8ighty 8. Caught by an old Vampire.

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Kennedy I dropped the phone, thanking the man and ran into the night. I knew she was back there. I heard her screaming. Her scream turned into a loud screech. She changed into a night winged bird, perhaps an owl. I dove under a pile of branches and then held very still. I heard her screeching above me. I was scared to death and had to hold my leg to stop it from shaking. I slowed my breathing to try and use magic to cover me. Finally, I heard nothing. The night had turned to day. I knew Daphne would need her sleep. I took a chance to sneak away. I moved as fast as I could to the river I heard somewhere below me. I poised myself to dive in and leapt forward. An arm snaked around me and roughly threw me to the ground. Daphne tackled me and pinned me to the ground, straddling me. She was fuming. " Well little Starling, you have been quite a little spitfire. I see that you are immune to my eye magic. I will need to take measures to bind you now, you did this to yourself you witch!" She could see my eyebrow was bleeding into my eye. I saw her lips twist as she fought the urge to taste me. I was completely exhausted. I didn't have any fight left. Daphne threw my weak body over her shoulder. She trudged back to the hotel. My hair hung down to her thighs, covering my face. I moaned and cried out in pain. ******** Lucas My mind was blown that my wife was my true love and I nearly destroyed all of that. My mother was a true monster, she played me. She treated me like a pawn. She only wanted my wife's blood, this whole time she told me how she had taken care of me after my illness. It was her that actually caused the scars on my chest. Howle had informed me that when he found me after Daphne had taken Kennedy the first time, I was nearly full human and no longer drank blood to survive. This shocked me. Why would I ever want to give up being immortal? The answer was there, I pushed it away, not wanting to see it. Kennedy. She was the reason. She was my whole life at one time. I looked back to my last interaction with her. I pushed her away, I was in full vampire mode. My father was livid, he was salivating over finally finding mother. He wanted to make her pay for her actions to frame him. I flew with my father to England. I looked and watched and used my intuition. My father and I split up. We needed to find them before mother made it to Germany, she had too many fiends and too many places to hide there. ********* Weston I thought I saw something. There was a police car parked near a truck driver. I landed near them, hiding in the shadows and listened to them talk. An older man near a truck was speaking. " A pretty gal, her hair was red, curly. Her face was very white. She said she was kidnapped. I didn't get her name. She used my phone though." The officer took his phone to review who she had called. I needed to find where Kennedy had come from. It must be close by. I noticed a hotel nearby and went to check it out. There was a man complaining at the front desk that he had been here all night and he never slept in his bed. He demanded to know what they did to him? His wife was irate that he never came back to the room after leaving to get a bucket of ice. This sounded like a Daphne situation, using people to do her bidding. I sat still, watching, waiting. In the early morning I saw her carrying Kennedy over her shoulder back into the hotel room. She avoided the Bobby. I smiled. I had her. I finally found her. I waited until she got settled back into her room. I waited and watched. I did not call Lucas. I needed to keep him away while I destroyed his mother. *********** Howle I received a call from the officer calling me from the phone that Kennedy had called me from. I confirmed that she was kidnapped, we changed our previous plans to fan out and focused instead on this area in Morpath. We were all feeling good about finding her. We were close, so close. ************ Rena I got her scent in the woods near the place the officer said she had reportedly ran off. I used my wolf to track her scent. My sweet girl. I felt frantic inside. She had been here. But I caught another scent in the wind, vampire. I made it to a river and lost the trail, running back to the others who were searching as well. Douglas and June went to the nearby restaurants and the hotel and investigated there. Howle caught her scent on a trail leading up to a balcony. He leapt up three floors and landed on the balcony with a loud thud. Tearing into the room, he saw Daphne's body. She was dead. Her blood spilled out all across the room. No sign of our Red. I followed him in, holding him as he collapsed into my arms, my big strong brother reduced to tears by seeing all of the blood. But, I knew. I didn't smell much of Kennedy's blood. It was all Daphne. Lucas arrived then, through the window. He stared at what once had been his precious mother. She was ripped apart, her heart torn out. He fell back against the wall. " Mother, no!" He cried putting his head between his knees. All of a sudden all of his memory was restored to him as his mother could no longer hold those secrets for him. He suddenly rose up. " What about Kennedy, did you find her?" He scanned the room. He noticed a bloody boot print, his father was wearing police issued boots. He knew then that his father had taken Kennedy after killing his mother. " f*****g hell!" He screamed. I left my brother to hold Lucas now. " Tell me please, where is she?" I grabbed his arms tightly. " Rena, my damn father has her. He took her. He must have tasted her powerful blood. He is ruthless. I think he wants Kennedy all for himself." Howle rose up and punched Lucas right in the jaw, breaking it. He hated f****** Moores. Lucas shook his head, reseting it. He fell to the floor holding his jaw. I held him, to protect him from any further blows. "Not helpful, Orcas, s**t! It's not his fault his parents are assholes!" Lucas couldn't speak yet until it eventually healed. It wouldn't take long for a vampire. I stood up to hold Howle in my embrace now. " Don't kill him, use him. He can fly like a night bird and find her. Be patient Howle. From what Lucas says, his father won't kill her." I hoped all of that was true, but my heart was beating crazy at the thought of losing my love to a very strong, very old vampire. Robby came to fetch us through the doorway. " June and Douglas got a clue. A man carried a redhead out of here this morning. They headed to the train station. We need to head there now." ************* Kennedy I was admiring Weston's good looks. I wanted to have s*x with him very badly. He rented a full train car just for us. It was furnished beautifully with a nice bed and a small kitchen and private bath. After he had attacked and killed Daphne, he descended on my face wound and gently suckled my bleeding cut to heal it, so sweet of him. It was impossible for him to resist my blood. He was an old vampire. I was a fresh new food source for him. After that, I only knew that I loved him and trusted him completely. We are getting wed in Italy. He is so good to me. I don't recall my life before any of this. But he was so sweet, so loving to me. I hugged him tightly as he tasted my blood from my inner thigh now. My held rolled back as his erotic kisses made me very hot. He rubbed his thumb over my bare n****e. " We will wait until you can fully take me in my dear. It's your time of the month sweetheart, I know you want me, but it will be so much better once we get to our villa. I will give it to you then love." He assured me that he wanted me. He made me feel sexy. My body was writhing with each kiss to my thigh.
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