e8ghteen. Robby meets Kennedy

1347 Words
Kennedy I was over all of this. I asked Monroe to wait for me inside. I left then, not wanting to do any of this, it was just a game anyway. None of these men who seemed to want me, were real. I looked at the sky, it was ominous looking, pregnant with unfallen rain drops. I was going to see grandma, I buried her next to a craggy park tree in the cemetery. I didn't know I was running, but realized this when my lungs began to burn. At last I made it. I leaned down and tried to breath. It was raining very hard now. Of course it would be, just my life, so screwed up. My clothes were soaking wet. A car pulled up just then, it was a nice, old Mercedes. I tried to pass by it, but a young man, maybe a teen got out. He ran over to me. "Hey, get in, you are soaking wet!" Since he was just a boy really, I thanked him as I got in. " Wow, I didn't expect it to rain like this." He grinned. He was cute. His mouth had a nice upturn to it, like he was always happy. " I'm Robby Jackson." He had two cute dimples that warmed me up on this cold rainy day. " Kennedy Starling." I shook his hand. I noticed that his hand was badly bruised at the knuckle area. " You hit the wall in anger?" I asked, having done this before in my frustration at my stuttering. He frowned. "How did you guess?" He rubbed his sore hand. " Been there. So...why are you out touring this fine cemetery on a beautiful day like today?" I asked smiling at him. He pointed to a headstone. " My uncle is paying me £20 to clean that headstone there. Looks like it was an easy £20 the rain beat me too it." I thought that strange that a man would pay his nephew to do this, I didn't see any dirt on that headstone. Then I recalled what had caused the need for it's cleaning, that was where that woman was decimated. Robby turned the heat up. " Is your uncle related to the man buried there?" I ventured. He shrugged. " Family business, I do as I'm told, don't ask questions." Kennedy nodded. " I was that way once." He started the car now. " Where can I drop you off Miss Starling?" He asked politely. " Oh, I'm not done here yet, family business, you know?" I winked at him. Robby turned to look at me, he was assessing me. " I wonder if you would...well the thing is I need a date for my family's charity gala this weekend. Would you consider, like going with me. My friends all tease me, I am not good at dating. I want to really show them up, you know make them go crazy seeing a guy like me with a real pretty girl." " Are you sure, I mean I might disappoint your friends." I grinned. " Oh, you won't. Please Kennedy?" I nodded then. "Can you pick me up then, say 6pm?" He smiled and I kissed his poor knuckle. " Robby when you get mad, you need to cuss instead of hurting yourself, like really let the bad words fly out. Let me show you." " f**k, s**t, damn, f*****g asshole!" I yelled. He smiled and nodded. He timidly said,"Fricking butthole." I shook my head, my curls got loose. He touched my hair. " Why do you hide this hair, it's so pretty." He asked me. " I am not hiding it, I am controlling it, it gets away from me." I got out of the car, the rain had let up. I leaned in and thanked him. " Mr. Jackson, see you Saturday then?" I nodded. " Oh, Kennedy where do I pick you up at?" He asked, excited now. " Go to that big castle on the hill, but not the front door, go around back, past the two gargoyles and knock twice, I will meet you at that door." She beamed. Robby frowned as she left him. ********* Robby °•○ " My mother is going to kill me." I knew that taking a Starling to the gala would raise some brows in the clan. I am sure, since she wants me to go to the back door, not the front, she is not the woman of the castle, rather a cousin maybe? I don't know. I am not really a fully transforming Lycan yet, I know when I come of age, I will probably feel different about our narural enemy, the Starlings. I was embarrassed to tell this red headed woman the real reason my fist is all banged up. I got jumped by the pack at school, they all treat me like a runt. My daddy is a real asshole, my peers assume I am like him, I'm not, I will never be like him. I hate him, I hate having the last name Jackson. I want to be a Howle like my uncle Orcas, I want to be just like him. They said my mother was weak, she was useless, I saw red and fought back this time. ********** Kennedy After I went to my grandma's unmarked grave, I asked her to give me a sign, I begged my mother too. I just needed some help, "a little help down here!" I screamed. It only began to rain harder. I couldn't breath I was feeling so upset by my family and the truth, Orcas, he dumped me. He told me never to come back. I was sure he was like the other boys I had dated. He needs something from me. He thinks I'm pregnant, ha! I can't be, I'm on protection, a little shot every three months. It was pouring down on my head. I ran home then. When I got back my room was empty. I hopped into the shower and washed in the hot cascading water for 15 minutes. Orcas was standing there in my bathroom when I got out. " Hmmm, you truly are a red head." He said scanning my lower body. I snatched the towel he offered me. He said," Come, sit- let's talk while I dry your hair, where did you go anyway?" " C c c cemetary." I said, then closed my mouth. My sister June came in, seeing me with Orcas she took over drying my hair. " It's crazy curly, you have to pat it not rub it, it gets frizzy." She smiled at me, then gave Orcas one of her beauty queen smiles, all perfect teeth and fluttering lashes. She took his hand, my Orcas' hand, he had been mine first not hers. I stood up, forgetting I was naked, because I was so mad. " B b b b both of you g g get the hell out!" I screamed, jealous of my sister looking at Orcas that way. " F f f f f*****g A!" I swore when I got flustered by my inadequacy to speak fluently. I found it made me clear my head and it felt damn good too. But I could see June cringe at my unlady like words. The more I yelled, the worst I stuttered. I was so flustered that I threw on a dress and ran up to the library to the secret room. I needed my space, I felt dumb the way June shook her head, embarrassed by my stuttering once again. She made me feel so damn small. Now I wished she had never even come here, she was stealing my new friends. Well, I guess friends is not the right word. Orcas made love to me, then dumped me. I was mad at him too, that d**k! It wasn't love making it was plain, stupid impulsive s*x. So I hid in the darkness of that creepy room that used to house those relics of Howles.
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