f*cking place, I need a tampon you cold prick!" I said loud enough for those in the penthouse to hear me. He sat down and yelled. "Another drink here!" Douglas looked away. June pinched my elbow. She was pleased. We went to her room and, it was the truth, I did need a tampon. The reality was, I needed to go home to my husband Howle. I had to let Lucas go, he was not my Luke. He wasn't the same man that I had married. He did not love me anymore. I angrily dressed in some of June's clothes, they were very tight. She leant me one of Doug's shirts. We called a taxi and rode off into the night, together. We were both angry at our men. When we got to Oaksprings, Howle and Rena were gone. My daddy wasn't there either. June and I crawled into bed together and held eachother. ************ There was a very loud knock on my bedroom door around 4am. " Open this damn door or I'll bust it down!" yelled Douglas. He was still drunk. I got up and opened the door for him. Lucas was standing right behind him. He was drunk too. " Invite me in new wife. I want to shower f**k you again." He slurred. June yelled," Gross, she's on the rag you pig!" Douglas almost fell over from laughing at his new friend. " Come on in man, I live here too so I can invite him can't I June Bug?" He yelled as he tipped my table lamp over on accident. Lucas took a step in and stumbled to the floor. Douglas landed on top of him. They held eachother laughing hysterically. I went back to bed and held my sister, trying to go back to sleep. I put the pillow over my head. Douglas stood up and flopped on top of Bug. " Come on dear one. I was a d**k to you. Please forgive me my bonney love. I do love you, I was a fool to walk out on you my sweet baby girl." Bug removed the covers and let Douglas slide into bed with her. I got up and left them in my bed. Lucas stood up and grabbed my arm. " Hey, I want you now, let's go talk. I'm f*****g starving love bird." He tried to kiss me. I pulled my head away. " Let's go talk then, but I'm not going back with you. I live here in my castle, you chose to believe your crazy mother over me, your wife." That probably upset him. He smiled. "Okay, let's go talk." I saw then that he just wanted my blood. I took him to the library. " Ok, I'll sit here, you can have my arm." I sat down on the red velvet sedan and turned away from him. He touched my arm gently and rubbed it up and down. Why was he hesitating. I wanted to go to bed. I was done with this cold hearted user. He was nothing like the Lucas that I loved once. All of a sudden I began to cry, I admit I was moody. Big, fat, silent tears fell down my face. I hid them in my hair, shuddering involuntarily. " Kennedy, look at me please." He said finally. " Just take what you need and let me go to bed. I'm just tired, drained. Please Mr. Moore." He sat back, I felt him release me. " Run away from me now Kennedy. I'm not stopping at one little taste, I am going to drain you dry. You better run from me, go now damn it!" He went out into the hallway, trying to get controll of himself. I stood up quickly and pushed the bookcase going into my secret room, using my key. Howle had set up a nice bedroom in there for us, our secret room. I climbed into bed then. I heard him shouting for me, Lucas was pissed. He wouldn't find me in here. He was a mean drunk. I think I hated him now. I fell asleep, I was so worn out. I couldn't face anyone. I wanted to cry alone. In the morning, I got up and snuck out of my hidden room. I went back to my bedroom. June, Douglas, and Lucas were there in my bed. They were all asleep, snoring. I went into my closet and got dressed. I wore a black tunic style dress that fit me snuggly in the chest. Purple leggings and calf length boots finished my outfit. I pinned my hair up and went to find Vanessa. I found her, she was lying on the kitchen table with dried blood on her chest, just above the swell of her naked breast. I shook her. " Huh, what? Oh s**t how did I get here?" She looked down at her naked body. "I was in bed, all alone. I'm trying to remember what the hell? How did I get here, like this?" I helped her up. I knew who did this to her. He attacked my assistant. He had to go. " You must have been sleep walking." I offered, lying to her. " Go back to bed honey, I will make my own coffee." I walked her to her room. Lucas' pants were there on the floor. I covertly kicked them under the bed. Vanessa hugged me. " Thanks, it's good to have you home lovey." I nodded. "I'm staying home. I love it here. I'm not leaving, ever." I shut her door and leaned against it. I was exhausted.
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