Nin9teen. A little love bite that's all.

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Orcas I looked at June. She made excuses for her sister, she was embarrased by Kennedy. I thought she was a bit mean. I snuck away to that library. I knew where Kennedy was going to hide. I couldn't see how to open the damn bookcase up. I tried all the books, the sconces, the bookends. How did she do it? I lost my temper and slammed my closed fist on the bookcase. It popped open as several books fell on the floor. I went in, shutting it behind me. I saw that she had used her key to open the door. She was sitting there in the dark, I smelled her. " Are you in here?" I asked, as I inhaled her sweet scent. She sighed. " Yes, Orcas. I am hiding in here from everyone. Including you." " Talk to me, tell me why you are so sad?" I really wanted to know, it isn't just a - Hey how are you? She said," My friends and family are a bit much, I really miss my mother. I went to the cemetery to see my grandma, I put her there for now, you know since you told me I smell like death." " Sorry about that." I offered. " I guess I needed to be around the people that get me, mom and grandma. I didn't get anything from them, not even a little bird, butterfly, a rainbow, nothing to show me they were still with me. I'm sad b.b.b.because I...I..I..Fuck!" I went to her and put her on my lap and lifting her chin in the pitch dark, I softly pressed my lips to hers and kissed her. She stiffened. "I'm sad because I truly believed coming here to this place, that I would finally change into a swan, after being an ugly duckling for my whole life. I feel the same inside. I'm still a nobody. Seeing my sister, who used to be my best friend, holding your hand, I know I can't compare to her. I hope you two are very happy." I laughed then. "You know you are quite fickle. You can't see the way all the men in this house have gravitated towards you. It's you who have captivated us all. You Red. Not June. June held my hand, not the other way around. I'm serious, I want you. I want you to consider marraige to me, I can protect you. I made love to you, and you know what? I think we are compatible." Kennedy shook her head. " It wasn't love making, I mean not like I had imagined." " Then show me Kennedy." She took my face in her hands and kissed me fully on my two lips. It was a sweet kiss, but I needed more. I slid my tongue into her mouth. She tasted me then and became excited. She tore at my clothing, then playfully bit my shoulder. My eyes started to swirl. "Orcas, why did you tell me to promise to stay away from you?" she said, as I caressed her skin in the dark. " I don't want any harm to come to you. My family, they wouldn't understand your motives in returning our things to us. Our families have been enemies for centuries." She stopped cold, and roughly pulled away. " I see, I would embarras you too like I embarrassed my sister back there with my stuttering!" " No Kennedy, not embarrasement, never. Just knowledge about how my family is. But, I want you to come to the gala with me, I will let them all know that you are off limits." "Sorry, I can't go with you, Orcas." I understood, she wasn't a flashy girl needing to be seen. I pulled her back into my arms and kissed her again. "Can I ask you on a date then, just you and me, maybe dinner?" I said, surprising her. " Yes, I would like that. Orcas? What is this thing we have? I feel a bond to you. I don't know if you feel it? Well never mind. I always seem to pick the wrong guys. Strike that, I don't want an answer to that question." " I'm going to give it to you anyway Red, touch me." I put her hand on my pants. She frowned in the dark. " I'm not very skilled." She was unsure if she was pleasing me. " That feels very good Red. I want to touch you now too." I placed my hands on waist, they seemed to creep up to her chest on their own accord. I think I am a boob guy. But she does have a very nice butt too. I touched her all over. She moaned softly. " You make me feel like a real woman, I feel sexy around you Orcas." She whispered that to me, to me alone. I made her feel sexy. I would cherish those words later when I was in jail. ********* Kennedy I felt him touching me, caressing me. My eyes were closed as I felt myself getting so warm, so hot. I wanted him to give me something. I didn't understand what it was. He opened my legs as he slowly came upon me once again. Only this time, there was less pain. More pleasure. He began to move and I felt that building of sensual arousal. I felt my body respond to his, I trembled as he moaned. I felt a thousand tiny electrical lights inside my body fire off at the same time, followed by a deep, smooth relaxation. I had climaxed. He then came, if that's what it's called. It felt like he was pleased by me, my body. He made me feel so sexy, so hot. He kept kissing me over and over, then suddenly he bit me. He bit into my shoulder, It hurt very badly. I cried out,"Fu**** hell!" All pleasure ended abruptly. "Damn!" I pushed back, away from him. I didn't understand why he would do that to me. He was snarling, his eyes were all swirly. I tried not to respond, he seemed to be breathing so heavy now. My shoulder really stung though. I felt a trickle of blood run down my arm. He was squeezing me again. This time I let him. I think I had a natural instinct not to fight this. It must be what men and women do in their excitement. I felt my breath quicken. I couldn't breath. I think I blacked out. I woke up alone. My head was pounding. My clothes were back on me, my bodice was all strapped up. He left his monogrammed handkerchief on my shoulder. He made love to me tonight, not just s*x. For that I was grateful. I didn't know that I was now bonded to him for life. I was pretty sure it was the total opposite, he did bite me, maybe he was into the vampire thing, like drinking my blood? I rubbed my shoulder, it felt tender. My head felt very warm. Like I had the flu. I went back to my room, to my delight, it was empty. I flopped down on my bed and fell asleep. ******* Orcas I almost lost all control, I bit her. Did she scream? I wasn't sure. I felt my wolf trying to emerge, I was compelled to squeeze the life out of her. I couldn't control it. The fact that she didn't fight me or become fearful allowed me to cool off, just enough to pull back. She fell into my arms, she was still alive. Her shoulder was bleeding from my canines. I wrapped my handkerchief around her shoulder. I left, I had to. I didn't want to hurt her. This was becoming a real obsession this woman. I wanted to absorb her somehow. I was now glad she wasn't going to the gala. It would be obvious to Rena and the others that I claimed her. I went to my apartment, Robby was there, playing video games. " Hey kid, how is it going?" I ruffled his black shaggy haircut. " Oh, I went to the graveyard like you said, I got it all cleaned off for you." He put out his hand to me, I gave him a £20. He stuffed it into his pocket. " Hey uncle Orcas, can I borrow your Mercedes for the gala?" He had to try. " Why, you actually talked a girl into going with you?" I teased him. " I did, she's very beautiful too. I want to impress her, though I doubt she is concerned with pretenses."
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