8ighty 3. Welcome home Clover.

1338 Words
Kennedy I grabbed his face and planted a sloppy kiss on his mouth. It was warm and wet. He laughed. I sat up and pointed to the book shelf. "See anything on my bookcase you might want to read?" He stood up and started to look through all of the old volumes. " I am now fully in love with you my castle princess. These books are amazing!" He was fully emerged in the books. I debated on sharing my secret room with him. If I ever had before when we were together, he had no memory of it. I decided not to show him, this was Howle's and my place. A special little get away spot for only us two. I thought about my husband Howle now. I wished he was here. I know he wanted to give me time to reconnect with my vampire, but I still missed him so much and my Rena. I was running my fingers through my hair distractedly as I thought of my birthday. Rena surprised me with a personal dessert..well it was very special. I wanted to surprise her, when she got home. I left Lucas in the library. I told him I was going to my chambers to get dressed. He just nodded as he gasped at a very ancient book on the start of historic civilizations. I walked down the hallway, when Clover jumped on me and knocked me down. I screamed in delight. " You are back, oh thank the Lord!" I pet him and cried on him, hugging him. He put his paws on my shoulders as he transformed into my sweet Howle. I grabbed his face and kissed him all over. He picked me up and spun me around. " I missed you something fierce woman." He stared at my eyes, one at a time. He had a tear in his eye, mine were flowing buckets. "Let's go to the cliffs and catch up. Where is your vampire?" He looked around, hoping things hadn't worked out between us. I pointed to the library."He found my books. We won't see him all day, I'm affraid. He's just a nerdy bookworm now." I giggled. Howle switched back to Clover and I climbed on top of him, hanging on tightly. He rushed off down the hallway and out my open bedroom door. June and Douglas were still sleeping in. He shot out towards the green grass and the beauty of Scotland, the overlook to the water below. Seabirds fluttered away as Clover nipped at them. He rolled over into the grass on top of me, we rolled together until he nestled us to a soft spot of grass where he became human again and started to kiss me. We kissed fervently having been apart all these weeks. It was a touching reunion. " I want to dive into your womanly garden, but my nose says you are on a hiatus right now." He grinned and touched my nose with his finger tip. I bit his finger. "All true. But in a few more days, I'm all yours." He touched himself. "I suppose there are other ways a wife could pleasure her loving husband?" We cuddled and kissed and I gave him my mouth. He lay back in pleasure as I brought him, what I sensed was a badly needed release. He told me how much he loved me and we nodded off there in the grass, together again. When we woke up he sat me on his lap. " Ken, your father...I'm worried. He got in some trouble in Paris. I bailed him out of jail. He had been drinking again, I'm so sorry love." I looked out at waves moving over the sea. " My mother and he were soulmates. It's been so hard for him. I understand. Howle, he is so lonely for her. I wish I could have saved her from dying so young. If only I had taken better care of her, something...oh, I blame myself for not being a good enough daughter." Howle nodded. "Easy to blame yourself for the things out of your control. You tend to do that. You can't take the blame my girl, I think you know this, right?" He moved my hair away from my face and caught my eyes. I nodded. " Lucas isn't who he used to be. He is different now, maybe he is too much vampire and not enough human. I want my old husband back, not this vampire that takes and takes, and takes." Howle kissed me again. " Give him your blood and time to know you. He can't help falling back in love with you. You are special. Speaking of special, have you heard about the new perfume line flying off the shelves. It's Red. That's your fragrance, Little bird. Rena is working on all sorts of tag alongs to go with it, lotions, soaps, the works. You need to take credit my love, this is all because of you. See how you changed her. Rena used to be full of hate. Now she is like a sobbing baby puppy. She cried everyday that you were away. Let's go to the office and surprise her!" He stood up. I stayed sitting. " First, tell me again how much you missed me." I reached my hand up to him. " Oh, I can't do that, I won't be able to control myself, I will take you period and all, you won't like that very much, so messy." He grinned down at me. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist. " I love you, I want to see Rena too. Let's go. But Howle, I need some hot coffee. Let's stop at and get Rena something for breakfast, besides my lips." He lowered his lips to mine. I couldn't get enough of my big guy. He was so sweet and tender. He let me breath, he gave me his heart. I wondered how long before the vampire husband that I had remembered would come back to me. June said we were very much in love, how do I love this colder version of Lucas Moore? Howle and I went back to my room. ********** Howle I saw that June and Douglas were wrapped up together in the sheets. They were both still snoring. I washed up in Ken's bathroom and shaved. My hair was far too long. I would get a hair cut in town while Rena and my wife visited. I noticed a pregnancy test laying in the trash. I bent down to look closer at it, it was positive. I marched right into my wife's closet. " What's this?" I asked her accusingly. " Oh, wow! You don't think that's mine do you, you know I'm not pregnant." She was surprised. " I just got home last night. I haven't even been staying in my room. Who's been sleeping in here?" I wondered. He looked at me and swallowed hard. "Rena." " Oh s**t, is it you and...her...her baby then?" She asked me. " Hell no, I only slept with her that one time when we were all together. That was long ago, I swear it Ken. I'm not having s*x with Rena!" We looked out into the bedroom at June and Douglas. " Do you think they are expecting?" She asked me. " I don't know. But, maybe it is someone else? They just got home too. Do you think Vanessa is expecting?" He grinned. " Vanessa and who, Gus?" I asked. Just then my father walked in the back door. " Oh good you are back. Kennedy, there's something I need to tell you." He looked at his feet when he spoke. " Not now daddy." I smiled and hugged him. "Welcome home, I missed you so much. Let's catch up when I return from getting coffee with Howle, okay?" She didn't want to confront him about Paris. " Yeah, that's fine." He seemed very nervous.
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