Fo4rteen. It's not Clover, it's Rena.

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Kennedy I came back home, determined to find these werewolf crests, jewels, insignias. If they truly existed, I would like to return them historically to the proper clan. I know that these creatures don't really exist, but at the same time, I have no rights to hold onto their things. I will find them before this gala and offer them up as a peace offering for the whole town. I dressed in all black. I made sure my hair was covered. The moon was in it's first quarter. I would need a flashlight, it wasn't bright enough for me to see without it. I had used every single key on the key ring, I found every door in the house. For some reason, I was drawn outside the castle. Why would a coven of witches keep their enemies spoils inside their precious coven. That made no sense. I ran to the garden and looked at all of the brick work. The book had mention of a lower level on the grounds. Buried deep in a moat near our keep. It was something I made up in my head. Just a little ditty I had swimming inside of there. I mean I am a decendant of said witches. I can make s**t up. I looked at the bricks, then the water in the moat. Hmmm. I went around to the little bridge that passed over the water at the entrance of the castle. Nope not good. It would surely be rusted out if it was in the moat. If I was a witch and I knew anything about werewolves, I would look where they hated to go. I needed to do some studying up on wolves. I went into the castle library. I pulled down a very dusty book. All things werewolf and then some. Okay so I am not the first Starling to wonder about this. I couldn't see the book so I tried the lamp. It wasn't working. Ah, it's an oil lamp, duh. I found some long matches on the mantle and lit one. It blew right out. I must have blown it out. I held my breath and lit another. It too went out. Hmm... old matches? I did it a third time, cupping my hand around the match. I saw it blow out this time. There was definitely a breeze in this book shelf. I smiled. A hidden door? I pulled on several books, book ends, sconces, and bricks. I was feeling exhausted. I leaned against the book shelf. There! it wasn't a pulling mechanism, it was a pushing one. I pushed the book case and it popped open. It opened wide into a dark hallway. It was very cold and drafty. I pushed old cobwebs, I hoped they were old, out of my way. I went down, down, down several steps to go and I heard running water. I would bet money that I was under the moat. I turned on my phone flashlight. I saw it then, a key hole. My hand was shaking so bad. I had to steady it with the other hand, but then my phone light was shaking all over the walls. I took a breath. A aa apple, B bb banana, cc ca ca cat. This helped my mind relax and my hand stopped shaking. I took my key off of my neck and pushed it into the lock. It clicked open. I turned the knob and opened the door. Oh my Lord it's true, it's all true. I saw jewels and crests, insignias, pictures, gems, flags, tartans and old weapons of all calibers. I picked up a ring. It was very heavy. There was a wolf head with ruby eyes. A lamb being eaten by a wolf, several pictures and paintings of woman being killed by wolves, perhaps the women were the witches? But in the middle of the room was a portrait, a man that looked very similar to Orcas Howle. He could very well be a descendant of these ancient people. I took one piece of jewelry, that ring. It was very heavy. I put it into my pocket and left that room. My mind was going crazy. I imagined witches and werewolves fighting for generations. I put the ring into my room and left out the back entrance. I walked down the back lawn to that cliff. I sat in the grass. I needed to really think. These items were of very historical value. After much thought I decided to turn it all over to the historical society, Lucas could have it. He would know who it belonged to. My family were coming in the morning. I wouldn't bother them with any of this. I stretched in the dark, it felt weird to be so comfortable in the dark. But I was. I swore I saw a flash of white run behind me. I thought it was just my eyes, but then I saw it was Clover. " Oh, hey boy. You're up late." I said to him. I began to approach him, he didn't have the three clovers on his chest. This wasn't Clover. I felt very leary of this wolf. It growled at me menacingly. I stood up taller and faced away from it. I slowly, so slowly walked back to my castle. It was very close on my heels. I refused to show fear or face it. I wanted to run, but knew it would kill me. I suddenly stopped and turned to face it. " Kill me now, I'm not running in fear of you. You enjoy the hunt, well I won't be hunted. You can go back to hell where you came from you beast." I approached it slowly. It took a step back, confused by my actions. I began to sing to myself mainly. When I felt a stutter come on, singing would calm me. I sang an old Scottish hymn my grandmother sang to me. Baloo, balilli, baloo balilli Baloo, balilli, baloo ba. Gae awa peerie fairies Fae oor peerie bairn. Gae awa peerie fairies Fae oor bairn noo. Baloo, balilli, baloo balilli Baloo, balilli, baloo ba. Dan come bonnie angels Ta wir peerie bairn. Now I have been told that my voice is quite haunting when I sing this song. I watched as that big mean wolf shook its head and backed away from me. It looked at me and whined then turned and ran off. I fell to the ground. I was shaking so badly now. I sat there in fear for a while, frozen. I finally made myself get up and went to my castle. I passed those gargoyles and told them," good job, keep up the good work." Sarcastically. I went to my room and lay on my bed, my heart was beating fast and irractic. *********** Rena I went to get that key once and for all. Orcas had all sorts of excuses why he couldn't get it, he even told me tonight that she was wearing it on her neck. He must be lazy, that's all. My luck was with me, she was out on the cliffs, alone. I licked my lips as I shifted into my natural form of the wolf. I wanted to hunt her, rip her apart and drag her body home by that key around her neck. I gave her a good scare, she called me Clover. I wondered about that. It made me pause. I could see she was initially frightened. I felt that primal blood lust rise up in my gut. But then she said she would not be hunted, she was crazy. But I can't kill her unless she runs in fear. Then she sang that song, that was my sons song, I sang that as his mother. I had to leave then. She was a witch for sure.
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