
1850 Words
*** As the weight of Alpha Blackwood's words settled in the air, a moment of tense silence engulfed the meeting hall. The revelation that Alpha Blackwood intended to take me as part of their negotiations hung heavily, stirring a mix of emotions within the room. Alpha Cedric's brows furrowed with defiance, his voice laced with a firm resolve. I don't know when I dropped to the ground. I don't even remember the exact moment when I sank to my feet, several confusing emotions swirling all around me. I couldn't understand what I was going through, and I couldn't comprehend what was unfolding right before my eyes. "I will not trade her off like some bargaining chip," Alpha Cedric declared, his voice resolute and tinged with anger. "She may have acted out, but she is still a member of this pack." Alpha Blackwood's eyes narrowed, his gaze unwavering. "I do not believe I was asking for your permission, Alpha Cedric," he said. "The girl comes with me and that's final." The tension crackled between the two Alphas as they locked gazes, each asserting their dominance. I stood there, a mere pawn caught in their power struggle, my heart pounding in my chest. I longed for freedom, but the uncertainty of what awaited me in Alpha Blackwood's pack filled me with trepidation. Could this even be real? Could he actually be trying to save me from the awful life I was subjected to here? He didn't even know me. So why would he even want to do something like this? Alpha Cedric's expression softened slightly, a glimmer of hesitation in his eyes. "I cannot simply give her away. She is one of our own, and her actions must have consequences." Alpha Blackwood's voice remained resolute, his tone brooking no opposition. "She will face the consequences within my pack, under my guidance. But I assure you, Alpha Cedric, I am not leaving here without her. And if you refuse, then the deal is off. You understand the consequences of that, do you not?" A battle waged within Alpha Cedric's eyes, torn between his duty as Alpha and the knowledge that Alpha Blackwood's offer might indeed provide a better future for me. After a long, pregnant pause, he finally conceded, his voice strained with reluctant agreement. "Very well, Alpha Blackwood. Take her. But remember, she was once one of us. And I will be getting back to you on the fresh terms of our agreement." I stood frozen, my heart pounding in my chest, torn between relief and fear. The realization that my fate was sealed, that I would be uprooted from the only pack I had ever known, sent a shiver down my spine. As Alpha Blackwood turned to face me, a mix of anticipation and uncertainty swirled within me. Would he be the savior I so desperately yearned for, or would he be another force to be reckoned with? Alpha Cedric's gaze met mine, a mixture of resignation and something else—perhaps a fleeting glimmer of regret. "I hope you're happy now," he said. "If you go with him, then don't ever think of setting foot in my territory again. If you do, then I will kill you." "Is that a threat?" Alpha Blackwood growled. "It's the law," Alpha Cedric replied. "A banished wolf can never return to this pack. And henceforth, Ava Thompson is banished from the Lupines." With those words, he turned away, leaving me standing at the mercy of Alpha Blackwood. The weight of the decision settled upon me, and as Alpha Blackwood extended his hand, a mix of trepidation and fear filled my heart. In the space of a few minutes, my entire life had changed, and I wasn't sure how exactly that happened. I was a banished wolf now, without a pack to call my own. The reality of that came crashing down on me, and I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed. "Stand up," Alpha Blackwood said, lifting me from the ground as easily as though I weighed nothing. As I found myself standing before him, the powerful Alpha whose presence exuded an aura of command, he fixed his piercing gaze upon me. His eyes seemed to hold a depth of understanding, as if he could see through the layers of my past and into the pain that resided within. "Tell me, Ava," he said, his voice carrying a firm yet compassionate tone. "What has life been like for you as an omega in the Lupine pack?" My heart tightened as memories of the torment and hardships flooded my mind. I took a deep breath, summoning the courage to share my painful truth with this enigmatic Alpha. "It has been a life of constant struggle and suffering," I began, my voice steady but tinged with the weight of my experiences. "As an omega, I was deemed the lowest of the low, subjected to relentless cruelty and abuse from both pack members and even our Alpha." Alpha Blackwood's brows furrowed, his expression revealing a mixture of empathy and anger. "Tell me more," he said. I continued, my voice shaking slightly as I recounted the dark chapters of my life. "I was subjected to harsh treatment, enduring physical and emotional abuse. The pack members often withheld food from me, leaving me to fend for myself. I was isolated, mocked, and made to feel insignificant, as if I were unworthy of even the most basic kindness." Tears welled up in my eyes as I revisited the memories, the pain still fresh despite the passage of time. But as I looked at Alpha Blackwood, there was a glimmer of something different—a flicker of compassion that stirred hope within me. "I was denied opportunities to develop my own strengths and talents," I continued, my voice steady but tinged with the weight of my experiences. "I was never allowed to train with the others, or even be around them when they were training. They saw me as nothing more than a servant, someone to be taken advantage of." Alpha Blackwood's jaw tightened, his eyes flashing with a mix of sympathy and anger. "No one should have to endure such suffering," he said, his voice laced with a resolve. "I cannot guarantee that you will be happy in my pack. But in the Shadowclaw pack, we treat even our omegas with respect and dignity. You will still be punished for what you've done today, but I can guarantee that you won't be treated like vermin in my pack." The sincerity in his words resonated deep within me, awakening a spark of hope that had long been suppressed. I dared to believe that perhaps, in Alpha Blackwood's pack, I could find the solace and freedom I had always yearned for. I didn't even care about the punishment. If that was the price to pay for salvation, then so be it. "From this moment forward, Ava, you are part of my pack," he declared, his voice filled with conviction. "You will never suffer such mistreatment again. You have my word." Tears streamed down my face as I nodded, gratitude mingling with trepidation within my heart. This was the beginning of a new chapter in my life, one that held both uncertainty and hope. With Alpha Blackwood by my side, I dared to believe that maybe, just maybe, I could find healing and a place to call home. "I'll be waiting outside in an hour," he said. "Pack whatever you think you need and meet me there." As I hurried off to the basement and gathered my meager belongings, hastily folding clothes and stowing them into a small bag, the voices of the pack members drifted through the halls, carrying whispers and hushed tones. Curiosity piqued, I strained to listen, my ears attuned to the gossip swirling around. "Did you hear?" a voice murmured, laden with a mixture of excitement and uncertainty. "Alpha Blackwood is taking Ava with him. I wonder what that means for us." Another voice responded, tinged with a hint of irritation. "Who cares? To hell with that pathetic b***h. I couldn't be happier at this news." None of this mattered anymore. I would never have to face this sort of humiliation ever again, and I would finally be rid of this shadow which seemed to follow me everywhere. They wouldn't have to endure my presence anymore, and I wouldn't have to pretend like I wasn't hurt by their remarks. "I hear Alpha Cedric finally banished her," another voice continued. "I'd say it's about time he finally did it. That cursed wolf was going to be the end of us all. I'm glad to see she's finally getting what she deserved." As I continued packing, my heart heavy with mixed emotions, I couldn't help but overhear more snippets of conversation. Some were filled with relief, glad to see me gone, while others harbored resentment or concern for the pack's future. It was a reminder that my presence, no matter how troubled, had left an indelible mark on their lives. Amidst the whispers, a pang of sadness washed over me. Despite the hardships I endured, the Lupine pack had been my home. It was a place that had shaped me, scarred me, and ultimately propelled me toward this uncertain path. But now, standing on the precipice of a new beginning, I knew that I had to forge ahead, leaving the familiar behind. Closing my bag, I took a moment to steel myself, summoning the courage to embrace the unknown. Alpha Blackwood's arrival had upended my world, and though the journey ahead seemed daunting, it also held the promise of liberation. Isabella was nowhere to be found as well, the one person I actually wished I could see before I left. Maybe she heard the news, and she wasn't willing to see me. Either way, I was still grateful for her companionship, however brief it had been. Leaving behind the echoes of gossip, I ventured towards the door, my heart heavy with a mix of trepidation and hope. I had no illusions that the road ahead would be easy, but I couldn't ignore the flicker of possibility that burned within me. A few people watched me leave, most of them relieved while a few appeared to be sympathetic. As I stepped out into the unknown, the weight of my past settled upon my shoulders, urging me to push forward, to seek the solace and freedom that had eluded me for far too long. The whispers of the pack members faded into the distance, replaced by the distant call of a new chapter, beckoning me toward a destiny I had yet to fully grasp. Alpha Blackwood stood with his men as I arrived, and he ordered one of them to take my bag. "We have a long journey ahead of us," he said. "You can stay in the car with me and sleep if you want to. You look like you haven't closed your eyes in decades." "Thank you, Alpha Blackwood," I said. "For everything." "Ethan," he replied. "Call me Ethan." ***
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