1●5. The rightful heir has been found.

1309 Words
Kennedy " Vega Rob, I'm scared he will die. Rena will kill me, she busted my ribs once, remember that Robby?" I yelled to Robby. Vega Rob was shocked that I was able to recall things. My memory was so full of holes now, but I got bits and pieces now and then, like Robby's mother was Rena, she beat me up really good. I felt sadness when I thought of her. Robby called me to his room. I stood up and felt along the wall, I couldn't see anything. Yet I could see people's faces. It was like shining a flashlight on them. I touched his leg, then farther up until I landed on his crotch. He didn't cry out when I hit his groin, he was breathing heavy though. " Kennedy, touch me please. I think those pills Rob gave me were viagra. Can I hold you?" I stroked him over his sweat pants. He grew in response. He was very big, as I found most lycan males were extra large in that department. I slid next to him in the bed. We cuddled and touched, it was all Robby could handle in his condition. Later that night, after a nice dinner, Vega Rob slid in behind me. He wrapped his strong arm around my waist and nuzzle my neck. " I'm lonely for you Birdy." He whispered. This was how June found us, all snuggled together in one small bed. She didn't knock, she slid through the open window and looked at us. " I hope you all have a very, very good explanation for being in this bed together. Kennedy Starling, wake up right this minute!" She was angry. I raised my hand," I'm Kennedy, who are you?" "Fu**ing A...who was the bastard that did this to my little sister?" She yelled. Robby groaned when I accidently hit his ribcage waking him up. Vega Rob sat up and yawned. " Right here, I'm the bastard. You must be June right?" He stretched and introduced himself. June roughly yanked him by the arm , when the covers flew off, she saw that he was totally naked. *************** June " Who the hell are you, you smell like vampire!" I hissed at him and bared my fangs. " Yes, very nice. You've had regular dental check ups then?" He smiled at me. I could see he wasn't really a threat, he was a smart ass. He had tremendous good looks, but I could tell he was used to women falling at his fangs. " Talk to me, asshole." I said as I pushed him against the wall in the small kitchen. He towered over me, but I was unafraid and angry. He stared at my lips. " You are kind of sexy when you hiss like that honey." I put my knee up to his crotch. " Try again asshole." I warned. " Well, Howle called Robby and told him that a psycho, old vampire named Weston Moore was back. He said to keep Kennedy from trying to go to him by any means, not to mention, Kennedy hired me to protect her from herself. So I wiped her mind the best I could and here we are one happy family all snuggled up in the bed together, but no...we did not have s*x yet. I swear it. I told Robby I wouldn't touch his fine body until he was all healed up, Kennedy hit him with her car last night when she was trying to get to Weston...whew that's a mouthful." He grinned at me like a smart ass, then his smile slowly faded as he looked around me seeing my man holding the cutest baby he ever saw in his life. " May I?" He held his hands out to baby Sarah. Douglas looked at me for permission. I shook my head. " F*** no you don't hold our girl, and you don't sleep with my married sister, nor her lycan nephew. How much is Kennedy paying you, I'll double it to get rid of you?" I didn't like this snake. My sister called out. " I need to go to the bathroom, can you help me Vega Rob?" I yelled back. " No!" I went to her and saw she was acting blind. " Come on, you can see now. It's OK, look at me." I instructed her in a vampire way. " Oh, oh nice! I can see now. That was so weird. Who are you? Oh, a baby!" She walked over to Vega Rob and kissed him. " Good morning lover." She said. " You didn't sleep with my sister, you sure?" I was seeing red now. Kennedy turned and took the baby from Dougy. " And who is this little girl?" " That is Sarah Starling, your baby sister. You Kennedy are my sister too." I informed her. Kennedy slowly placed a soft kiss on Sarah's head. " Can I feed her?" Dougy prepared a bottle for her. Vega Rob say next to Ken on the couch and stared at my sister. The baby, not Kennedy. It was real weird. He scooted his arm under Kennedy's and held Sarah. " I found you. You are the one I have been looking for my whole entire life, you Sarah Starling. I can't believe it. Here you are right in this crappy hotel room with me. I swear that I will protect you my darling, with my life. You are here. I just can't believe this." Kennedy looked at Vega Rob. " Who are you really?" She asked him as if seeing him for the first time. He looked up. "My name is Roberto Vegara, I am just a card shark gambler and vampire, but I go by my street name Vega Rob." " I see." said Kennedy. I did not see, what the hell now he was hitting on my new born baby sister too? We all settled down and had coffee and Dougy took Robby to the ER. He had three broken ribs, but would be fine. *********** Howle A man hired by Aries Maelstrom named Jason Trent had been looking for Roberto Vegara in the US. He was able to track him to a casino in California, after seeing a you tube chanel in his name. The man Roberto Vegara was aka Vega Rob. Trent had tasked his two body guards to bring him in, they were both posing as casino security. Vegara apparently killed them both before they could bring him to Trent for questioning. I was worried that this Vegara guy had been rogue too long. I would ask Robby to track him down, since he was in the states with Kennedy. As soon as I could find him, he wasn't answering his cell phone, neither was Kennedy. I called June next. ************ Roberto Vegara " Kennedy, I think this baby is mine. I was bonded to her at first sight, like when an animal imprints on it's young. This baby is...well, she's my mother." Kennedy laughed. " A baby can't be your mother crazy guy. She's just a baby." " I know, it's crazy, but I can't explain this. I know what I feel. I have these moments of vampire clarity, I've had this intuition my entire life, that's why I became a gambler. I've made millions just trusting my intuition. So when I say baby Sarah is my mother, I just know it to be true." " Oh honey, did you hit your head when you got up this morning or something, it seems so crazy?" Kennedy said. I could see June frowning. " I believe you." She surprisingly said. "The Moores and the Starlings go way back. My grandmother Adele told me the story of Sara Starling and King Henry Moores bastard son, Roberto Vegara."
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