8ighty 7. Mother dear...

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Daphne " So...we meet again Miss Starling. You are just as sweet and tasty as I remember." Kennedy was weak, too weak to fight me off. I found her in the hallway of her castle. I simply snuck her away as all the others laughed and finished their little dinner party. I admonished my son for going there to her castle, but I was so thrilled that he was able to get back in here, it made it easy for me to sneak in and steal her away. " Daphne, he doesn't want me anyway, he told me never to pursue him again, or he would kill me. Please, I'm not going to go after him." I smiled," There, there poor girl, you have nothing to fear. I am back to help you to forget all about your vampire husband." I was so hungry for this little sweet girl. I was going to take her to my old family compound in Germany. No wolves could track her where she was going. My mouth salivated for her. I knew from the last time I had her, one taste was not enough. I didn't dare taste her right now. Plus she was depleted from my own son feeding on her. Seeing her flat veins made me angry. He must have been unable to control his lust for her blood. We rode in silence to the private boat. I was thinking about how to make her blood last forever. I decided I should get her pregnant. This thought made me giggle. I covered my mouth. We boarded the boat as mother and daughter. Perhaps one of these big sailors would do. I could have her pregnant by the end of our traveling. I looked out onto the water to hide my joy. The closer I drew her to me, the more I saw that she was actually menstruating. My plan would be on hold until she was in the ovulation stage. I held her tightly to me right under my arm as we sailed towards Germany. I had established some connections in the old country there. I would never have to return to Scotland. She shivered from the cold wind, the bossun suggested we go to our cabin. He looked at my daughter with lust. She was not ripe yet, but soon I would farm her out to many men, she would get pregnant faster that way. ************ Kennedy She abducted me as I slowly retired to my library. She just came upon me and pulled me backwards, she was covering my screams with her nasty hand. She tried her eye thingy on me. This time I put a block on her mind tricks. I had my key tucked deeply between my breasts. Yes, Lucas had left me quite weak, but my soul was strong, my will was stronger. I would have to kill my vampire husband's dear, dear wicked mother to escape her once and for all. I played along, but when we got on that sail boat, I knew I was in deep trouble then. We weren't very far from shore, I could slip overboard and swim back. But I was too weak to swim far. Daphne was not letting me go, physically she was hanging onto me. I could hear her heart beating. That was promising. She still had a heart beat. Maybe my blood would bring her around. I winked at that sailor, hoping he would try something. He just looked at me stone faced, just letting mother dear take me down to our cabin. My heart was feeling defeated. I was sunk. " Here eat this, you need to keep up your strength for your children to come." She laughed as she placed a morsel of bread into my mouth. "Mother dear, I am taking birth control, the kind you inject every three months. I cannot get pregnant. Why do you want me to have children that are not my husband Lucas'?" " Well dear daughter, I want a supply of your blood to last generations. Silly girl. It's just a matter of time then before I sell your body to any man that desires you." I nodded. "No need mother dear. If I remember correctly, you nearly killed me the last time we visited. You consumed a fair amount of my blood then. Unfortunately the more you take, the more you want. One taste and I'll be dead in a week." She knew this was true. She continue to force feed me. I was saddened as I realized she had manipulated this whole thing by dangling her son in front of me. My stomach was feeling green from the rolling waves. I threw everything up, all over mother dear. She stood up in disgust. She went to the closet to change her clothing. I was in bed. My stomach lurched over and over from the sea sickness. I was very ill, dehydrated. After hours of travel, she instructed the crew to drop us in Morpath, England. She could see I would die on the passage to Germany and would travel the rest of the way by plane. I fell asleep in the car. When I awoke, mother dear had me in a hotel for the night. She carried me into bed and thought she was clever by giving me the eye f***. But I easily blocked it, my necklace was elemental, it gave me fuel to do some weak magic. " Now my dear girl, you love me, only me. I am your mother. You listen only to my voice and you desire to obey my every command my love, look at me. See my eyes. Yes...that's it. Now sleep my love, sleep well. Tomorrow we catch our flight." I closed my eyes. She left me there to go hunt, she was starving. I jumped out of bed and got dressed. My legs were shaking. I had to get to a phone. I didn't even dare try the front door, thinking she had a googly eyed goon posted there to guard me. I heard someone pacing. I opened the balcony and looked down. We were three floors up. I pulled out my key and drew on nature to help me. I needed a ladder. My hands wove the branches and vines and I brought them to the balcony. I worked for hours. It was almost day light. She would return soon. I heard the doorknob rattle, mother was near. She excused the person at the door. I quickly climbed down my rope ladder and landed with a thud on the ground below. I swiped my hand to undo the branches, as they fell behind me. I ran quickly to the first person I encountered. He was an older man, perhaps a truck driver? He saw my face, full of terror. I said," Please, I've been kidnapped, please your phone." I gave him the number to dial. I quickly spoke to Howle, knowing she was coming. " Hello, who is this?" He yelled. " Orcas, I'm in Morpath, England. Daphne is taking me to Germany, plans to breed me. We are flying out this morning. She's close. I escaped her. Please don't let her..." ******** Howle The line went dead. She was alive, Daphne had her, how the hell did she get her? This was actually a miracle. I got back to the castle to inform the others. I knew she wouldn't run off by herself. Rena and I had sniffed her out to the shoreline last night, but lost her there. We assumed she left by boat. Lucas had been trying to reach his mother by phone after I told him that Kennedy was gone. He had no luck. It didn't take him long to realize that his mother had taken her. Lucas' father Weston had come to help, he owed me for getting him released from prison. We had made reparations to our two communities. Weston Moore made a few calls to his contacts in England. He wanted to find Daphne very badly. I was getting the others a private flight to go after my wife. Rena, Robby, June, and Douglas were all with me. I was relieved. Lucas and his father left together. Arlo and Vanessa had stayed at the castle, incase she returned there. At least I knew she was still alive, and she was alert enough to fight Daphne. Good girl for running away to make that call. Now I knew Daphne wouldn't kill her or she would have already done it, nasty b***h vampire.
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