
1832 Words
*** This could not be happening. This could not be happening. "Harriet, please don't do this," I tried begging once again. "I'll do whatever you want, but please don't do this." My pleas fell on deaf ears as Harriet's grip tightened around my arm, dragging me through the grand corridors of the pack house. Panic coursed through my veins, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and desperation. Harriet, however, was determined to deliver me to Alpha Cedric, to face the consequences of my actions. "Please, Harriet," I begged, my voice trembling. "Don't do this. You know what he'll do to me." Harriet's eyes were cold, void of any sympathy. She shook her head, her voice filled with a steely resolve. "You brought this upon yourself, you little b***h. It's time to face the consequences of your betrayal." As we neared the meeting hall, the sound of hushed whispers and murmurs grew louder, intensifying my anxiety. The air was thick with tension, as pack members and visitors alike had gathered to witness the meeting between Alpha Cedric and the formidable Alpha Blackwood. I pleaded with Harriet once more, my voice cracking with desperation. "Please, just give me a chance. Let me explain. I had no other choice." But Harriet remained resolute, her grip unyielding as she forcefully swung open the doors to the meeting hall. The room fell silent, every gaze fixated on the unexpected interruption. I stumbled forward, disoriented and filled with a mix of shame and trepidation, as all eyes locked onto me. The silence was suffocating, and it burned a hole right through me. I could feel their combined gazes on me, confusion slowly sweeping over the entire room. I didn't dare to look up, and I couldn't bear to imagine the look on Alpha Cedric's face. If looks could kill, then I was certain that he would have struck me down on the spot. I wanted the earth to open up and swallow me whole. I wanted all of this to be a dream, to pretend none of it happened. I couldn't bear the thought of what was about to happen to me, knowing fully well that I was about to get the beating of my life. "Behold," Harriet's voice came from behind. "The pathetic omega of our pack. I caught her trying to escape, and she admitted it. If I hadn't gotten there just in time, then she would have gotten away with it." Each word felt like a knife to the throat, and the hushed whispers did nothing to help. I felt naked and exposed, my shame in full display for everyone to see. For the split second where I managed to look up, all I could see was Petyr's disappointed face. Alpha Cedric's cold voice came next, laced with venom and spite. "Ava, what have you done?" Tears welled in my eyes as Harriet tossed me forward, callously disregarding my pleas. I struggled to regain my composure, standing before the entire pack, my body trembling with a mix of fear and humiliation. The weight of their judgment pressed upon me, suffocating and unbearable. Alpha Cedric's voice boomed through the room, his anger reverberating in every word. "Explain yourself, Ava. What drove you to betray the pack? You wish to make us a laughing stock before the entire world? You have tarnished your name and brought shame upon us." "I-I..." "Answer me!" he demanded. "Have you lost your mind?" I tried to hold back the tears, to stop trembling like a leaf, but I couldn't. This was the worst thing that could possibly have happened to me, and there was no running from it. "Do you admit to your crimes?" he asked in a menacing tone. Silently, I nodded. There was no need to lie, and there was no way anyone would believe me if I told them otherwise. The room erupted into murmurs, a mix of disbelief and indignation filling the air. The pack members exchanged glances, their gazes torn between their Alpha and the desperate omega standing before them. Suddenly, a cold silence settled on the entire room as I heard a chair scrape the ground. I didn't dare to look up, afraid of what I would see there. A shadow fell across me as the man stepped forward, and I half-thought it was Alpha Cedric. But this man had a different scent entirely. He smelled like musk and the forest, and his breathing was slow and measured. When he spoke, his voice held a commanding presence, resonating with authority. "Cedric, I am disappointed if this is the way you run your pack," he said. "Desertion is not tolerated amongst the Shadowclaws." "I apologise, Alpha Blackwood," Cedric said. "Ava is nothing but a lowly omega, and I only kept her here out of the compassion I had for her mother. This is the first time she has done something like this, but you can be assured that she will be severely punished for her actions." "Perhaps you should let her speak," Alpha Blackwood said. "We must hear her side before we pass judgment. I believe in a fair trial, even for a criminal." He turned to face me slowly, and I cowered before him. I could feel my wolf shrinking as he approached, terrified by the powerful Alpha who was making his way towards us. I wanted to turn and flee, and never ever look back on this place. But I couldn't move an inch, not with him staring at me with his bloodlust so pronounced. "Look at me," he said finally as he stopped in front of me. I would have preferred to keep staring at his heavy black boots, as I was afraid of what he would look like. I didn't want to see the cold hatred in his eyes, or the look of disgust. "I am not fond of repeating myself, little girl," he whispered coldly. "Now look at me." Slowly, I dragged my eyes up to meet his, and my breath caught in my chest the moment I met his gaze. Holy moly! I didn't know what to expect him to look like, but it certainly wasn't this. The man was incredibly handsome, so much so that I felt something flutter in my chest. His chiseled features were like a sculptor's masterpiece, his strong jawline defined with a hint of stubble. His eyes, deep and piercing, seemed to hold the weight of wisdom and experience, framed by dark, thick lashes that enhanced their intensity. They were the kind of eyes that could see straight into one's soul, both captivating and unsettling. His raven-black hair cascaded in sleek waves, partially covering his forehead, adding an air of mystery and allure to his already captivating appearance. A regal aura surrounded him, as if he were a king among men, radiating confidence and self-assurance in every movement. His physique was sculpted and powerful, a testament to his status as a leader. Broad shoulders and a well-defined torso spoke of strength and dominance, while his posture exuded an air of controlled authority. He carried himself with a grace that only added to his magnetic presence. Every inch of his presence exuded power and authority, commanding attention from all who laid eyes upon him. Tall and imposing, he possessed a striking and commanding presence that demanded respect. This was a man who didn't cater to anyone. He was born to be a leader, and I could feel his confidence exuding in waves. He was silent for a while as he stared at me, a shadow over his eyes. He never tore his gaze away, and I didn't see the disgust or revolt I was expecting. Instead, there was a quite curiosity, as he tried to figure me out. "Speak," he said. "Tell us the reason why you decided to abandon your own pack. If your reasons are valid, then I will make sure that no harm comes to you. But if your reasons are not justified, then I shall punish you myself." A glimmer of hope flickered within me as Alpha Blackwood's words offered a chance for redemption. I took a deep breath, summoning the courage to continue. "I never meant to bring shame upon the pack, nor did I seek to harm anyone," I pleaded, my voice resolute. "I simply wanted a chance at a life where I could be more than an omega, where I could live without fear. I know I've made mistakes, but I had no choice other than this. I needed a chance at a new life, and this was the only way to ensure that." The room fell into a tense silence, the weight of their judgment pressing upon me. Alpha Cedric's gaze bore into mine, his expression a familiar mix of anger and disgust. The outcome of my fate lay in the hands of those who surrounded me, and I didn't know what was going to happen to me. I looked up at Alpha Blackwood once again, silently begging him to spare me from this humiliation and let me go. I didn't want to spend another second here, soaking up their scorn and disgusting looks. "Enough of this," Alpha Cedric barked as he stood up. "That is not a good enough reason for your theft, and you will be punished for this." Something happened just then. To this day, I still can't explain what it was. But a silent moment of understanding passed between Alpha Blackwood and I. He said nothing, but the look in his eyes was something I never thought I would see in anyone's eyes. Pity. "I shall speak with Alpha Cedric alone," he said in a commanding voice which carried throughout the entire room. "The rest of you can leave." Everyone fled from the room without waiting another second longer. I stayed where I was, afraid to move even a single muscle. Once the room emptied, he turned to face Alpha Cedric with a cool gaze. "You said she's an omega?" he asked. "The lowest of the bunch," Alpha Cedric replied. "She's not worth your time." "Does she have a mate?" he asked, causing both Alpha Cedric and I to look at him in confusion. "What?" "A mate," he said. "Does she have one or not?" "Not that I'm aware of," Alpha Cedric replied. "I rejected her only yesterday when I realised that she was mine." "And did she accept your rejection?" "It doesn't matter if she did or not," he said. "I am her Alpha, and my word is law." Alpha Blackwood was silent for a while, then he turned to face me for a brief moment. His silence spoke volumes, but I didn't know what he was thinking. I imagined he was trying to figure out something, something which I couldn't understand. "Very well," he said finally. "As terms of our agreement, I have one final demand." Alpha Cedric raised a questioning eyebrow. "Which is?" "I'll take her as well." ***
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