1●4. A new baby.

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Vega Rob I remembered that Kennedy told me she had been unable to block Weston as she had been injured. I rushed to them, hearing Kennedy on the phone with Howle, her husband. Robby beat me to her, chasing her car down when she left to find Weston Moore. I had to disable her for her own good. " Kennedy, it's me Vega Rob. You know me right?" " Sir, I trust you, but you called me Kennedy, is this truely my name then?" " Yes my love. Robby is your mate, he will take you back to the hotel. Let him hold you my dear, you were severely injured, but don't worry soon it will pass, I promise." Robby groaned as he stood up gingerly. " You better take her, my ribs...most likely broken. Thanks Rob." He limped to the road and turned into his wolf and limped back down the road. I took Kennedy to the car and buckled her in. I sat in the driver's seat, staring at her beautiful face in the moonlight. Holding her chin in my hand, I was compelled to press a kiss upon her lips. "You are safe with me dear." She nodded."Hold me please." I held her tightly, then kissed her again more deeply. She arched her breasts towards me. " I see your face, but nothing else. You are so cute." She smiled at me, no longer fearful of her condition. My kisses soothed her. " We should get back, Robby is waiting for you dear Birdy." " I remember when I told you to call me that, I didn't want to tell you my real name. What is my name again?" " Kennedy Starling, you are my queen." I don't know why I told her that, it felt right though. I kissed her again, then again. Our lips fit together perfectly. Soon we were petting eachother very heavily right there in the car. She was straining against her seat belt, I quickly undid it for her. I was fighting the urge to bite the f*** out of her. She straddled me in the front seat. I moved it all the way back as I squeezed those ripe melons she called her ass. I could bite her there, couldn't I? " I want you to make love to me Vega, like no other vampire. I want you to fix me, make me remember who I am." She kissed me speechless. Somehow, I couldn't go through with it, it wasn't right. She was worth so much more than this trickery. When she came to my bed, I wanted her to know who we both were, to know it was her will, not mine. I wanted her to see that I could love her. Not some character I created to get by, but me Roberto Vegara. I was made for this very woman, I knew it to my core. We were fated to be together somehow. I know she has baggage, husband's, a girlfriend a nephew who is hot for her, a crazy old vampire dude...but I was made for her. As I lived and breathed and my heart now beat softly in my chest. I would be hers. Not this way, not on these terms. I loosened her grip on me. "Come, Robby is hurt, we must go now." She felt for my crotch, "don't stop me, not now..I need this. I need you deep inside me, make me spasm and moisten you with my dew. She licked my lips, both of them. I groaned. s**t this was so hard! I was so hard. She trusted me. I took her body off of mine and closed my eyes, breathing her in. I felt my hands buckling her back into her seat belt. I somehow drove us back to the hotel. " You are a good man Rob." I smiled at her sweetness. I had never been honorable. I was changing, she changed me. I love you Birdy. I thought, but I didn't dare tell her yet. I was scared to death. ********* June The next day we arrived in the states. We had to catch another flight to California. Something wasn't right, Vanessa was ill. It wasn't labor, though the baby was due any time now, it was something else. " I need to go to the hospital." She said. My head hurts so bad, my legs are all swollen. We took her to the hospital, they diagnosed her with preclampsia. Her blood pressure was off the charts high. She needed an emergency C- section to save my baby sister. I wish daddy were here, he would know what to do. Vanessa cried for Arlo. Douglas took her hand. " I will be your Arlo honey." She smiled, she liked my husband, me not so much. Dougy went into surgery with her, posing as her spouse. I paced the floor all night. I was so worried for them. I couldn't get a hold of Howle, or daddy. I tried the nurse where Lucas was being held in the hospital. She told me she would try to get word to Lucas, but the guards were blocking all communication. I went back up to the labor and delivery floor to pace some more. Finally Douglas came out holding the baby. She was so beautiful. Her little face was so petite and, and innocent. I started to weep. I know now that I was longing for a baby with Dougy. It would be an expression of our bond, our love. He touched her tiny lips, she tried to lick him. He smiled as he held her out to me, such a fragile little bundle. I took her and spoke to her softly, I told her who I was. " I'm your oldest sister sweet girl, June bug. You will call me Bug, like Ken does." I kissed her head. I smelled baby powder, and a new smell...it was soft and perfect and my heart beat slowed just talking to her. The nurse came running out, "Arlo you need to come back, we are losing your wife, I'm so sorry!" Dougy looked at me, then my baby sister. " I will help her, if I can." An hour later Dougy returned. Vanessa had passed away, they tried everything to save her life. Daddy would be so upset. I had no way to call him, I called the lady that lived near the castle, she was the only other number I had. I begged her to get to my father and give him the news. She gladly agreed. We took my baby sister with us the following day. I had to name her for the birth certificate, I named her Sarah, Sarah Starling. She was so tiny. Doug and I fell instantly in love with her. We bought her a new car seat and some formula and set out for California. ************ Kennedy " Robby, let me feel your ribs to see if they are broken love." He reluctantly placed my hand on his ribcage. I blindly felt several areas of swelling. I could tell it was very painful for him. I leaned down and lovingly kissed each rib. " We need to go to a doctor Robby." He tried to sit up. I called Vega Rob. " Hey, come help Robby up please." I heard him in the kitchen, cooking I think, it smelled good. He came right in. He lay down next to me, looking at Robby. " Listen, he is a big guy, you need to give him some space, this bed is too small for the both of you." He took me to the other room and brought Robby some strong pain pills he had on him.
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