1●3. A plan is thwarted.

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June There was a commotion at the front door, I heard Gus yelling. I made my way up from my bed chambers where Douglas was sleeping. Vanessa met me in the hallway, followed by Arlo. I shook my head at them, indicating I didn't know what was happening. The new magistrate was at the door, he was calling for Kennedy Starling. I swallowed my anger. I wanted to kill him. Weston Moore was the new magistrate. He handed Gus the evict and vacate notice signed by none other than the Alpha himself, declaring that Kennedy was unlawfully residing in the wolf clans property. She was being called to appear before the magistrate immediately. I grabbed the paperwork. " This is s**t, you know it!" I yelled. He pointed his finger at me. " I know you, you are the massage girl from the train!" He bellowed. Arlo came between us. " My daughter is right, this is bullshit Weston." He was irate. I was thinking," Way to go daddy, yes!" so I said it. Vanessa looked over the documents, she was very bright. " It is a signed edict of eviction, the city of Oakspring has condemned the property as a safety hazard to the citizens. Kennedy is wanted for improper and unlawful residency. Hmm..that's fishy right there." Weston stood at the entrance waiting to be officially invited inside, he could not enter without an invitation, vampire code. " Go to hell!" I told him. He looked around. " Kennedy, Kennedy my love, come to me!" He yelled for her. " That's just gross. Get the f*** out and never come back you old bat!" I was preparing for war when I heard Lucas' voice softly behind me. "Come in dad." He smiled, "Welcome, how are you, come...I will take you to Kennedy. Please follow me." What the hell, everyone here knew Kennedy was in the states. He bustled by us and followed his son. Lucas was taking him down to the basement, the other side of the castle, away from Kennedy's suite. They decended the stairs slowly. " Why on earth is she down here?" He said. I followed at a distance, what was Lucas up to? When he got to the last room he stepped aside to let Weston enter. It was a trap, Rena was waiting there in full lycan form, waiting to kill him. He flipped back and made himself into a cockroach and slithered through the cracks of the window pane. " Get him!" yelled Lucas. I went outside to wait for him to emerge. I watched and waited. He appeared as a snake and struck at me violently biting my hand. He then turned back into his vampire form and attacked me full force, knocking my head against the stone gargoyle. I fell back, that's about it for me, it was lights out. *********** Lucas I had seen him coming on the security camera. Rena and I quickly hatched a murderous plan to destroy my father. I invited him in, I led him to my lycan lover. I had to protect Kennedy, she was the reason I got out of bed, she was mine, not his. Rena and I distanced ourselves from love bird, protecting her. It was so painful to both of us, more so me. Now I was fighting this vampire monster, this evil creature posing as a father to me. I grabbed my father's shoulder just as he was going to claw into June's heart and rip it out. He cried out in pain and frustration at my grip on him, my long, black nails gouged his flesh. He lunged at me, Rena came tearing around the corner and pounced on him in full lycan. He yelled in fear. She chomped at his neck as he scooted away from her on the ground. He was able to jab her eye, she fell away in agony as her eyeball was injured. I stood above him. " It's over, you are finished old man!" I advanced on him and was shocked at a loud bang, followed by a piercing bullet whizzing through my body, shot through. I turned to see the police lined up behind me, protecting the magistrate. I fell back, bleeding from the wound to my abdomen. Rena was back into wolf form, she ran off into the darkness. June was very still, I was sure she was dead. I was seeing stars as I fell to the ground, those bullets were full of silver. I was incapacitated. They called the medics and took me to the hospital. My dad pressed charges against me, Gus, and Arlo. They caught Rena in my apartment, injured and hiding. June somehow slipped by them all. Douglas and Vanessa were also gone. I was grateful for that. Arlo told me later that he helped them escape before they could be arrested. My wound was not fatal as it went straight through. Rena lost her right eye. She was alive though. My father was hurt pretty bad, but he recovered quickly with his vampire blood. I wasn't so lucky, the silver in my body made me very ill. I was weak and in pain, so much pain. June and Douglas were on their way to California, Weston couldn't stop the private jet in time, they had Vanessa with them. I fell back on my pillow and passed out from the pain all over my body. The silver was working its way out, but it hurt like hell. ************* Howle June called me right before departure to the states. She told me everything that happened. I packed a bag and went to leave for home. The Alpha chose that moment to die. I was now Alpha and I was free to go, to take care of the magistrate. Weston would pay with his very life. I boarded the plane and called Kennedy. " Oh, Howle...I was sleeping, sorry let me turn on my lamp." She sounded so tired. " My love, there are things you need to know, but I don't have time to explain. I'm sending June and Douglas to you. They are arriving tomorrow. The city of Oaksprings condemned your castle, Weston lives, he is the new magistrate, he has arrested Lucas, Gus, Arlo and Rena. They tried to fight him apparently. Kennedy, you must stay where you are. Weston is after you, he will claim you as his own. Kennedy I beg you, stay put there. Promise me." " He really said that, he wants to claim me as his own, oh that's so romantic. I'm sorry Howle, I love him. I must go to him. I knew he lived! I belong to him. Goodbye Howle. I'm so happy, thank you my love!" " Kennedy no!" I yelled for her not to hang up. Too late. Damn that vampire mind f***ery. My wife was not safe, I had to keep her from coming home. I called my nephew. " Hey, uh you know what time it is uncle Orcas?" He yawned. " Do not let Kennedy out of your sight, promise me Robby, Weston is back and he's trying to get her back. June is on her way there, she will explain things. Please Robby go to her now, tie her up if you have to!" I was hyperventilating. I closed my eyes to calm myself. As the plane took off I lost my cell signal. *********** Robby I heard the car start. I ran outside in my underwear, aunt K was driving off. I turned into my wolf and chased the car. I got in front of her and changed into my beast form. She slammed on the brakes, hitting me in the process. " Oh my Lord Robby!" She got out and ran to me. I was human once again. " Damn that hurt." I said as she touched me all over to check for injuries. " Are you okay Robby, why on earth did you jump in front of my car?" Vega Rob put his hand over hers, he was there too. " Let me help you." He held her arms. " You are blind, you do not recall who you are or where you are. You only trust me and Robby. We will guide you, do you understand me?" I was impressed that was quick thinking, she didn't have a chance to block him. " I'm blind, I can't see anything. Please someone help me, I need to get...I have to go...Oh, I don't remember!" She cried anxiously.
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