8ighty. Meeting my wife's family.

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Howle I called June to find out the progress. " Should I come get her?" I was feeling uneasy at her absence. " No, they are working it out. I'm keeping tabs on them. I'm hanging around her window." " June, please don't let him turn her. She will never be the same if he does this to her." I was packing to go to France. Arlo was in trouble. He was in jail for public intoxication. I was going to bring him back with me and pay his legal fees for him. Rena was in a snit. She was frantic that Kennedy was away. She was short tempered and moody. I caught her in Ken's closet holding my wife's pink pajamas to her nose crying. I ordered her to go back to work. We had to prepare the new products that followed the Red fragrance. Rena had plans to add a lotion line, several nail polishes and a bath product line to the successful launch of Kennedy's new perfume. She was too upset to be of any use, but I made her angry when I caught her in Ken's closet and told her to go to work. She stomped off. It was about this time that I received that call for help from Arlo. I thought his drinking problems were behind him, I was wrong. I flew by private jet to Paris. Arlo was released into my custody, 10,000 euros later, we were on a flight back to Starling castle. ********** June I was speaking to Howle as my husband was tethering my legs apart to the bed posts. He made the sign with his fingers moving in a circle for me to hurry up the call so we could get back to our business. I ended the call reassuring Howle that I was watching Kennedy closely. Douglas threw my phone on the chair and removed his pants. " You are incredibly sexy in those sheets." He advanced on me. I smiled," Douglas, thank you. I am so happy that you are doing this with me, you know watching over Kennedy." He cut his thumb and stuck it in my mouth. "Drink wife, I want to love on you." " Thank you husband, I want you to know that I think I am in love." I said between swallows. " Oh, who is the lucky guy?" He laughed. " You are Douglas. I am very happy...with...you." I swallowed his delicious nourishment and wiped my mouth with a napkin like a lady. He looked at me with that dopey smile, he was feeling drunk from my mouth on his thumb. " Well, then if you love me, I will leave you untethered tonight." He released my legs and lay next to me on the bed. I was withdrawn, I didn't want to be aggressive towards him as I was before, when I was crazy. I clasped my hands together to hold back my natural instinct to attack him for my own pleasure needs. " June, did you ever want to be a mother?" He asked me out of the blue. I turned to him and he looked into my eyes. " The truth Dougy?" I asked. He nodded yes. " I would love to have your baby. But I won't have a vampire baby, it's so very sad to create a little blood sucker. If you want to adopt, or use a surrogate, I will play along. But Douglas, do you want a baby with me?" He touched my lips. " I do not. I want you, you are my baby girl, I love you June. I am well pleased by your kindness, the changes in you. I am happy with you." He told me, while stroking my stomach with his index finger. I was very quick, like a flash. I was straddling him. "Can I love you, make you happy tonight?" He nodded. I quickly tied him up. " Is this okay my love, or does it bring back too many bad memories?" He was struggling and breathing hard. " Please, let me go, please wife. I..I thought I could but I can't let you do this to me again. Unless, well...can you somehow make me forget what happened when you were crazy?" I untied my man. "No, I won't make you forget, I did hurt you. I need you to see how I have changed, I am not crazy like that anymore. My sister's blood tamed me. I tried to take all her blood. I can never take her blood again, it's like crack to an addict. Do you understand, please Douglas, do not hate me?" One tear fell down my face. He got out of bed and left me. I rolled over onto my stomach and cried now. I knew he hated me. It hurt, badly. He left me, he was done with me. I damaged him for good. ********** Douglas I had to leave, I couldn't let her see my fear, I knew it would hurt her to know that I still didn't trust her. I wanted to forget about what she had done to me when she was that crazy vampire b***h. She refused to make me forget about that bad time. I had to clear my mind. I went down to the local bar to get a pint. To my utter surprise, I saw Lucas Moore there nursing a drink. I sat down next to him. " Douglas Finnegan." I offered him my hand. " Moore, Lucas Moore pleasure to meet you." He said looking at my veins. " If you don't mind me asking, are you by chance with that beautiful brunette that I met the other day?" He asked me. " Yes, my wife June. How did you know?" I drank deeply. " I smell her on you. She is like me. We are night drinkers." He offered cryptically. " She's a vampire. Yes I am aware Mr.Moore." I said, ordering another one. My wife came down the stairs into the bar. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a sleeveless t-shirt. She looked like she was 16. I caught my breath seeing her dressed so demurly. She was stunning. I stood up, wobbling a bit. " Wife." I said. " Husband." She said staring into my eyes. She was crying. Lucas stood up like a gentleman would. He nodded at June, still not recognizing her. We sat there looking into eachother's eyes. No words exchanged between us. I slid my beer over to her. She sipped it. I took her hand and kissed it, she smiled sadly. I didn't like to make her cry. ************ Lucas These people were very familar to me, but honestly...I was here to drown my own sorrows. My wife. I had a wife. I didn't remember her at all. I had a hard time believing that my mother hurt either of us. I left her tied to my bed once again. I had to think. I sipped my vodka tonic, wishing I were here alone. A few moments later, my new wife came down stairs. What the hell, she was white as a ghost her arm was dripping blood. She looked stunning in a long white gown. It was wrapped over her bare shoulder and tied around her waist. She had loosened her hair, the big red curls settled over her shoulder on one side. I stood up, as did Douglas. I froze. He went to her and kissed her cheek. She stumbled then and he caught her, not me. " Oh, excuse me." she said shaking her head, "I am so clumsy." I felt very jealous seeing how easy she acted with Douglas as he held her upright. Douglas and his wife hugged my wife familiarly. June saw the blood on her arm and, to her credit, she put a napkin on her IV site. The contrast between my wife's white gown and the red drops of blood all over the side of it, where her arm had been bleeding out was so beautiful to me. " Lucas, my sister and my friend and brother in law, Douglas." Love bird smiled warmly at them, then frowned seeing her sister's tears. I hadn't seen them before. I watched as they spoke in hushed tones. It was then that I saw that the dress my wife wore, I say wife with difficulty, as I never planned to get married or have children- ever. Her white dress was my Egyptian cotton 800 thread count top bed sheet. She wore it well. It was sexy as hell.
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