Si×Te€n. Red can't die yet.

1868 Words
Kennedy I took him through my private entrance, touching the gargoyl guards on my way in as I always did. Orcas looked leary of them. He stopped at my threshold. " I can't come in with you." He said quietly. " No, I guess not, I knew it would end like this anyway, you got what you needed from me. Well, goodnight sir, thank you." I felt like a complete fool, an i***t! " Wait, I mean I need you to invite me in honey." He grinned at me, then looked down. I nodded and swallowed hard. Oh? I felt really stupid now. " Would you...w.w.w would you please come inside?" Howle lifted his foot slowly and stepped inside. He was breathing heavy, acting...I think, maybe he was scared " You okay?" I touched his arm. He nodded," Fine." He pat his body down feeling for any changes. " It this your room Red?" his eyes quickly darting all around. " Yes, I have the whole lower floor to myself. I like it." I said. Motioning to my bed, he sat down and looked only at me now. "So, is this it. The place you sleep then?" He sounded awkward as he smoothed the blanket with his large hands, those hands that he touched me intimately with. My eyes stared at them. Slowly my hand reached down between my breasts as he watched me, looking intently at my breasts. Smoothly pulling out my key, I handed it to him. He exhaled the breath he had been holding. "Follow me please. I have something to show you." I said sadly, knowing that he would think I had something to do with stealing these things. Lighting a candle, we walked down the hall to the library. I set the candle on the mantle and found the release for the secret bookcase door. We went down the many steps into the darkness below where I felt for THE door. I asked for the key back. His hand brushed mine and it felt a bit electric. Using my phone, I lit up the knob to unlock the door with the ruby fobbed key. My hand was shaking so much once again. I took a deep breath and opened the door letting him in, then gave him back the key. " Ok, look around please." Holding up my hand and motioned to the rooms contents. It was all there, all that old stuff that didn't belong to me or the castle. I placed that wolf head ring into his hand, folding his fingers over it. "It's all yours Mr. Howle, I think." " I have a f.f.feeling this shouldnt be here." I showed him the portrait that looked just like him. His eyes were very wide, silently scanning the room and looking closely at everything, he smiled. "You found it and you are giving it all to me?" " Yup." That's all I could say. He shook his head, his thick brown curls moving making shadows that seemed to cross my very soul, I felt something shift inside of me, something very ancient. Like I was righting a wrong. Howle started to pack it all up. " Oh, I can help you." I leaned for a large, ornate shield. " No, don't touch it!" He barked. My hand moved back as if he bit me. Ah... he was angry at me, I thought he would be, but it stung none the less. Slowly backing away, I left him to it and went back to my room, alone once again, nothing to do now but get ready for bed. My pink silk pajamas gave me comfort as I slid into my bed. Braiding my hair, mainly to keep it from getting knots in it as I slept, I sighed again sadly. " Hyyaa."Yawning several times, I closed my eyes and fought back the tears of his utter rejection. Pulling back my thick down comforter, I sunk down under my blankets and hid from him and the world. Orcas moved quickly, his feet stomping across my stone floor as he made several trips in and out of the secret room and my room as he carted everything off. I waited for him to finish so I could finally sleep. " This is bad, r.r.real b.b.b bad." I trembled and teared up, feeling his coldness now as he made the very last trip. " Do NOT come near me again, nor the gala. Swear it Kennedy Starling." He sounded so very angry at me, his voice deep and nearly snarling. No longer calling me Red. " I promise you that I won't EVER come near you again." I said, hiding my face under my covers, not wanting him to see me crying, my chin quivered. I felt a bit stupid for trusting a handsome man like him, I was not his type at all. I was pretending to myself that he actually liked me. I could see he thought I was a horrible person now, a thief. When I felt that he had left, I swiftly got up and locked the door, feeling empty once again. Why did I feel like the s*x thing made it all so much worse? I am probably going back home with my family next week anyway. It was just so stupid of me to want a man like him. " It was just that, just a girls dream to think I could live here in this big castle alone, it's all been quite a dream." My ego was shattered, feeling very much the ugly duckling, only now...I didn't even have my virginity to guard for my husband. The darkness enveloped me once again. ******* Orcas I stomped back to my car and piled everything into it. I was breathing heavy, shit...she gave herself to me tonight and what did I do? I came so fast, like a damn schoolboy. Afterward she just invited me in, me her arch enemy. I could have killed her. God, she was so sweet and...beautiful. But...I knew if the pack got scent of her on those things, she would die. If she is seen with me or around me, they will kill her. They want their revenge, ages and centuries of revenge. I can't let them kill her. My wolf almost did it tonight, but when she exposed her neck to me, I knew I couldn't give her what she wanted. No, I am not the one to kill her, she is very special, I think I might even be falling very hard for her. She gave me her virginity, she was saving that for her husband. I wonder why she chose me of all people? Suddenly.... I had a thought about that. She was going to kill herself, that's why. She seemed determined to let my wolf bite her, not even afraid of me. Maybe...Red just wanted to make love once before she died, just one time. " Damn it!" I knew I hurt her feelings after I told her not to come near me again, I was just trying to protect her. My feet were moving now, in a rush to go back. Hurrying back to her castle after I had dropped all of the relics at my apartment in town. I was so stupid to leave her alone, she said she was always alone. Running to her private door, my heart dropped seeing it was wide open. " Oh s**t!" Panick well up inside me. Maybe Clover could find her, I was sniffing around for her in the castle. She wasn't in her rooms, not anywhere, as Clover I caught her scent leading me out the door. Hmmm... walking into the grass and down the path, I smelled her, she had gone very far from her room, alone in the dark. My head rose, ah..her perfume. She was close. There, in the cemetery. What the hell was she doing here, it was dangerous at night time. Red was kneeling in the grass, digging with her hands, burrying something there. My nose sniffed and sneezed, smelling it then, death. Uhgg, I gagged. She was burying her grandmother. Why now? As she finished up, I saw her eyes, noticing me as Clover. Buy...she totally ignored me then, just pretending that I wasn't even there. Walking very quickly to the cliffs and beyond. She lifted her leg to take a step off the cliff and poof, she vanished. I saw her drop, she was gone, over the side. " Noooo! My heart was beating so fast. " No, I'm sorry I hurt you. Red nooo." Clover yelped loudly seeing her go over, just like that. My gut dropped. She just killed herself? Why? Did I drive her to it? I was so sick to my stomach. I felt an immense loss. Reluctantly, my feet moved forward as I peered over the side, affraid of seeing her broken body on the rocks below. " No pretty girl. No." ******** She wasn't there. No dead body. I scanned the darkness. No, she had found a way down to the shore, she didn't kill herself. The relief I felt was almost overwhelming. I felt giddy. She was walking along the shore alone, always alone. I wanted to comfort her. " Your not real." She said to Clover, sensing me behind her, not even looking at me. " I know it was a dumb dream. Orcas wasn't real either, he got what he came for and left me!" She started to cry, I saw her eyes fill. " I guess I deserved it, somehow. I mean my ancestors h.h.h hurt his. It's fine, I'm fine. Everything is f.f.f ine." I saw her eye twitching. Taking her hand in my mouth, I tried to make her touch my head. Pet me please! She let it flop down and walked ahead, faster this time. Clover was right on her heels, following her. She was almost running in the dark over the craggy rocks. " Slow down!" I bit her pajama pants and pulled her back, making her slow the hell down. She suddenly stopped and put her fists to her wet eyes, sobbing. She turned on her heel and went back up the cliff to her castle. But, she wouldn't even look at me or talk to me. We walking in silence for a while. " I just thought of something." She said, outloud to herself. " I can't die yet. What if I'm meant to be a mother some day. I need to honor my mother, she always told me someday I would have children of my own and know true love." I stopped cold. What if she was pregnant now? That would be my baby. My child. Now, I had done some really dumb things in my life. Taking Red's virginity was right at the top, oh shit....I need to marry her. Protect my baby. My mind raced, feeling the need to protect her, to court her now. I walked her home. She didn't say goodnight or acknowledge my presence, just reached up and touched those gargoyles as she went inside and locked the door, locking me out.
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