8ighty 6. Kennedy disappears, again.

1420 Words
My sister picked me up effortlessly and left with me. Lucas stayed back. He went back into my library and grabbed all the books. He went out my bedroom door as I lay on the bed, weak as a kitten. My sister went to the closet to get me some fresh clothing. When he came back, he leaned over me, I winced and covered my head. He stared at me for a moment. " I think, I got a bit carried away. I didn't mean to make you pee your pants. Not that I didn't enjoy seeing you scared. I admit I wanted to suck you dry tonight. I'm a vampire, what did you really expect from me, sunshine and roses. I kill for my food. You are just that, a little snack. I didn't mean anything I told you earlier. I am not in love. You are not my princess, I do not adore anything about you. I will kill you if you pursue me. I find you quite boring to tell the truth. You are nothing to me K..K..Kennedy S..S..Starling." He was stuttering. I felt my neck. The wound was gone. He now had a cut on his neck. He felt a drop of blood trickle down, he slapped his hand over it. " You are doing w..w...witch craft on m.m.m.me aren't you?" he backed away from me. I turned my fingers as he left and pushed him over, tripping him with my wind. He fell, dropping all of my books. He turned and hissed at me, picking up all of the books. I sat up and softly said to my dead vampire husband,"I will not pursue you, I release you, never call me love bird ever again, promise me." He didn't, he left me wounded to my core. I knew he lied to me, he did mean those things, he was fighting who he was. He hurt me to try and push me away, far away. My blood was the key. He just needed a bit more of my healing blood. I smiled. When his mother wounded him he lost most of his new blood, she had to bite him to turn him back into this cold bastard that I couldn't stand. I missed my Luke, human Luke, I had to fix him. June threw a dress at me. " I can't believe he is so mean. He almost raped you back there, when Rena and Howle find out about that, he's quite dead." She nodded. I took my clean dress from her. " No, don't tell them. Something amazing happened tonight. He was fighting me, he loves me. He just needs more of my blood. I mean you were about the same before you came back to me, he needs me. June. I need you to find him, then dump me off on him. Tell him you want to take over my castle and you want me dead. Tell him you can't kill me or daddy would be upset. Tell him that you loved seeing me hurting, you especially loved seeing me pee in my pants. Tell him you wanted him to rape me." " No Kennedy, that's too much." She shook her head. " Ok then I will leave the words up to you sis, I love you." I hugged her. Rena came to find me. "Smells like piss in here." She said. " I had an accident, I'm fine. Let's go get some dessert." I smiled. She nodded. She went back to the dining room. " You need to carry me back, I can't walk all that way, I'm not going to be able to go to Lucas yet, not until I'm stronger. Shit." June picked me up and took me to the others. I rode on her back, like we were being playful. Robby picked me up from June's back and placed me in a soft chair. " You look so tired aunt K." He touched my chin gently. " Robby, you are the biggest flirt ever!" I laughed. Vanessa sat on the arm of my chair. " Am I fired?" She asked me. I whispered in her ear. " I will be giving you a raise for making him happy at least three times." She put her head on my shoulder. "I'm having a baby, your little sister." I nodded." I'm so happy for you and daddy Vanessa, I really am." Howle walked by me. I put my hand out to him. " Can we go to our secret room tonight. I need to rest, alone. I mean without anyone but you my love." Howle nodded. "Just tell me when." Rena brought me a glass of Merlot. I drank three glasses. My mind was on Lucas. I had to get stronger to go to him, save our marraige somehow. I nodded to Howle, signaling I was leaving. I said goodnight to everyone and slowly made my way down the dark hallway. I heard a noise behind me, I smiled. My husband? *********** Lucas Mother came over tonight after she learned I had been to Starling castle. She vehemently warned me to stay away from that witch, Kennedy. " She's a positively evil being. Do not go near her again son. She tried to kill me once. She seduced me to drink her blood, trying to make me weak, make me human again." Kennedy told me that my mother tried to kill her, to get her blood so she could be human again. She never told me she did it to make mother weak. I was very confused. My heart was beating, strong. But, I wasn't weaker? Was I. I took those old books to the historical society. I would keep busy, away from that red head. However, my mind was on her. Seeing her wince in fear of me made me feel something, empathy? She wasn't going to seduce me to drink anymore of her tainted blood. Mother said I needed to stop hunting and go back to bagged blood. She said I would eventually slip if I was hungry. I would go back to Kennedy Starling , the b***h that tried to kill me. Mother told me that it was bad blood that almost killed me, not Kennedy. Why was she changing her story now, and why was mother in hiding? I started to question my mother now after she left. So here I was setting up those old books. I put them in a showcase for patrons to view. They would need those white cotton gloves you see in the museums. I was startled by a visit from my father. He was clearing his deep throat behind me, I jumped. I hadn't seen him in a very long time. He looked older, or maybe....worn out. " Son, where have you been?" My father told me a long dramatic story about my mother causing a fued between the Howles and the Moores. He told me that Howle gave his wife to me to protect as he thought she would try to go to prison for Howle. He told me that I had pretended to turn Kennedy to protect her from him. I loved her that much. When I disappeared, he knew I was gone, to protect Kennedy. Howle found a recording of my mother implicating herself that had led to my father's own release from prison. He told me,"Son, don't wait one more minute, Kennedy is the love of your entire life." I was shocked and a bit disappointed in myself. How could I not know the love of my life. My mother ruined everything. I set those old useless books aside and went to win my wife back. I met Howle at the door. He was livid. "Where is she, I know you took her. I will rip your fu***** head off if you don't deliver her to me this very minute!" I looked at him, questioning him. " Why, what did she tell you happened earlier tonight?" I was guilty as hell. " I think she ran away because of me Howle. I might have hurt her. I'm sorry. Where would she go to hide from a vampire like me?" I walked outside to my car. " We had a date, we were going to our special place tonight. She left down the hallway and never showed up. I thought you came back to get her, it wasn't you? Who the hell wants my wife then?" He was frantic.
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