8ighty 2. Lucas tries the eye thingy on me.

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Lucas I woke up with Douglas breathing his beer breath down my throat. I sat up and pushed away from him. I was black out drunk last night. Kennedy wasn't in her bed. I looked around for my pants. s**t, where did they go? I vaguely remember going to the kitchen and getting a snack. She was a pliant meal. I might have had s*x with her, you know...to thank her. I can't really recall. But...where the hell were my pants? I wandered around into the hallway. I smelled coffee. My nose followed the delicious smell of French roast. Kennedy was sitting at the counter, wiping it down with bleach. " Morning love bird, how did you sleep?" I looked around the kitchen for my pants. She looked at me. " Why are you still here Mr.Moore?" She said coldly. " I am...not sure. I guess I'm intrigued." I looked under the table. She pointed to the closed door. " Your pants? I kicked them under my assistant's bed. You drank her blood and had s*x with her last night, does it ring a bell for you, you cheating bastard vampire husband?" She said quietly. I rubbed my hair. " I think I did do that. I don't remember all of it. I do have s*x for blood. I don't like killing my prey. Making love seems more humane. Kennedy, it doesn't matter to me, men, women, old, young, fat, or thin. I f*** them all afterwards. I get what I need, they never complain." I drank from her coffee cup. " Lucas, I am not your wife any more, I release you to feed as you wish. When I thought you were dead, I wanted to die too. After a very long time, I remarried Howle. I am in love with him. Please, go home now." She stood up to get another coffee. I felt something in her words. I was not who she thought I was. I disappointed her. I somehow made her change her mind about loving me, bringing me home. I finished the coffee and silently opened the door to retrieve my pants. I returned to the kitchen. " I'm dead inside Kennedy, empty. I decided I was going to starve myself to death right before I met you. You are important to me...I think. I want to explore these feelings. Kennedy, love bird....look at me please." I took her hands and my lavender eyes gave her the reassurance that she needed. " Love bird, you adore me, you do not remember that I had s*x with the woman in that room last night. I have a special place in your heart, you will give me another chance, because you love me." *********** Kennedy I blocked his eye tricks this morning, I used the metals my key to put up a static wall. He said I was to adore him, not remember that he cheated on me with my assistant last night, s**t, what a d**k. I took his lapels and pulled his mouth to mine. I moved my hand in a circle and pulled some static electricity from the room. I put it between our lips as we kissed. It was a powerful tool. I sparked our kiss lighting his mouth up, seducing him to me, to me alone, not my staff. " Mmmm...Lucas, you are a very good kisser. I adore you. You hold a special place in my heart, I want to give you one more chance." I repeated his words back to him. He closed his eyes and touched his lips. " OMG, what the heck was that love bird?" He went back in for some more, like a packet of candy pop rocks, it felt weird but you liked it. His lips slanted over my own. " Lucas, I think we should take it slow." I pushed at his chest. He shook his head and kissed me again. " Love bird, I want you, only you." He ran his long, sharp nail down my arm. He suddenly grabbed my hair and pulled me down the hall to the library. "Ouch, f***." I yelled. " Now, show me how you escaped me last night?" He shoved me onto the couch and loomed over me. He started to strip down until he was fully naked. " Stop acting like this Lucas Moore, we are in love... you and I. You cherish me, my body. I'm not just a wild rabbit that you want to play with before you eat it. I'm something to you." I shoved him back as my key started to glow warm hidden between my breast cleavage. He smiled. "Get naked, now love bird!" I shook my head. " I won't, my body needs to rest. I'm still weak and not to mention I'm on my period." I said quietly. He nodded. "I know, that is what's making me go wild for you. Let me just touch you, over your clothes then. I won't penetrate you." The word penetration sparked a memory in my mind, I thought about us together in the shower at his home. He did too. I saw him lick his lips. He pulled my upper body to his own. My key hit his sternum and he closed his eyes from the shock of it. It was as if I hit him with the zap of an electric current. I felt it cascade throughout his whole nervous system. His arms twitched, teeth chattered. His head flopped down, sideways. He was breathing rhythmically, moaning softly. I stroked his back. "Oh, sorry...you okay Moore?" " Uh, uh...Ken...what did you just do to me...is it your magic?" I held up my necklace, "I guess." " Not quite like a witch casting spells, or like the women who were said to have lived here before you, but yes, you are indeed like a magical creature." I shook my head. " I'm not malevolent Moore." " You seem to use it to enhance my feelings, to create deeper feelings, more intensity...I suspect. I quite like it. Like...just now when you zapped me. It mellowed me, it calmed me down. I wanted to ravish your exquisite body, then drink from your life's blood. But now...I feel...well...I feel...content. As a vampire, I have this fire in me to consume, to take and take. I am never full. My hunger is endless. But...Ken, right at this moment, I am completely satisfied. You know what this means don't you? You can never leave me. I need you. Promise me right now?" " I can't promise you this. I want you with me, but I am married and have a girlfriend. We do have a connection Lucas, or we did once. We don't seem compatable though.. You f******* touched my staff. Try it again and I will zap you into next week. Don't you dare sleep with my assistant ever again, do you understand me?" He lifted his head and looked confused, pursing his lips together. He realized his eye trick earlier, had no effect on me. " Love bird...I took those memories away from you. You can block me can't you?" I nodded, yes. "s**t. I think I did sleep with her. But at least I didn't kill her." He smiled at me, one side of his lip rose gently. He was kind of cute. "Kennedy, I want only you." I turned away from him. " Douglas and I were quite drunk last night. I am glad you hid from me." I inched towards the door. " I'll let you go, you need to replenish for me. But...can I have a tiny kiss, then a very small, so very small drink from your mind blowing body first?" I paused, listening to his seductive words. "I have never been with a woman as hot as you. Your breasts are so big and plump, your waist here, tiny." He put his hands around my waist and rested them on my hips. " But, your backside, this is where the real magic is." He slid both hands down to my butt and rubbed me as he squeezed my tush, placing one hand between my thighs, in the front. "This body is made for s****l pleasure. Kennedy, you could start a cult. All will worship at your feet. He ran his fingers through my curls. "This hair alone could be worshipped. I love running my fingers through it. I am the one enamored with you, all of you." " Lucas!" I exclaimed, feeling embarrassed by his words about my body. " I have never been known as sexy, I'm just the stuttering girl with curly red hair. Nothing special."
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