Th!rty 7. I went home to Starling castle.

1362 Words
Orcas/ Clover I heard her say that she was planning to change for me. How can I tell her that she is perfect. She won't believe me. She is letting me go? I can never let this happen. I wonder, could she be pregnant with my child, she just threw up, like morning sickness maybe? I felt a deep joy inside me, thinking of our baby growing in her womb. Yes, this must be why she was acting so moody. I left her to run back to the kitchen. She was on her way home now. I quickly transitioned back to human form. " Hey come talk to me honey." I said as she came back into the house. She came to me with a plastered smile on her face, she was trembling. I sensed a change in her. I tried to calm her with my touch, she flinch. As if I would actually harm her. " Talk to me, please." I needed to know she was going to get past this. " Kennedy, why are you pushing me away?" I could feel her body stiffen. She shook her head. Her curls were swaying with her movements. I lifted my hand to her heart to sooth her. She cried out. "Please, don't. I will do whatever you want me to do, please Orcas." I stepped back. She was nervous, her heart was racing. Something happened to change her. " Are you pregnant?" I asked her bluntly. She frowned. " No, I am not." " What is wrong with you then, outside you were throwing up." She shook her head. "Something I ate. I need to see my family, will you take me, I mean please Orcas. Please let me go back to town." I nodded. She was scared to death of me. I put my hand on her shoulder. " Look at me, I am never going to hurt you." I smiled at her. " Don't you see, you already have. You don't need a wife. I can't fulfill you the way those other women do. I'm just a simple girl. I can't Orcas." I could see she was in her head again. Me getting scratched last night changed everything. "Get dressed I will take you back to your castle." I pulled the car around. She needs her family around her, her father. I can see she believes that I cheated. ********** Kennedy When he touched me, it made me feel like I never even knew him. I was now certain that I would also eventually end up without my head or heart. I had to go to the police with my suspicions. My husband is a very deranged man. I got out of the car as soon as he dropped me off at the castle. I didn't make eye contact. I felt his eyes on me as I left. I ran to my room, through the back door. I didn't greet anyone. I quickly changed into some casual clothing. I put a hood over my head to hide my curls and I hurried into town. When I arrived at the police station an older dark haired man, that perhaps once was very handsome came out to greet me. " Detective Weston Moore, what can I do for you kid?" I held my hands over my coat and squeezed the wool, gripping it. " I might have, well I wonder, that is.... could you tell me if the last serial killer's victim may have scratched her assailant that is?" I couldn't speak right, I was so nervous. He opened a file folder and picked through the close up photos of her hands and tossed them to me. I jerked back seeing the broken nails. I was about to tell him my suspicions when Rena walked in with Robby. " Listen he won't do it again, can you just give him a break this time?"She was holding a can of spray paint. I put my hood up discretely before she could see me. She would tell Orcas I was there. " Rena the boy is turning into a full fledged juvenile delinquent."The detective replied. I stood up and scooted out the door. I could hear Rena yelling at the detective. I left because I decided I needed to try and stop Orcas myself. I could work my own magic on him, I hoped. I was walking up hill towards the cemetary when Robby caught up to me. " I thought that was you." He smiled and walked with his hands in his pockets next to me. " Robby I need to ask you something." He nodded. " Wait, do you forgive me then?" " Yeah sure." I had bigger fish to fry. " Is your mom coming?" I looked back. " No she is making me walk home for my punishment. I tagged the library. I hate that Lucas guy, he ratted me out." " Robby does uncle Orcas own any weapons, and can you get one for me? I need a gun." Robby nodded. " It will cost you." " Oh, how much?" I asked. " I need a thousand bucks for restitution." He looked down. I nodded. "Done. I need the gun before the next full moon." He agreed. " Why?" He asked. " I'm going to stop a serial killer." I said as I ran up the hill, leaving him in the dust. I ran back to my room. My dad was there now. " Hey kid, what's new?" He had that look on his face like he was told I did something bad at school. " He called you right?" " Yeah, Orcas is worried about you, said you didn't want to be with him right now." " Daddy. Its complicated." I looked down at my hands. " Well he's coming for dinner, I'm cooking steak." He smiled. " Daddy, he's not faithful to me. He came home with a woman's perfume and his back all scratched up." I said tearfully. " Oh, I didn't think that was going on. s**t, sorry kid. I can cancel." He said softly. " Cancel what?"Monroe said finding us in my room. " Dinner." my dad said. " Kennedy, June is out front she is looking for you, she said Lucas sent her." Monroe informed me. I wondered how Luke knew I was back. I nodded and went to the entrance. She looked different. Her make-up was very dark. Her hair was braided to the side. She wore a long sleeved tunic and sunglasses. " Sister aren't you going to invite me in?" She asked me. " Ok, come on in." I told her. She didn't acknowledge me after this, she put her head down and trudged to the castle. " Of course, we can talk at dinner tonight, my husband will be arriving soon." I added, just to piss her off, seeing how she seemed to despise him now, or was it just me? She turned around and ran at me. She jumped on me and savagely scratched my face with her nails, knocking me over. I could feel the blood dripping from my face. My eye lid was cut. I stayed down on the hard ground. I didn't talk to her any further. I just lay there covering my eye. She turned and walked away. I put up my hand and willed the wind to trip her. She screamed as she fell into the moat. I was in too much pain to enjoy it. Daddy came, hearing the noise and fished her out. She was yelling. " She pushed me!" " How could she she's way over there!" He yelled. " You ok Ken?" Daddy said. " I will be fine." I said holding my eye. Lucas drove up in his black Maserati. He jumped out and ran to me, not bug. " What happened?" He touched my hand," Show me now." He commanded. I shook my head. "Go help my sister, she might be injured." He looked at her scathingly. " Luke please, it's nothing really." I lied, my eye felt full of blood. I think she scratched my cornea.
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