Thir+y 9. Luring a little bird to her nest.

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Orcas I was letting her go for now. My wife's father assured me he would protect her here. If I knew that the Countess June Moore was planning on holding court at Kennedy's castle, I wouldn't have left her there. Red dissappear after I left. I had a feeling someone in that castle knew something about her disappearance. I was on my way to question Lucas Moore, he was avoiding me. I needed to get Kennedy home. I was seriously rethinking about abandoning my revenge plans on the Moore clan. Kennedy was worth me giving up on this. I was a bit lost without my little bird. She made life exciting, joyful. I didn't know how much I would miss her, far more than Serena. I left for town. I ran into Rena. She tried to avoid me as well. " Talk to me, what is going on?" I hadn't released her credit card or financing for her business yet. Rena snarled at me. " I had to apply for a line of credit at the bank, Alice Moore was particularly nasty. She congratulated me on the loss of my future sister in law, Serena. I almost took her head off right then. These Moore blood suckers are absolutely ruthless." She said frowning. " Did you get the loan?" I asked, curious now. " No, I did not. I was told that I needed a man to co-sign for me. Can you believe that crap?" I told her that I would release her money to her now, she must be desperate to go to Alice at the bank. " My wife is missing, by chance have you or Robby seen any sign of her?" Rena bit her nail. "Did she leave you then, was it because of me?" " No. I uh...I left her. It's a long story." I looked away. " Tell me." She said. "Was she cheating on you, I'll kill her!" I said softly,"No it was kind of the other way around actually." " You beast, you cheated on her, that's rich." she laughed at me then. " I wasn't cheating, I was hunting for Serena's killer. I got close to a few of the fang suckers, smelled like perfume, some lipstick and maybe scratches on my back from one particularly nasty one. I can't tell her about any of this, not yet. She is fragile." " You are the guy right? The moonlight serial killer?" She smiled rubbing her hands. " I want in on this action." She was all fired up to hunt the Moore clan. I shook my head. "It wasn't really me hunting them, I was trying to gain information, but they all get this blood lust and attack me before I can learn anything." I admitted. " I'm getting tired of killing them, they are all the same, usless." I just wanted my Red back. " Tonight is my last night. After this, if I don't learn anything about who killed my mate, I am going to try a private investigator." Rena was angry for me. " Serena was a nice girl, she did not deserve what she got. I'm sure of it." She said emphatically. Something didn't ring true though, my sister didn't like anyone, especially not either of my mates. *********** Kennedy Luke picked me up after Howle released me. Howle just said he was letting go of me. I admit I was stung that he could so easily set me aside, as soon as I was onto him, but if he truly is the serial killer, he won't like it when I catch him in the act tonight. I held the heavy gun in my hand. It was a 38. caliber. I shot guns at a range with Monroe, years back. I was a very good aim. I thought I could handle this gun. I was very surprised that Luke was the buyer of Howle's apartment. He actually purchased the whole building. Luke set me up in Howle's old apartment. He had decorated it very nicely with soft linens, light blues and grays. He gave me this space as my own. I felt an instant connection to this place, it was very elemental looking with the colors that he had chosen for me, very natural, outdoorsy. " Luke, when you bought this place, were you planning to live here?" I had to know, this couldn't all have been just for me. " I did not, I bought it for you, for us. When you are ready to love me. I know it is not in this season of your life, but I am still compelled to protect you. You are going to be very happy some day, once you get past all this Howle stuff, I promise you my dear." He didn't know my plans, I think I might be dead after tonight, but I am going to try to stop my husband. I will do everything in my power to do so. ************ I got dressed in a pair of lycra pants that held a line of copper in the fabric, I had these sent mail order. My gloves had lines of copper and silver. My shirt was a new fiber made of bamboo, I wanted to surround myself in my elements. I had been practicing my powers every day. I believe I can block his attack on his next victim, I need the gun though, in case he is too strong for me. I will kill him, I will not let him continue to ravish poor innocent women. My father called me just as I was preparing to leave. " Tell me where you are please." He was sounding drunk again. " I'm safe. I'm going back to the states in a few days. I'm not very welcome here anymore. It doesn't make sense for me to stay. June hates me, my husband has been a huge disappointment. I'm sorry for making you come all this way. My life is not what I expected daddy." " Okay dear, see you soon. I will wash your clothes and get the bed ready for your return here at your castle, bye dear." He hung up quickly. Something was wrong, very wrong. Daddy sounded strained, not like himself. I thought he was drunk, but maybe not. I threw on my coat and covered my hair as I walked towards my castle. ********* June " That's wonderful work Arlo, now once she arrives, you will prepare to go to the airport. It's time for you to go home. You are taking Kennedy's body with you to bury her next to momma." I had him under my spell. I made him lure my sister back here. I was going to finish her. Now that I am the lady of the castle, Lucas has lost his hold over me. I will drink her blood and rip her body apart. I felt so happy, so strong, so free. Monroe was the best tasting of my three friends. They were all resting after I convinced them to feed me for my fake illness. I still desired to hunt and kill. I am drawn to destroying my natural enemy the Howle clan. I believe I inherited these strong impulses from my master, Lucas Moore. He tried to make me change my new ways and deny my natural inclination to destroy, kill, feed. I am also hyper s****l now. I want s*x all the time. Monroe was pleased that I finally gave into his advances, but he's too weak to give me what I want. After I kill my sister, I am going to that bar, the Cave. I will find a man to sooth my desires. Then I will drain him dry. I was unstoppable. Absolutely unstoppable. I went to Kennedy's room to wait for her.
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