S7venteen. Too many suitors.

1974 Words
Kennedy. Of course my family is coming today. It's a bad time for me. I had Douglas go to the airport to fetch them. He came back an hour later. My dad looked thinner. My sister June looked incredibly beautiful, painfully so, at least to my eyes. Monroe waved at me, he ran to me, hugging me and spinning me around awkwardly. " Gosh you look pretty Kennedy." He kissed my cheek. I just smiled, not understanding his excitement. Amanda hugged me as did Jill. They all looked well dressed in their new designer wardrobes my sister insisted I pay for. I had Gus take their things to their rooms. " Welcome to Starling castle." I said. They were all chattering as they walked around looking at everything, ignoring me completely, my dark mood deepened. They passed me by and went to the kitchen, as if I was a ghost. I went outside and counted to ten to try not to cuss. As I was about to step back inside, I heard a man say, "Hello, Kennedy?" Looking over my shoulder, I was surprise to see Lucas Moore, the librarian. He was standing just outside the gate. I walked on down to him, happy to see him and said,"Come in, please. Welcome to Starling castle. You've been here before haven't you?" He shook his pretty head, no. His lavender eyes were hard to look away from. The way his hair fell over one eye as he looked around, I stared a bit too long. But... looking closer, he was nervous as hell. I took his arm in mine. " Please come help me. My family just arrived I need a shield and you will do nicely Mr. Moore. Can you just pretend that you are my friend, I REALLY need someone on my side." I asked him nicely, batting my lashes hopefully. He looked down at me, smiling as he nodded, "Of course, my pleasure Miss Starling." That smile, oh he was a heart breaker for sure. His face was of an angel, maybe a dark angel. But I was drawn to him. We stared at eachother a full minute. I licked my bottom lip and shook my head, my eyes moved over his body now. So pretty. Tall, dark, handsome...mesmerizing really. " Kennedy, tell me why you need a friend." He was so soft spoken and it made me feel like jello. " Let me explian, my daddy is here, my sister June, she's the pretty one, Amanda, and Jill are her best fiends, then Monroe, he's her besty too. They are all so very tight together. I'm the odd ball." "I'm the odder ball." He whispered intimately to my ear as he pushed a stray hair out of my eye. He tilted his mouth down, towards mine. I could feel my heart speed up, yes...my dark mood began to lift completely. I think he wanted to kiss me, his breath was so close to my own? I stuttered. " L.L.L.ucas!" He smiled softly and pulled back, we continued to walk. I tried to collect myself. " Well, just act like you like me and are my very good friend. Please." He nodded at me. " I do you know? I like you Kennedy." Taking my hand, we walked into the castle. His hands are always so damn cold. When he caught sight of my family, he turned leaning in close to face me. I thought he was going to tell me something, but he firmly pushed me up against the stone wall. Bending down and kissed me. It was a slow, seductive kiss. It felt way too good to tell you the truth. His lips were soft but moist as he slid his tongue into my mouth, tilting my head to go deeper. His hand was on the back of my neck. My hair swung around my shoulders and back. Ohhhh...a small moan escaped him, or maybe me? His body pressed up against mine. He was hard as a f*****g stone. " Look at me please." He spoke to me in a hushed tone. His lavender eyes were quite lovely. He put his arm on the wall above my head and shielded my body from everyone else. He said,"I want YOU in my bed Kennedy." I thought he was just acting as my family stood right there with their mouths hanging open watching us together. My panties were wet at hearing his seductive words, either way. I just nodded. He swiftly turned back to face my family and the spell was broken. I was panting as my heart beat restarted. What the hell was that? My father was a bit angry that I was making out with a sexy man right here in front of everyone. " Hello, I'm Lucas Moore, I'm Kennedy's fiance. So nice to finally meet all of you." He blurted out. Now I didn't know he was going that far. He stopped cold however seeing my beautiful sister, June. She flashed her brown eyes at him and lowered her lashes seductively. I slowly inched away, into the shadows, towards the door. It was all over now. He met June bug. He sensed me slipping away behind him, his hand snaked out as he pulled me firmly right next to his side again. I tried to pivot and jerk away from him as my sister walked up to him and held out her well manicured hand. She was good at the art of seduction. Lucas took her small hand and kissed it, all the while holding me tightly to his body. She smiled. "My name is June, who might you be?" He smiled back," I'm Lucas Moore, Kennedy's fiance. Pleasure to meet you June." I took that moment to escape his grasp and slid back into the shadows. Lucas held up one finger with it's tip painted glossy black. "Hold on, June." June licked her lips seeing that finger. Lucas found me and grabbed me, putting his arm around me, holding me there. He was quite strong. " Stay please, for me dear." Amanda and Jill were all a twitter while June gushed over Lucas. Monroe was angry for some reason. He asked me if he could see me for a moment, alone. I shrugged and nodded silently. But...Lucas said,"No." His voice firm. Monroe stomped off to his room and slammed the door. Daddy went after him. Lucas frowned at him, "He is infatuated with you, I won't allow it my love." I shook my head. " Not me, you are wrong. I'm not anyone's love." I told him. Lucas grinned at me. "Soon love. You will be all MINE." I thought maybe, just maybe this had all gone on too far. It was certainly too fast for me, I mean I just lost my virginity last night. I excused myself to go to the powder room and quickly slid down the stairs to my private room. Shutting my door tight, I flopped down on my bed in utter shock. " He's way too hot for a girl like me." I touched my breasts, my groin. The way he made my body feel with those kisses. I sighed. To my surprise there was someone knocking at my back door. I sat up with a start. Gingerly opening it just a bit. Orcas was standing there looking down at me, big arms crossed over his chest. I slammed the door shut. Not him, not now. " I just need to talk to you." He said through the door. " You made me promise not to see you ever again." I reminded him. " I changed my mind, please Kennedy?" Brushing off my pants and smoothing down my hair, I let him in. He wasn't talking, just staring down, looking at my belly. I put my arm around my waist. Then as I took a quick step back, away from his imposing form, I felt a cold, icey cold hand on my shoulder right behind me. " You left me, where did you go my love?" Lucas kissed my neck then, making sure Howle saw him. Orcas stepped further inside. He shook his head angrily. "That won't be necessary, Moore. Kennedy and I are dating now." He informed my brand new fiance, Lucas. Lucas smiled but there was no joy in it. " I'm marrying her very soon, after tonight she will turn, her attention to me that is... turn her uh attention." Lucas said weirdly, but I think he meant every word. Yeah, I'm seeing him now! My mind shouted, but too afraid to actually say the words to the big guy. Orcas shook his head. "We consummated last night. We might be with child, I am going to take her now. I got this." His lip rose in a snarl. What the f**k! " You mean you s.s.seduced me to get your family g.g.g garage sale items and dumped my f.f.f fat ass?" I was a bit perturbed. He told me to promise I wouldn't come near him again. What the actual f**k Howle? " Kennedy, is this true, you gave him his family's relics?" Lucas was upset by this news. " Yup, everything.That's when he d.d.dumped m.m me." Orcas reached his hand out and handed me my key. " I don't need this anymore. I think it belongs to you, and you're wrong, your ass is not fat, it's perfect." He smiled and touched my fingers with his own as he slid me my key. My hand felt his magic by his very light touch. I was so confused by this man. I sat down hard, then layed down on my bed and put a fat pillow over my face. This isn't real. Monroe came barging in then. " Kennedy I need to tell you something." He paused seeing Orcas standing over me. " Are you seeing him too?" he asked me angrily. I moved the pillow. " Oh, not him, he m.m.made me promise I would n.n.never come near him ever again right after we f.f.ucked." My daddy chose that very moment to come check on me. He scowled at Orcas. " Is this true?" He demanded. Orcas looked stunned by my words. " A slight misunderstanding sir. I came to ask you for her hand in marraige." " You what now?" I didn't stutter this time. My dad looked confused. "She's engaged to him." He pointed to Lucas. Orcas bent down to my face. "Red, it wasn't like that, it wasn't fucking." He said softly, taking my hand. Lucas was pissed, hearing this. "Too late, she has already agreed to marry me!" I moved closer to Lucas. He seemed the nicer of the three that wanted me all of the sudden. Orcas bent his hand down and touched my belly. "My baby lies in her womb already, so I'm so sorry everyone, I am the natural choice." He whispered in my ear. "Trust me love. " Lucas wasn't giving me up. He said,"She will decide at tomorrow's gala." " Oh, I..I..I..am n.n.n.n.no longer invited." I said. Daddy said,"Have you been practicing your words Kennedy?" I nodded but kept quiet for a moment. "Fuck." Orcas laughed. "You and your whole lovely family are invited, silly." My sexy sister sauntered in then. " I'm Orcas, you must be Bug? Ken has told me all about you." He kissed her delicate hand. I threw up in my mouth. He seemed to stare at her beauty- a bit too long. Monroe took my arm and pulled me up, carting me off outside, between my gargoyles. " Kennedy, I know we haven't really seen each other in forever, but I think that I love you honey." He just had to go there too. This was too much, just way too much.
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