Thirt¥ 8. June attacks me as I invite her in.

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" Countess June Moore, come here now!" He commanded her. She flew to him in one graceful movement. " Master?" She said bowing. " Apologize to Mrs. Howle." Lucas said. My sister said," My deepest apologies Mrs. Howle. I am so sorry if I hurt you." " You did not. So don't apologize, I am just fine." I just wanted to go to my room as soon as possible. I got myself up and started to move away from everyone gawking at me. I stumbled in the doorway and tripped on the stone floor. My arm was grabbed suddenly by Orcas. He removed my hand from my face. " Why are you here?" I asked him, though I knew he was coming for dinner. " I was invited by your father. What happened to your eye?" He looked at the deep scratches. " Damn fang suckers, they grow their nails so long, hence the wounds to my back as well. We need to talk by the way. I promise you I have never cheated on you. You do not have to fear me wife, I swear it." I was feeling nauseated just being near him. I mean I heard his words, I thought I knew him. I am so confused. Lucas came into my room next. " Can I speak with you Kennedy?" He looked at Orcas. He shook his head- no. I nodded. " Of course. Howle a moment please?" Orcas moved into the other room and got a needle and thread ready. " Kennedy, my father told me a strawberry blond came to talk to him about the murders that have been going on, he said the woman left before he could interview her. Was this you?" He asked me. I was shocked that Detective Moore was his father. I just nodded and whispered. "Not now." He looked into the other room. " Howle knows something about the murders?" He whispered. I pursed my lips," Please, not now." He could see that I was affraid of my husband. He looked at me and frowned. " After dinner, I will take you to safety. Be ready love." He touched my chin. " Fear not, I will never let anyone hurt you." I pointed at my bloody eye. " Well, I mean going forward." He said sheepishly. Orcas came back with a needle and thread. " I'm going to need some help Lucas, please." He pointed to me, holding up the needle and thread. " You aren't touching me with that!" I gasped. Lucas looked at me. " Take my hands my dear. Do you trust me?" He smiled. His violet eyes were so beautiful. I leaned in, suddenly compelled to kiss him. I didn't care who saw us. He kissed me quickly and motioned to Orcas behind his back. I don't know much else about this, except my torn eyelid and face had fine sutures in them. It did not hurt, nor do I have awareness of who sewed me up. My husband was washing his hands. " Thank you Mr. Moore." He said. I fell forward into Lucas' arms. " I don't feel very good." He was licking my blood off of his fingers. Orcas picked me up and placed me into bed. He removed his shoes and coat and lay under the covers next to me. " I want you to talk to me, why are you fearful love, haven't I taken very good care of you?"He asked me. " I am not well, please. No questions." I was about to puke. Orcas held me and soothed me. I was in shock. My sister nearly took my eye out. What did Howle mean by fang suckers, like vampires? I was still upset at my sister attacking me so violently. Is this how he got those deep scratches, was it from my own sister. Maybe he was telling me most of the truth. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. When I woke up, my father was shaking me. " It's time for dinner, come on honey." He smiled at me. " Daddy, I'm uh...not hungry. My eye hurts. Please tell everyone I'm very sorry." The doctor came later that night. Howle sent for him. He place an IV in my arm. I was dehydrated. He asked me when the last time I drank water or ate food had been. I couldn't recall. I had been so upset about my family, my husband. I did not stop to take care of myself. Lucas was sitting next to me, he held my hand. My husband was talking to my sister the Countess Moore? I guess she was a Countess now? I could hear June flirting with him, she hates him? She's planning something, I just know it. She giggled when he said something to her. I looked at Luke. " It's not about you my love, they are speaking about a bar that June wants to go out to tonight. The Cave. Orcas is advising her against it, it's a very seedy place. Your sister said he's being a silly over protective man." " How is your hearing so much more acute than mine?" I wondered. " I'm getting ready to take you away soon. But your father wants you to stay tonight, with the doctor here. I will stay if you desire me to." I shook my head. My husband came in to check on me. " Lucas, your Countess is going out with her friends to a very dangerous bar. This is where Serena was before she was murdered. I suggest you chaperone them." He raised his brows. " Who was Serena," I asked. " My fiance, the one I told you about." He said as he sat beside me. " So, is this where you meet women at, don't lie to me." I said. He said," We will discuss this when we are alone wife." Lucas went to speak to June. " Is June a fang sucker? Did she scratch your back with her sharp nails when you had s*x with her?" Howle got up and shut the door so we were alone now. " Why would I have s*x with June? No those scratches were from a woman that was trying to hurt me. She was very aggressive. I have been faithful to you alone, I swear it dear." I looked into his eyes. He was telling me the truth. But he never said that he wasn't with other women. Of course if he were murdering them, he was skirting around the truth. I shuddered. " Please wife. I'm lonely without you, let me just hold you a moment." He looked tired. " Howle, I know that you have a darker side. I've seen it myself on several occasions. I fear this side of you. But, I don't hate you for it, I want to help you. You know, with your impulses." I touched his hand. He smiled. " I will show you who I am someday. I can't just yet." " Wife you would do well to stay with your daddy for now, you are so young. I know you married me for protection, but I will not hold you to anything right now, no not until you are mature enough to trust me. I think it best that daddy keeps his little girl here with him." He kissed my brow. He seemed eager to set me aside to pursue his beastly side, the side I feared. I hoped I never came face to face with this side of the man I love. He got up to leave me then as I yearned to go back, back to a time of ignorance. I love him so much. Howle pulled me to him and leaned down just inches from my face. " I'm letting go."
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