
2143 Words
*** The heavy door swung open once more, its creaking hinges heralding the arrival of Alpha Cedric. The air grew thick with tension as he stepped into the dimly lit dungeon, his presence exuding dominance and a chilling aura of malevolence. His cold gaze locked onto me, and I could feel the weight of his scrutiny pressing down upon me. "Ah, Ava Thompson," Alpha Cedric sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "Are you ready to behave? Ready to prove yourself worthy of freedom?" I straightened my posture, meeting his icy gaze with a measured resolve. "Alpha Cedric," I replied, my voice steady despite the unease churning within me. "I have always sought to behave in a manner befitting the pack. I will continue to strive for that, regardless of my circumstances." A derisive chuckle escaped Alpha Cedric's lips, a sound that sent a shiver down my spine. "Words, Ava. Mere words." He took a step closer, his presence suffocating. "Actions speak louder than your feeble protests. I will set you free if, and only if, you prove your loyalty through unwavering obedience." His demand hung in the air, its weight pressing down upon me. I knew the treacherous game he played, the web of control he sought to ensnare me in. But defiance burned brightly within me, a flame that refused to be extinguished by his villainous machinations. "I will do my best," I said, keeping my gaze on the ground. With a sneer, he stepped forward and unlocked the cell, ordering me out. The taste of freedom lingered on my tongue, and I began to tremble as I could see my plan already falling into place. "The Shadowclaws will be here soon," he said as I stepped out. "I don't need them finding you here, as I'm sure they'll want a tour of the place. You will stay in your room and not make a sound, otherwise you will be back here in the blink of an eye." I nodded silently, and he shoved me out of the dungeon without a second glance and stormed away. Outside, Isabella was waiting to take me back to my room with a promise of breakfast. "I'm sorry," she whispered as we walked, keeping her head straight. "We all heard what happened." Isabella was the youngest of the omegas in the pack, a bright-eyed, bubbly sixteen year old who was always so cheerful to be around. She was a very good singer as well, and would often be found humming around the pack house when Alpha Cedric wasn't in an irritable mood. Which was only once in a blue moon. But she had never spoken to me before. "Thank you," I said. "My sister, Trina, stuck in a few cookies for you," she said when we reached my room in the basement. "She asked me to tell you to hide them so no one would figure it out. I need to get back to the kitchen now. We're making the food for Alpha Blackwood's arrival." She hurried off, and I stepped into my tiny room and sat down slowly. The food sat beside me on a tray, and I ate dutifully, listening to the heavy footsteps above. I needed to gather my strength first before I set off. Amidst the flurry of preparations, my heart was thundering wildly as the hour drew closer and closer. My hands began to tremble, and I kept thinking that something was going to go wrong. I went over the plan several times in my head, looking for any mistakes which I had overlooked. I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but something kept telling me that I had overlooked a crucial step. With Alpha Blackwood's arrival, the entire pack would be engrossed in the grandeur of the occasion. The opulence of the festivities would provide the perfect distraction, a chance for me to slip away unnoticed. It was a risk, a gamble that held the key to my freedom, my ticket out of this life of servitude and scorn. If I could make it to the west wing of the pack house, I could climb out the window then make my way straight for the trees. Under the cover of the woods, no one would be able to spot me. Alpha Blackwood's arrival was marked by a hushed silence which settled over the entire house. That was my cue to move. Despite the pain in my ribs, and the dull buzzing in my head, I knew this was my one chance to escape. Stuffing the rest of the cookies in my pockets, I made my way out of the room and set off quickly. My steps led me through the labyrinthine corridors of the pack house, each creaking floorboard a reminder of the secrets I carried. I crept stealthily, my movements careful and calculated, like a phantom weaving through the darkness. Every sound was magnified, every heartbeat echoing in my ears. I cautiously tiptoed through the dimly lit halls, my heart pounding in my chest. Shadows danced on the walls, casting eerie shapes that seemed to mock my every move. As I navigated the corridors, I kept my steps light, like a wraith drifting through the night. I couldn't afford to be seen; the consequences of my escape were too dire. Each creak of the aging floorboards beneath my feet sent a jolt of fear through me, threatening to reveal my presence. My senses heightened, attuned to the slightest sound or movement that might betray me. I held my breath, listening intently for any sign of approaching footsteps or whispered voices. Sunlight trickled through the narrow windows, casting ethereal beams that illuminated the dust particles suspended in the air. This would have been easier at night, but I couldn't wait that long. I darted into the alcoves, using every ounce of stealth and agility I possessed. The scent of my packmates lingered in the air—a bittersweet reminder of the family I was leaving behind. But I knew deep in my heart that I could no longer belong to a world that had rejected and abandoned me. A surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins as I descended the stairs, each step bringing me closer to both liberation and uncertainty. When I finally reached the window, my heart leapt in my chest as I realised that I was so close to freedom. I pulled it open slowly, checking outside to make sure no one was there before I stuck my foot out. "Ava?" I froze at the sound of my name from behind, and I think I might have died in that exact moment. My mouth went absolutely dry, and a cold sweat broke out all over my forehead as I went rigid like a statue. This could not be happening. Please, this should not be happening. I couldn't bring myself to turn around, or even acknowledge the fact that I was well and truly caught. My foot was still out the window, and it was very clear that I was trying to escape. I wanted the earth to swallow me whole, and I wanted to die. Why did this have to happen to me? Why did it always have to be me? "Ava, what are you doing here?" Wait, that voice sounded familiar. I turned around slowly to find Isabella standing in the hallway, staring at me with a puzzled expression. Her eyes shifted between my face and the open window, trying to figure out what was going on. I was slightly relieved that it was her and not someone else like Harriet, but I knew how bad this looked. "Bella," I said quietly, biting my lip as I tried to figure out a reasonable lie. "Um, I can explain?" Her eyes narrowed in suspicion, and it was obvious that she knew I was lying. I waited for her to scream and raise the alarm, because that was what everyone would do in this situation. Instead, Bella did something that surprised me. "You shouldn't head that way," she said. "Alpha Cedric has two guards stationed there. Take the servant's exit to the tool shed, then make your way across the fence. You'll need to stay down so no one will catch you." Words failed me as I realised what she was doing. She was actually helping me, even though she had caught me redhanded. Tears swam in my eyes as I looked at her, and I was extremely grateful for what she had done. "Bella, I..." "You don't need to explain yourself, Ava," she said. "I would do the same if I was in your position. Now hurry up and go. The meeting is almost over." I smiled at her in appreciation, but as I pulled my leg out of the window, an idea struck me. "Come with me," I said. "We can leave all of this behind and start a new life." "I can't leave Trina," she said. "She's my sister." "She can come with us," I said. "No one should have to go through what we're going through in this pack." Bella took my hand in hers and smiled at me, the warmest and most caring smile I had ever seen since my mother died. "You're a brave woman, Ava," she said. "I wish I could come with you. But my place is here. You should go now, before someone catches you." "I'll never forget this, Bella," I said before turning down the hallway and hurrying off. My heart pounded in my chest as I hurried through the dimly lit hallways of the pack house. Every step I took felt like a race against time, my senses on high alert, anticipating the freedom that awaited me beyond these walls. I could hear hushed tones from downstairs, and I knew that the meeting must almost be over. I had to hurry and get out of here. There was nothing I needed to pack, so I could just leave without wasting any more time. But just as I reached the side door, a figure emerged from the shadows. It was Harriet, Alpha Cedric's chosen mate. Her eyes narrowed and a mix of suspicion and anger etched across her face. In that instant, I knew she would figure out what I was doing, and my heart sank to the bottom of my chest. "Where do you think you're going, you little rat?" her voice sliced through the air, her tone filled with venomous accusation. "Shouldn't you be in the dungeons where you belong?" My heart sank, my plans unraveling before my very eyes. I tried to summon words, an explanation, but they caught in my throat. I couldn't bear to look into her eyes, to witness the disappointment and betrayal reflected within them. Harriet stepped closer, the silence between us suffocating, as though time stood still, and the weight of my actions bore down upon me. "You're trying to run away? Have you lost your fvcking mind?" Harriet's voice trembled with a mix of anger and disgust. I averted my gaze, my voice barely a whisper. "I'm sorry, Harriet. I didn't have a choice. I needed... I needed to escape." Her laughter was bitter, laced with an undeniable rage. "Escape? And what will you find out there, Ava? A life of hardship and danger? You don't understand what it means to be part of this pack, to have security and a place to belong." Her words pierced me, a painful reminder of the harsh reality that awaited me beyond these walls. But my determination remained unyielding, the desire for freedom burning bright within me. "I may not understand, Harriet, but I can't stay here any longer," I replied, my voice laced with a mix of defiance and desperation. "I refuse to be confined to the role of an omega, to be subjected to Alpha Cedric's cruelty. There has to be more to life than this." Harriet's expression hardened, a flicker of understanding crossing her features. "You're willing to risk everything for a chance at freedom?" I nodded, my gaze meeting hers for the first time. "Yes. I can't live a life of fear and oppression any longer. I deserve more, Harriet." She was silent for a while, and a tiny part of me actually believed that she would understand where I was coming from. Maybe she would let me leave, and I would be eternally grateful for that. But then, a twisted smile crossed her face as she grabbed my wrist and stormed off down the hallway. "Let's see what Alpha Cedric has to say about this," she said with a sinister smirk. "Harriet, please," I begged, struggling to get away from her. "Please don't do this." "Shut the fvck up!" she snapped. "You think you're so clever, don't you? Well let's see how clever you are." ***
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