1●6. Rena and Arlo go to Iceland.

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Howle I called my governing clan members and arranged the release of Arlo, Rena and Gus. Lucas was still in custody, he was actually charged with attempted murder. It was a bit trickier to get him out. Plus his father wanted him to pay. I called my wife. " Hey Red, are you alone?" " I'm alone." She said looking at Roberto Vegara and shrugging. He stared at her, seeing if she knew him. " Who is this?"She held her hand over the phone and asked Roberto. " Your husband, you love him, talk to him sweetie." She touched his cheek, "Thanks." " Hello husband, how are you, where are you?" She asked me. " I'm home, in my house in Oaksprings. Are you okay little bird?" " My baby sister is here, and my oldest sister and her husband Dave." " You mean Douglas?" Something was wrong. " Kennedy, put June on the phone, now!" " Oh, sure. Okay bye." " Howle, thank the Lord, Vanessa gave birth, she had a healthy baby, but Howle...she died shortly afterward, Dougy was with her. Is my father there?" " Oh, he is at Rena's, she lost her eye fighting Weston, he's caring for her. I was able to get her released on bail. Lucas is in the hospital, I am not having much luck getting him released." " June, what the hell is wrong with Red?" " Well, Vega Rob eye f*cked her to keep her from leaving. She took off after you spoke to her last, she ran over Robby with her car, do..not..tell..Rena that...please! It was an accident." " Vega Rob is with you, do you have any idea who that guy is? He's very important June. There are people searching everywhere for him, how did he end up there? You find him doing that vampire thingy?" " No Howle, Red hired him to be her body guard, to keep her from going back to Weston. They met in a casino. Howle, she's sleeping with that f***er." " I'm going to pretend you never told me that, can you reverse the eye thing on Red? I need to talk to her intimately, I can't leave here. They took over her castle. It might take me a while to get Weston ousted as magistrate. He has friends in high places." " Only Roberto Vegara can reverse the eye thing, but I think she will try to leave again Howle. Weston really got to her. She believes he is the love of her life, though she can rationalize that he is not. I mean she did hire a body guard." " I agree. June, keep them all safe, promise me honey?" " I promise you. Is my master Lucas going to make it, I mean not that he has much pull over me since Kennedy healed most of my evil ways with her blood, I still care." " I believe he will be fine, once the silver works it's way out of his body." " Here is Kennedy, she wants to speak to you." " Husband, please...can you get me home to you? I need to see Weston, please Howle, make it happen, if you love me...get me home." " No Red, stay with Robby, June, Douglas, and Roberto, I hear he is your lover now?" I had to hear her say it. " Nope, he refused, said it wasn't a good idea right now, dumb jerk!" She was pissed off. " Red, I love you, can I speak to the dumb jerk?" " Sure." She handed the phone to Roberto. " Mr.Howle, I assure you that I haven't hurt your wife, quite the opposite, when and only when I think she should know who she is and who others are, then I will fix her, do you understand me?" I smiled. I liked this jerk wad. " Agree, keep me posted please." I ended the call feeling much better. Though I was sorry about Vanessa dying. s**t Arlo might take it hard. I made the call to Mr. Trent. " This is the Alpha, I have located Roberto Vegara, your services are no longer needed, send my people an invoice for your trouble." " You don't seem to understand, my employer has recently changed. I now work for the magistrate. I will be collecting the remains of Mr. Vegara to deliver to the Moore coven. Good day sir." He hung up. " s**t, damn asshole!" I yelled to no one in particular. I put on my coat and headed out the door to the hospital. I would be freeing Lucas Moore now, to hell with the Scottish fake ass government. I texted June on the way. " Get into hiding, there are people after Vegara, bad people who work for Weston, Mr. Jason Trent. I'm getting Lucas." She responded,"About time big guy, go get him and kick all their asses." I smiled, I quite liked this version of June Bug. We saw things the same way. We made our own rules in this mess of a human world. *********** June " Daddy, I was trying to get a hold of you, I am glad you are out of jail. I'm afraid, well I have horrible news, Vanessa died shortly after we arrived. I'm so, so sorry daddy." "I see, and my daughter?" " Oh, she's fine, she's beautiful daddy, we had to name her before she left the hospital. We chose Sarah. Does this suit you father?" I knew he was upset at Vanessa's passing, he was so quiet. " Maybe it's best that you...well that you and Douglas raise the girl. I just don't have the energy to raise a child, alone." I smiled. " Dad, she is a real beauty, will you be part of her life at all then?" We really wanted this baby girl. I was over joyed to raise her with my hubby. " I'm going away, far away. I'm taking Rena to an eye specialist in Iceland. Howle wants me to get her away from Weston's wrath." " Ok, I will tell Robby. He is a man now, he is quite big. He is watching over Kennedy. Tell Rena that Kennedy is heart broken over their break up. It's strange daddy, Robby is taking her place somehow. I don't understand how all the wolves can share eachother so easily. If my husband looked at another vampire, I would probably die." " No my love, you are the glue holding this family together, June Bug. I'm so proud of you. I love you. Take care of Sarah, show her how Starlings love one another. I'm not coming back from this trip June. I couldn't tell anyone, Vanessa knew. We fought over this. I have lung cancer, I refused to marry her in my condition. I'm sorry I did not marry the girl. I never thought she would die first. Damn it. June... I will call you when I get settled. Rena is my focus now. Bye love." " Bye my dear, dear daddy. I will see you when I can. I love you too." ************ Rena I smelled the cancer on Arlo, months ago. He swore me to secrecy. It felt so odd now that he was with me. I was wounded, but alive. There was a doctor in the Netherlands with advance bionic technology. He said he could help restore my vision, better than ever with an ocular implant. I had to heal up first. Arlo was searching for a nice place to die. I told him Lucas would turn him if he wanted this, he declined. He missed his wife too much. I would take care of my love Kennedy's special daddy for her now. I longed to be in Ken's bed again with her. I really missed Lucas so much, he was my rock these past few months.
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