F4rty. Fighting my evil sister.

1300 Words
Rena As I left Howle, I thought I saw a flash of red, I definitely smelled her. I followed Kennedy at a distance, she was walking quickly up hill towards her castle. She took a sudden turn and went into the cemetery instead. I made my way towards her. Looking down the road. I didn't see her anywhere. Hmmm...I could have sworn that was her. I was perplexed, I turned back around, maybe she got past me somehow? ******* Kennedy I felt eyes upon me, then I saw Rena's reflection in the window behind me as I left town, walking up towards my castle. I turned to the cemetary instead and quickly used my energy to hold an illusion in front of me. I was able to block myself from her. She looked right at me, but all she saw was a very green and brown bush. When she turned to go back, I switched directions and went back towards Starling castle. I was going to go right to my room, but the way daddy said he washed my clothes and bed linen, made me think he was somehow telling me not to go that way. I went to the opposite side of the castle. I snuck in behind the kitchen. I ran into Gus. He was holding a knife. His hand was shaking badly. " Oh thank God madam, your sister, she's a real terror to behold, has the whole house trembling in fear. I sent Douglas away, she nearly killed him poor guy." " Oh no, what did she do to my poor Douglas?" I held my hand to my chest. " I'd rather not say actually." He bit his lip. " I can't fight her if I don't know how she fights." I urged him to talk. " She kept him tied to her bed for a whole fortnight she did, near killed him with her endless s*x drive. Poor fellow was looking like he was on the roller coaster for days on end. I snuck in there and cut him loose. He is hiding in town now." " That's like a couple weeks right? I wasn't expecting" that" from my sister. She lost her cracked pot mind." " Madam, I heard tales some of em that gets neck bit gets crazy, blood lust they calls it. They wants passion, then yer blood, then your heart and head goes flying off of yer shoulders. Lights out." I frowned, hearing this, it was just like how the serial killer ended his victims. " My daddy asked me to come, he sounded strange though, that's why I came in this door." He nodded. " Mrs. Howle, she has em poor friends of hers wiped out, makes em give her their blood for her to drink, they are all too weak to even get out of bed." " My God, she's nuts!" I was shocked. "You need to get them all out of here. You're going too." I said. " When I go to her, you go and get all of them out of here Gus. Here is the key to my apartment in town." I gave him directions. " Drive like the wind Gus, don't stop till you get there." He smiled and nodded. " Oh, best take daddy last, he might try to stay back. Tell him that I will meet him at the apartment later." Poor daddy. I wanted to get them all away when I take my sister down. Gus started to pack. He took a shot of whiskey first. " Damn, you are just like Adele. She wouldn't put up with them fang suckers neither. Well... until she almost turned into one herself. Lucas refused to do it unless she agreed that she wouldn't have no babies with him, but then you wouldn't be here to save the castle today if that had happened. Bless my sweet Adele. Kennedy, don't lose that key you got on yer neck." I felt my neck. " I don't have the key, I left it at Howles place. Oh boy. I'm sunk." I wasn't going to stop, I was just getting my mind wrapped around the fact that I was certain to die tonight. Gus must be drunk, Lucas and my grandma? He was going to turn her into what? This was all too much really. I nodded. "Better drink another shot of whiskey, it's go time Gus." He did, then handed me the bottle. I drank a swig and shook my head. "Eyack!" I cried. It tasted like turpentine. " One more, the next one will go smoothly." He shoved the bottle at me. " Sure?" I did not want another drink. "Drink it Madam." He said firmly. I drank it. He was right, not as bad now. I pulled off my hood and fluffed out my curls. "Honey, I'm home!" I cried, feeling brave now. The place was very quiet. I looked in all of the rooms, not seeing my dear sister. I saw her poor friends, lying in bed, white as sheets. Just as Gus had described them. Gus came in and started to take them to the car. " Be careful Ken, June wants you dead." warned Monroe as he walked by me. I looked around for daddy. "I know, you guys go, get out before she drains you dry." It was true, she was taking their blood from them. I felt my stomach lurch. I pressed on..... As I got closer to my chambers down stairs, I heard June talking to daddy. "You will hug her, and close your eyes tight daddy. You don't want to see me surprise her." June sounded excited, like it was a birthday party. I opened the door. They were both standing next to my outside door, waiting for me. " Hey daddy, I'm home." I yelled behind them. June jumped like a cat on a hot plate. That was just enough to release her hold on my dad. I touched his arm. He blinked several times. "Gus is looking for you daddy, he needs help, please hurry." Arlo shook his head, he stared at me, eyes foggy. He slowly nodded as I urged him to go. I turned back to my sister, and looked at her shocked face. She hadn't expected me to arrive through the other door. " Go now Arlo." She commanded as she licked her lips. I waited for him to leave, then I walked up to June and smiled at her. She was about to s***h me again with her nasty nails. I popped her in the neck before she could add another scar to my face. She held her neck and choked. She fell back to the door, knocking it wide open. I tried to place a calming spell on her. I wanted her to be rational, understand why I had to kill her now. She stood up from a laying position, just shot right up onto her feet. She ran at me now. " Oh s**t!" I ducked and ran through the open door. My spell was ineffective on her rage. I ran for the cliff. I knew I could escape her on the rocks. She was on me in two seconds, how was she so fast. She grabbed my curls and threw me down. I grabbed a handful of dirt and threw it up into the air, creating a large stone gargoyle. It was like a big hologram. It was just enough to make her wince and stumble back. I ran as fast as I could. June screamed and hissed and came after me. It was over. She was inches from killing me. Her breath was on my neck. Suddenly I heard a loud growl as a flash of light appeared.
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